Life Group Notes
Week Beginning – Sun 3rd September 2017 – New Heart (Phil 1:1-11)
Theme – As we set out on the next part of the Lantern adventure we need to keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. What better way to keep that focus than to look together on the fantastic book of Philippians! Enjoy!
Welcome(10 mins) – play a gentle CD track & listen to Jesus…then read together out loud Psalm 51 & allow God to prepare your heart for what he wants to show you this year.
Worship(10 mins) – What was your PE teacher like at school – did they fill you with dread or were you just an incredible poser? What was your least favourite sporting activity at school?
Word(45 mins)
- Read Philippians 1:1-11
- It doesn’t matter how good the individuals are the key aspect of any successful team is joint heart! Philippians is a JOY-FILLED book with Paul’s aim to walk in God’s grace & go for it as His followers!
- What sort of things can rob you of joy? Discuss circumstances / people / things / worry – how have you tried to combat these things? It’s said that one way of maintaining joy is to be single-minded – this chapter sums that up well!
- Read v 3-6: Paul wrote this while tied up in prison. How easy to find it to say thank you? How can we be partners together (v 5) even when we’re not physically in the same room? Think practically about this.
- Read v 7-8: Paul seems to have a deep ‘heart’ love for his fellow Christians. What is the level of love that you feel your life group has? Be honest – are there areas you need to grow in? Be practical.
- Read v 9-11: Read together these verses & pray it for the group BUT maybe spend some time talking through some dreams & vision of what the group could really be like in the future. What sort of ‘fruit’ would you like to see come from the times you have together? Are there SMART goals you could set together?
- Please pray for the leadership of the Lantern (Katherine S / John M / Chris T working alongside the bishop & archdeacon) as they seek God for the future & a new Vicar.
- Pray for love & unity & especially within the staff team as it continues to lead & support the work here in Merley!
- What would you like to say THANK YOU to God for today!?
Life Group Notes
Week Beginning Sun 10th Sept 2017 – New Purpose (Phil 1:12-30)
Theme – As we set out on the next part of the Lantern adventure we need to keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. What better way to keep that focus than to look together on the fantastic book of Philippians! Enjoy!
Welcome(10 mins) – Ask the group to be quiet & write down a verse or passage that most helps them when they are in times of need. Encourage them to share this with the group & then consecrate each person’s life afresh to him.
Worship(10 min) – If you could eat whatever you liked in whichever restaurant in whichever country where would it be?
Word(40 min) – Read together Philippians 1:12-30
Pauls’ passion & focus was to bring the good news to Jesus in Rome. He didn’t expect to do it as a prisoner but he was excited to be there doing the stuff. Everything became a +ve experience in reaching that goal even the following…
- Read v 12-14: Paul doesn’t complain about the ‘chains’ he had. What sort of chains helped him & why? His chains gave him time to talk to the soldiers he was chained to about the gospel & (v 14) there was encouragement for other Christians to speak out. What areas feel like ‘chains’ to you? (home/work/family situation) How can God use you in these places? Share practical encouragement.
- Read v 15-19: How do you cope with criticism? What’s your first response? How often do we think we know the ONLY way to share Christ? Are there times when we’ve been critical rather than seeking to encourage?
- Read v 20-30: Christ known (v 13), Christ preached (v 18), Christ magnified (v 20). Paul takes us to an understanding that we are ‘between lives’…we’d rather be in heaven but…we’ve a job to do! In the end we want Christ to be MAGNIFIED! Concentrate on verse 21 – how can we turn the prospect of eternity into a challenge to live life to the full! Finish with praise & a desire to get accountable so we can mature in Jesus. Let’s not just coast!
Someone once challenged me in Brazil – “the western church is afflicted by this – there is little difference between Christians & not-yet-Christians in the way you live your life – you’re just a little bit nicer!” Is this true in our church & in what ways can we be more radical than that?” Pray into this.
- Continue to pray for the kids & youth work – would you see yourselves playing your part in this key aspect of church life?
Life Group Notes
Week Beginning – Sun 17th Sept 2017 – New Attitude (Phil 2:1-11)
Theme – As we set out on the next part of the Lantern adventure we need to keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. What better way to keep that focus than to look together on the fantastic book of Philippians! Enjoy!
Welcome(10 mins) – What are some of the things you still want to do in the rest of your life – travel, family, spirituality etc.
Worship(10 min) – Psalm 25:1-15 is a cracker! Why not read a verse at a time & then pause while individuals add their own thoughts & praises before continuing with the next….
Word (45 min) – Read Philippians 2:1-11
The church in Philippi was under threat – disunity! What sort of church do we want to be part of? Read v 1-4 together again. How would you describe practical humility?
- He thinks of others, not himself.
v 5-6 – the private attitude is more important than the public. Jesus was God but he gave it all up to live amongst us. Is there anything we’ve had to give up to live fully for Christ?
