1. He is considered one of the most important thinkers of his time. He believed that dreams express unconscious fears or desires. Who am I? ______.
  1. Due to the growth of cities, these developed on the outskirts of cities. Strongsville is considered one of these. ______.
  1. ______painters tried to paint vivid impressions of people and places. Claude Monet and Pierre Renoir were the leading painters of this school.
  1. This French husband and wife team, ______, provided evidence that atoms were not as simple as earlier scientists had thought.
  1. They were the first to achieve a sustained, controlled flight in a powered airplane. Mr. Syroney and his family visited this famous site this summer. Who are we? ______.
  1. I was a French biologist who suggested that living things changed their form in response to their environment. In fact, my theories influenced Charles Darwin. Who am I? ______.
  1. In 1869, this Russian chemist made the first classification of elements that became known as the Periodic Table. Who was he? ______.
  1. During the 1800’s, large numbers of people moving away from their native lands occurred. What term is this called? ______.
  1. In the 1880’s, this American adapted rugby into an early form of football. Who was he? ______.
  1. The photographs of this American showed the horrors of the Civil War? Who was he? ______. This photographer captured the lives of poor people in very dramatic ways. ______.
  1. In the mid 1880’s, writers and artists began to deal with everyday life and and social settings, an approach called, ______.
  1. William Wordsworth, John Keats, and Lord Bryon were all members of this artistic movement that appealed to imagination and individuality. What is the name of this movement? ______.
  1. This early sociologist coined the term, “survival of the fittest”. Who was he? ______.
  1. In 1889, I opened Hull House in Chicago, which provided education, job training, and cultural events. Who am I? ______.
  1. These topics are covered in this new field of study that developed in the 1800’s, economics, history, politics, and human relations. What is the name of this new field? ______.
  1. His theory of relativity could be best summarized in the famous mathematical formula E= mc2. His ideas led to the development of the atomic bomb which he refused to take part in building. Who was he? ______.
  1. I was an English physician who found a way to prevent small pox, a disease that swept through cities and killed hundreds of thousands. Who am I? ______.
  1. When discovering the light bulb, I was quoted as saying, “I didn’t discover how to create the first light bulb, I discovered 1,000 ways how to not create the light bulb.” Who am I? ______.
  1. This entertainment that was popular in the United States consisted of light, comical skits that combined music, dialogue, dancing, and singing. What was this called? ______.
  1. I wrote a story about a living monster that is created out of dead bodies, ______. I wrote about incredible journeys by balloons, rockets, and submarines, ______. I wrote tales about time machines, invisible men, and invaders from Mars, ______.