Table D-2.--Building Site Development - Part 2
(The information in this table indicates the dominant soil condition but does not eliminate the need
for onsite investigation. The numbers in the value columns range from 0.01 to 1.00. The
larger the value, the greater the potential limitation. See text for further explanation of
ratings in this table.)
| | |
Map symbol | Local roads and | Shallow excavations | Lawns and landscaping
and soil name | streets | |
| Rating class and |Value| Rating class and |Value| Rating class and |Value
| limiting features | | limiting features | | limiting features |
| | | | | |
AfA: | | | | | |
Alford------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Not limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | | | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
AfB: | | | | | |
Alford------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Not limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | | | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
AfC2: | | | | | |
Alford------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Slope |0.04
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Slope |0.32 | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | | | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
AhB: | | | | | |
Alford------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Not limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | | | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
Urban Land------|Not rated | |Not rated | |Not rated |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
Ak: | | | | | |
Algiers------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Flooding |1.00
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Flooding |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to |0.75
| | | | | saturated zone |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Flooding |0.80 | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Depth to |0.75 | | | |
| saturated zone | | | | |
| | | | | |
AmB2: | | | | | |
Amanda------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Not limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Low strength |0.50 | Depth to |0.61 | |
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| Frost action |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
AmC2: | | | | | |
Amanda------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Slope |0.04
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Low strength |0.50 | Depth to |0.61 | |
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | Slope |0.32 | |
| Frost action |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
AmD2: | | | | | |
Amanda------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | |
| Low strength |0.50 | Depth to |0.61 | |
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
AmE: | | | | | |
Amanda------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Low strength |0.50 | Depth to |0.61 | |
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
AmF: | | | | | |
Amanda------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Low strength |0.50 | Depth to |0.61 | |
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
AvC2: | | | | | |
Amanda Variant------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Slope |0.04
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Slope |0.32 | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Low strength |0.50 | | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
AvD2: | | | | | |
Amanda Variant------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Slope |1.00 | | | |
| Low strength |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
BeA: | | | | | |
Bennington------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Depth to |0.48
| | | saturated zone | | saturated zone |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | | | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
BeB: | | | | | |
Bennington------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Depth to |0.48
| | | saturated zone | | saturated zone |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | | | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
BfA: | | | | | |
Bennington------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Depth to |0.48
| | | saturated zone | | saturated zone |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | | | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
Urban Land------|Not rated | |Not rated | |Not rated |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
BgB: | | | | | |
Berks------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Droughty |1.00
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |0.88
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| | | Depth to soft |0.88 | Gravel content |0.55
| | | bedrock | | |
| | | | | Content of large |0.08
| | | | | stones |
| | | | | |
BgD: | | | | | |
Berks------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Droughty |1.00
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |0.88
| | | Depth to soft |0.88 | Gravel content |0.55
| | | bedrock | | |
| | | | | Content of large |0.08
| | | | | stones |
| | | | | |
BrC: | | | | | |
Brownsville------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Gravel content |0.62
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | Slope |0.04
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Frost action |0.50 | Slope |0.32 | Content of large |0.03
| | | | | stones |
| Slope |0.32 | | | |
| | | | | |
BrD: | | | | | |
Brownsville------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | Gravel content |0.62
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | Content of large |0.03
| | | | | stones |
| Frost action |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
BrE: | | | | | |
Brownsville------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Gravel content |0.62
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | Content of large |0.03
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | stones |
| Frost action |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
BrF: | | | | | |
Brownsville------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Gravel content |0.62
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | Content of large |0.03
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | stones |
| Frost action |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
BrG: | | | | | |
Brownsville------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Gravel content |0.62
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | Content of large |0.03
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | stones |
| Frost action |0.50 | Content of large |0.00 | |
| | | stones | | |
| Content of large |0.00 | | | |
| stones | | | | |
| | | | | |
Ca: | | | | | |
Carlisle------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Not Rated |
| Depth to |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Not Rated; |
| saturated zone | | saturated zone | | Surface clay |
