
Object Theatre

“Life out of Inanimate Objects”


Problem solving is a key aspect of any art design. For this project you will work in groups to solve a problem. You and a peer will work together to create an animate creature/organism out of an inanimate object. Challenge yourself to work together to creatively solve this problem. Sadly no musical devices allowed, and both members of the group are required to create an artist statement.




-Create an animate creature/organism out of an inanimate object.

-Use any materials to create your animate form


Clothes hanger, Paper, tape, Glue, Paint, anything.

Artist Statement: ( 4 PARAGRAPHS)

Create a 4 Paragraph Artist Statement – Fully answer each question

1st Paragraph-A discussion of what actions you took to make your Object Theatre creation. Describe in steps how you thumb nailed, drafted, and sketched out your final designs.

2nd Paragraph-Refer to other Object Theatre creation (look at ex’s) and how they relate to your artistic work. Think of other objects, ideas, art pieces that are using sculpture.

3rd Paragraph -What is the design of your sculpture? Clearly describe your Final Object Theatre creation and what is represented on them? (Describe what type of lines, weight, symbols, objects, etc.)

4th Paragraph -Your thoughts, feelings, and opinions on the project and your piece are explained in a way that any reader can understand you as an artist.

-A Self Evaluation – What could you do better and what you did well in designing your Type Face?

-What could Mr. Field do better in his instruction? More examples or techniques?

Examples of this type of Art:

Any sculpture

Rubric: Please view the Posted Rubric Criteria or look within your Notes Packet

100 95 90%






89 85 80%



Above Average

Very Good


79 75 70%





Not Yet Acceptable

69 65 60%



Below Average

Needs Improvement

59% & below





Name :______Partner Name: ______

Object Theatre Worksheet______/50


Animate - ______


Inanimate - ______


In Process Questions

1. What are some of your first thoughts looking at the object you received?





2. How did you and your partner start thinking about the task of creating an animate object out of an inanimate object?




3. How did you decide on what to create? Did you follow your original plan, or modify it? How did you come to your final creation?





4. Create sketches for your original design idea and for final creative solution: