Referral Criteria Code of Practice C11a

Revised Nov 2016


supporting survivors of rape and sexual abuse

Referral Criteria

Appropriate Referrals

Lifecentre is able to offer face to face counselling and telephone helpline services to all survivors of any form of sexual abuse, past or present. Children aged 10yrs and under are offered play therapy. This includes all sexual offences defined by the 2003 Sexual Offences Act, including non touch based sexually abusive experiences. This service is offered on a non- discriminatory basis irrespective of race, gender, age, disability, religion or sexual orientation.

Catchment Area

Lifecentre will take referrals for face to face counselling from clients where we are the nearest specialised service to where they live. Lifecentre works across West Sussex with centres in Chichester, Worthing and Crawley.

Mental Health

Lifecentre is not able to provide counselling for people with severe mental health problems since this could be detrimental to their mental health and cause them to become destabilised. This decision applies particularly to people who may currently be (or have experienced within the last year) experiencing psychotic episodes including clinical paranoia. With appropriate consent, Lifecentre would consult with the Mental Health professionals involved in their care or their GP in making this decision. Counselling could be offered in the future once the mental health problems have adequately stabilised for the client to be able to work effectively and safely in counselling. Clients who are at high risk of suicide and/or presenting with severe mental health issues should be referred to CMHT and only be referred to Lifecentre once they are more stabilised.

Non-Prescribed Drug or Alcohol Dependency

Clients are required to be able to attend sessions or use the helpline whilst clear-headed and not under the influence of non-prescribed drugs or alcohol. Drug/alcohol dependent clients should be stable and their substance usage well-managed before they start a course of face to face counselling. Such clients would only be offered counselling if they are receiving regular support from a specialised substance use agency and assessed by them as being stable enough to benefit from counselling at this time. Such clients must have signed Lifecentre’s Drug and Alcohol Use Client Contract.

Perpetrators of Sexual Abuse

Lifecentre has a general policy of not knowingly working either face to face or on the telephone helpline with anyone who has been a perpetrator of sexual abuse. This should always be maintained when any sexually offending behaviour was perpetrated by the person as an adult.

However, we are aware that some child victims of sexual abuse may also act out sexually offending behaviour as children. Where the sexually offending behaviour is the primary issue, Lifecentre would not be the appropriate agency for that child. However, where the primary issue with such a client is as a victim of sexual abuse, then following assessment, we may be happy to offer a course of therapy.

Lifecentre always reserves the right not to work with any clients who have a history of sexually offending behaviour. This is for the safety of our other clients as well as due to the clinical efficacy of our type of counselling possibly not being the most suitable for such a client’s needs.

Information will be given to such clients as to alternative agencies that can offer them a service, to the best of our knowledge. This might include:

Psychosexual therapy available via GP referral


Counselling for supporters

Lifecentre is able to provide face to face counselling for people who are actively supporting a survivor of rape or sexual abuse. This support must be current and active towards the survivor with the aim of the counselling having a beneficial effect upon the survivor.

Supporters are also welcome to use the helplines.

Clients Needing more than 18 (+4) sessions

All clients are offered up to 18 sessions of counselling following their initial assessment session/s. All clients are also offered an additional 4 sessions to prepare for and debrief from a court case. Clients can have approved a defined number of additional sessions to their 18 +4 as part of their first course of counselling, on agreement with supervisor and Clinical Lead where there is assessed to be a genuine clinical lead.

Clients who have completed their 18 sessions of counselling with Lifecentre (+4 around any court case) will be considered for a further course of counselling upon request if:

·  Six months has passed since their last session with us.


·  There is a clear and new objective as to what they are looking for in a further course of counselling.

·  Their previous counsellor can recommend their suitability to a further course of counselling.

It will be at Lifecentre’s discretion:

·  whether such a client be offered the same counsellor as they previously saw or a new counsellor.

·  How many sessions will be offered.

·  In exceptional circumstances a further series of counselling sessions may be offered sooner than within the usual 6 month guideline eg if the client suffers a further episode of rape/sexual abuse or they experience a new significant threat.

Making a Referral:

Referrals should be made either by ringing the Lifecentre office 01243 786349 where a referral form will be completed over the phone. Or by emailing a completed Lifecentre referral form to Lifecentre’s secure email:

Referral forms can be requested by emailing

If sending a referral by email the sender should ensure they are using a secure email or password protect the completed referral form, phoning the Lifecentre office with the password.

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