- He serves
v 7 – Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty! Consider the humiliation of Christ. He emptied himself / he became human / he became a servant / he went to the cross & willingly died. Look at Matt 20:28 & john 13 for more stuff on servanthood. How can we serve one another better? Let’s continue to look for creative ways to reach out to our community. Are there creative ways the group could look to serve others?
- He sacrifices
v 8-11 – It’s all a bit costly this Christianity lark eh!? The more we give the more we receive. The more we sacrifice the more God blesses. Are there stories of sacrifice in your life that have borne fruit? Is there anything you could sacrifice to God? Finances? Work? Time? Sport? What a reason to do it – to glorify HIM! Isn’t it humbling to work for the one who owns the lot. Who else is it worth pleasing?
Witness(10 mins) – Are there practical things one can do to bless those around you? Is there something in the office or home that show the love of Christ? Think of one person you can bless & share it with the group over the next week.
Prayer topic – thank you Lord for the ‘Merley Seniors Summer Club’ for over 60’s. Pray for the follow up especially those that had questions about faith. Pray especially for Tony & Roz Hanson & their leadership of this area.
Life Group Notes
Week Beginning – Sun 24 Sept 2017–New Relationships (Phil 2:12-30)
Theme – As we set out on the next part of the Lantern adventure we need to keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. What better way to keep that focus than to look together on the fantastic book of Philippians! Enjoy!
Welcome(10 mins) – if I knew I couldn’t fail I’d try….
Worship(15 Mins) – Put on a couple of CD tracks & spend time drinking in the presence of God of the living God. Try reading together & meditate (that means take time on!) Psalm 71:5-8
Word(45 mins) – Read Philippians 2:12-30
So you want to see your lives change? Could it be that we have everything available to help us in Christ we just have to walk in it! Sometimes it’s just the challenge of the will. Even more challenging is to be a great example to others.
v 12,13 – what’s the vision for your life? Have you set goals for the next few months? Sometimes it’s so easy to drift – how do we keep on the edge with where the Spirit is leading.
v 14-18 – how’s your gladness account? What is your natural response to difficult moments & circumstances in your life? How can we help to encourage us in this walk with God?
v 19-30 – 2 characters to help us in our walk….Timothy & Epaphroditus… Timothy – he had a servant’s …mind (19-21)…training (v 22)….reward (v 23) Epaphroditus – He was a …balanced Christian (v 25)…burdened (v 26,27)…blessed (v 28-30)
What qualities do you want more than anything else? Why not write them down, share them with your group & ask to be accountable to achieve them? Ask the Holy Spirit for the ‘mind of Christ’…
Witness(15 mins) – Think of practical ways to be a +ve example for Christ at work, play etc. Is there ONE thing you can do this week to bless someone & lead them to Jesus!
Pray for Katherine, John, Chris Tebbutt, the Bishop of Sherborne & the Archdeacon of Dorset as they draw up the short-list for the new Vicar of the Lantern. That there will a tangible sense of the presence of God & that it will be an excellent ‘field’ to fish from.
Life Group Notes
Week Beginning – Sun 1st October 2017 – HARVEST!
Theme – an opportunity to reflect on all we have….with thankfulness in our hearts!
Welcome (10 min) – For what in life do you feel most grateful?
Worship(15 min) – Get hold of some ‘Thank You’ notelets. We’re going to write a thankyou note to God. Take 5 minutes to write a short note to God with something you are thankful for. Ask, no pressure, if they feel able to share what was on the note. Then spend some time in praise to Him
Word(40 mins) – read Matthew 6:25-34
- In the light of the passage how do I want things t be different over the next 10 years?
- What do I use these things most for…
My money?
My time?
My energy?
My imagination?
- We are called to ‘seek first the kingdom & his righteousness & all these things will be yours as well’ What does it take to put his kingdom first in things? Have there been times in the past when you’ve done that & there has been huge breakthrough?
- How can we worry less?
- Ow can you show more of an ‘attitude of gratitude’ in the future?
Witness (10 mins) – people are drawn to thankful people. In what ways can you think evangelistically about how thankfulness can be used for the extension of the kingdom?
- Harvest is a good time to pray for the projects we support often working in areas of real deprivation & injustice – India, Serbia, Romania, Routes to Roots.
- The local Foodbank is in Wimborne. Could your Life Group more clearly support this – think creatively about this as a group!
Life Group Notes
Week Beginning – Sun 8th October 2017 – New Confidence (Phil 3:1-11)
Theme – We continue cracking on with the brilliant letter to the Philippians – enjoy!
Welcome (10 mins) – Who is the most confident person you have ever met? Are they over-confident or just right?
Worship(10 min) – It’s all about trust. Prov 3:5,6 – read it & meditate on it! Play a worship song of trust! Pray into it!
Word(45 mins) –read Philippians 3:1-11
- Who are the people mentioned in 3:2? Why is Paul so incensed about it? Can you think of equivalents in the church today?