| | | | | percent |
| Subsidence |1.00 | Content of |1.00 | Content of |1.00
| | | organic matter | | organic matter |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Gravel content |1.00
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to |1.00
| | | cemented pan | | saturated zone |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | | | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| | | | | |
CeB: | | | | | |
Centerburg------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Depth to |0.03
| | | saturated zone | | saturated zone |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| Low strength |0.28 | | | |
| | | | | |
CeC2: | | | | | |
Centerburg------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Slope |0.04
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to |0.03
| | | | | saturated zone |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | Slope |0.32 | |
| Slope |0.32 | | | |
| | | | | |
CfB: | | | | | |
Centerburg------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Depth to |0.03
| | | saturated zone | | saturated zone |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| Low strength |0.28 | | | |
| | | | | |
Urban Land------|Not rated | |Not rated | |Not rated |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
CfC: | | | | | |
Centerburg------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Slope |0.04
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to |0.03
| | | | | saturated zone |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | Slope |0.32 | |
| Slope |0.32 | | | |
| | | | | |
Urban Land------|Not rated | |Not rated | |Not rated |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
ChA: | | | | | |
Chili------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Not limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Cutbanks cave |1.00 | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Frost action |0.50 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| | | | | |
ChB: | | | | | |
Chili------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Not limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Cutbanks cave |1.00 | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Frost action |0.50 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| | | | | |
ChC2: | | | | | |
Chili------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Cutbanks cave |1.00 | Slope |0.04
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Frost action |0.50 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Slope |0.32 | Slope |0.32 | |
| | | | | |
ChD2: | | | | | |
Chili------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Cutbanks cave |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Slope |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Frost action |0.50 | Slope |1.00 | |
| | | | | |
ChE2: | | | | | |
Chili------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Cutbanks cave |1.00 | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Frost action |0.50 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| | | | | |
CkB: | | | | | |
Cincinnati------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Not limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to |0.90 | |
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | | | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| | | | | |
CkC2: | | | | | |
Cincinnati------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Slope |0.04
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to |0.90 | |
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Slope |0.32 | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Slope |0.32 | | | |
| | | | | |
CmC2: | | | | | |
Clarksburg------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Slope |0.04
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to |0.03
| cemented pan | | | | saturated zone |
| Low strength |0.50 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | Slope |0.32 | |
| Frost action |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
CmD2: | | | | | |
Clarksburg------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to |0.03
| cemented pan | | | | saturated zone |
| Slope |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Low strength |0.50 | Slope |1.00 | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
Cn: | | | | | |
Condit------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Depth to |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Depth to |1.00
| saturated zone | | saturated zone | | saturated zone |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | | | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| | | | | |
CoB: | | | | | |
Coshocton------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Depth to |0.03
| | | saturated zone | | saturated zone |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Low strength |0.50 | Too clayey |0.50 | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
CoC2: | | | | | |
Coshocton------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Slope |0.04
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to |0.03
| | | | | saturated zone |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Low strength |0.50 | Too clayey |0.50 | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | Slope |0.32 | |
| | | | | |
CoD2: | | | | | |
Coshocton------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to |0.03
| | | | | saturated zone |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | |
| Low strength |0.50 | Too clayey |0.50 | |
| | | | | |
CoE2: | | | | | |
Coshocton------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Depth to |0.03
| | | saturated zone | | saturated zone |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Low strength |0.50 | Too clayey |0.50 | |
| | | | | |
CrA: | | | | | |
Crane------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Cutbanks cave |1.00 | Depth to |0.19
| | | | | saturated zone |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | |
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to |0.19 | | | |
| saturated zone | | | | |
| | | | | |
FaD: | | | | | |
Fairpoint------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Droughty |0.28
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | Slippage |0.50 | |
| Frost action |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
FcA: | | | | | |
Fitchville------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Depth to |0.48
| | | saturated zone | | saturated zone |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | | | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
FcB: | | | | | |
Fitchville------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Depth to |0.48
| | | saturated zone | | saturated zone |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | | | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
FoD2: | | | | | |
Fox------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Cutbanks cave |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Gravel content |0.06
