Europos komisija
The European Commission
confederazione generale
italiana dell’artigianato
Lietuvos verslo darbdavių konfederacija
Lithuanian Business employers’ confederation
Dear Mr. Oliver Loebel,
We kindly invite you to participate in the seminar
European requirements for business - 2:
SOCIAL policy,
company law and competition law
PHARE Business Support Programme
(Community Acquis for SME’s)
19th November, 2001
Raitininkų str. 4
For information: + 370 2 498 345
19th November
9.00 Registration of participants
9.30 Welcoming words
Mr. Česlovas Kovėra, Chairman of Council, Lithuanian Business Employers’ Confederation
9.35 Presentation of the Business Support Programme and aims of the seminar
Mrs. Rūta Šmaižienė, Director of the Department on Legal Affairs, Lithuanian Business Employers’ Confederation
1 panel. European Social Policies
9.40 European social policies and Italian experience
Mr. Giacomo Curatolo, Confartigianato (Italy)
10.45 Influence of European social and employment policies on the development of Lithuanian business
Mr. Rimas Kairelis, Viceminister of Social Security and Labour
11.05 New draft Labour code and its future perspectives
Ms. Daiva Petrylaitė, Ministry of Social Security and Labour, Senior Specialist
11.25 Discussions
11.40 Coffee break
2 panel. European Company Law and Competition Law
12.10 European Company Law, Competition Law
Mr. Luc Hendrickx, UEAPME
13.10 Discussions
13.25 Lunch (restaurant of the hotel Šarūnas)
14.15 SME’s in the European Union and Lithuania. Legal status of SME’s and forms of aid in the EU and Lithuania.
Mr. Šarūnas Birutis, Head of the division on SME’s in the Ministry of Economy, Department of Industry and Business
14.40 Lithuanian company law in view of EU integration
Ms. Audronė Railaitė, Director of the Department on Economy and Management, Ministry of Economy
15.05 Lithuanian business and conditions of fair competition. Examples of competition cases
Mrs. Lina Darulienė, Head of Law Division, Lithuanian Competition Council
15.45 Activities of wholesailers not always follow the principle of fair competition: problems of businessmen trading with oil
Mr. Vytautas Kabaila, Director of Company “Klevo lapas“ (Maple leaf)
16.00 Discussions
16.20 Closing remarks
Mr. Česlovas Kovėra, Chairman of Council, Lithuanian Business Employers’ Confederation