- Why is something like baptism not enough? How can you have false confidence in your spiritual background?
- What personal achievements does Paul draw attention to? What parallels are there in your own experience?
- Where does Paul’s new confidence come from? How has his attitude changed? What do you think are the causes of such a dramatic change?
- What’s the difference between knowing Jesus as Saviour or Lord? Where are the key lordship decisions in your life?
- How do you explain v 10? How do we ‘share in his sufferings’?
- What steps can we take to help our confidence grow? What role does the church play in this?
Witness(10 mins) – when was the last time you actually shared what it is to know Jesus? How much did you talk about Jesus as Saviour & how much on the cost of following him?
- Pray for Ruth & her team as they continue to reach out to the local children in the school & through activities like Toddlers & Kids Club / The Zone.
- Pray for strength & for more helpers – have you thought about this incredible opportunity to make a difference & share the love of Christ with those around us.
Life Group Notes
Week Beginning – Sun 15th Oct 2017 – New Ambitions (Phil 3:10-21)
Theme – What an adventure it is following Jesus. He gives us new purpose & ‘life in all its fullness’ (john 10:10). What does that mean in practice? Let’s dig further into this.
Welcome(10 mins) – What is your favourite Sunday afternoon pastime & why?
Worship(10 mins) – Spend a few minutes in quiet thinking of a personal dream of yours – the bigger the better. Share it with the rest of the group. Why not then read Jabez prayer (1 Chronicles 4:10) out loud & pray into it that God would raise your expectations.
Word(40 mins) – read together Philippians 3:10-21
Recap the past few weeks – Ch 1.. Are you living all out for Jesus? Ch 2 – What’s your character like?...Ch 3 – Where’s your confidence? Are there things that have changed in your Christian life as a result of these weeks together?
Look at v 19-20 – How much does the prospect of heaven motivate you?
What are the essentials for winning the race & receiving the reward?
v 12, 13a – Dissatisfaction – how can you change your dissatisfaction level?
v 13 – Devotion – ‘one thing I do!’ – how can you discern the ‘one thing’?
v 13b – Direction – how is it possible to forget the past & look to the future? Are there examples in your life & others that have helped you with this?
v 14 – Determination – what does ‘working for God’ really mean? Ow do we get the balance between what God can do through us & what we do?
v 15,16 – Discipline – how are your daily disciplines? Let’s be open about how we engage with God in reading our bibles, prayer & just spending time in HIS presence. Do we need to be more accountable in this?
Reflect on this & pray…
Witness(10 mins) – As we look at those around us who don’t yet know Jesus try & understand their desire to achieve something in life. Maybe that will provide an opportunity to share the ‘balanced life’ that Jesus brings!
- It’s HALF TERM next week so no Life Group so relax & prepare for SUPER SUNDAY with guest speaker Andy Perry on Sun 29 October. An opportunity for the Lantern to draw together, take stock & focus on Jesus.
- Pray for the plans for Christmas – Carols in the Precinct, Kids/Youth events to introduce folk to the immense love of Jesus….
Life Group Notes
Week Beginning – Sun 29th October 2017 – New Resources (Phil 4:1-9)
Theme – Hope you had a cracking half term. Wasn’t it great to come together for SUPER SUNDAY? God is so good & he’s doing great things amongst us!!
Welcome(10 min) – What is the one thing you worried about this past week?
Worship(10 min) – Spend time meditating with music playing maybe on Psalm 23. Praise the Lord – He is our gracious shepherd
Word(40 mins) – Read Philippians 4:2-9
Stand firm in your relationship with God – the practicalities are that often we need to walk in forgiveness (read v 2,3)
What is the biggest selling drug in the world (certainly used to be!)…pause… ZANTAC… (an anti-ulcer drug which made millions for Glaxo!). The bible is full of challenges not to worry but we still do! Matthew 6 is worth a look at as well as this passage.
v 6,7 – Right Praying
What constitutes good praying – adoration, petition, thanksgiving? Are there any answers to prayer that have brought the sort of ‘peace’ that it talks about here? Share them with one another.
v 8 – Right Thinking
Sow a thought, reap an action Sow an action, reap a habit Sow a habit, reap a character Sow a character, reap a destiny
How do you react to this statement? Does it ring true in your life?
v 9 - Right Living
We can’t separate outward action from inward thought. As the NIKE advert says… ’Just DO IT!’ Are you a thermostat or a thermometer? We need to be thermostats regulating the environment around us rather than vice versa! Go For It!
Witness(10 mins)
Are there people you know about who are experiencing lack of peace at the moment? How can you practically show the love of Jesus to them TODAY!!
Life Group Notes
Week Beginning – Sun 5th Nov 2017 – New Generosity (Phil 4:10-23)
Theme – we’re coming to the end of the series on Philippians. Hope you feel mightily encouraged! Remembrance next week & then a few weeks with a focus on the miraculous God we worship…