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Slope |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Low strength |0.90 | Slope |1.00 | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
FoE2: | | | | | |
Fox------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Cutbanks cave |1.00 | Gravel content |0.06
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Low strength |0.90 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
FrB: | | | | | |
Frankstown Variant--|Somewhat limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |0.42
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Frost action |0.50 | Depth to thin |1.00 | Content of large |0.08
| | | cemented pan | | stones |
| Depth to bedrock |0.42 | | | |
| Low strength |0.05 | | | |
| | | | | |
Mertz------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Gravel content |0.13
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | Content of large |0.08
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | stones |
| Frost action |0.50 | | | Droughty |0.00
| Low strength |0.05 | | | |
| | | | | |
GfA: | | | | | |
Glenford------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Not limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to |0.99 | |
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | | | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
GfB: | | | | | |
Glenford------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Not limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to |0.99 | |
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | | | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
GnB: | | | | | |
Guernsey------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Not limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Shrink-swell |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to |0.99 | |
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Too clayey |0.50 | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | | | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| | | | | |
GnC2: | | | | | |
Guernsey------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Slope |0.04
| Shrink-swell |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to |0.99 | |
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Too clayey |0.50 | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Slope |0.32 | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| | | | | |
GnD: | | | | | |
Guernsey------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| Shrink-swell |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Low strength |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to |0.99 | |
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Slippage |0.50 | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| | | | | |
HeF: | | | | | |
Hazleton------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | Content of large |0.03
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | stones |
| Frost action |0.50 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Gravel content |0.02
| | | | | Droughty |0.00
| | | | | |
Rock Outcrop------|Not rated | |Not rated | |Not rated |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
HkC2: | | | | | |
Hickory------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Slope |0.04
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Slope |0.32 | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| Frost action |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
HkD2: | | | | | |
Hickory------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Slope |1.00 | | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
HoB: | | | | | |
Homewood------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Not limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Frost action |0.50 | Depth to |0.90 | |
| | | saturated zone | | |
| | | | | |
HoC2: | | | | | |
Homewood------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Slope |0.04
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Frost action |0.50 | Depth to |0.90 | |
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Slope |0.32 | Slope |0.32 | |
| Low strength |0.05 | | | |
| | | | | |
HoD2: | | | | | |
Homewood------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | |
| Frost action |0.50 | Depth to |0.90 | |
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Low strength |0.05 | | | |
| | | | | |
HoE2: | | | | | |
Homewood------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Frost action |0.50 | Depth to |0.90 | |
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Low strength |0.05 | | | |
| | | | | |
KeB: | | | | | |
Keene------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Depth to |0.03
| | | saturated zone | | saturated zone |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | | | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
KeC2: | | | | | |
Keene------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Slope |0.04
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to |0.03
| | | | | saturated zone |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Slope |0.32 | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
KeD2: | | | | | |
Keene------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Slope |1.00
| | | saturated zone | | |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to |0.03
| | | | | saturated zone |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Slope |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| Slope |1.00 | | | |
| | | | | |
Kk: | | | | | |
Killbuck------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Depth to |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Flooding |1.00
| saturated zone | | saturated zone | | |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to |1.00
| | | | | saturated zone |
| Flooding |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Low strength |1.00 | Flooding |0.80 | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | | | |
| | | | | |
Lu: | | | | | |
Luray------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Very limited |
| Depth to |1.00 | Depth to |1.00 | Depth to |1.00
| saturated zone | | saturated zone | | saturated zone |
| Frost action |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Low strength |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| | | cemented pan | | |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | | | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | | | |
| cemented pan | | | | |
| | | | | |
McB: | | | | | |
Mechanicsburg------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Not limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | |
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |
| cemented pan | | cemented pan | | |
| Low strength |0.50 | | | |
| Shrink-swell |0.50 | | | |
| Frost action |0.50 | | | |
| | | | | |
McC2: | | | | | |
Mechanicsburg------|Very limited | |Very limited | |Somewhat limited |
| Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Depth to bedrock |1.00 | Slope |0.04
| Depth to thin |1.00 | Depth to thin |1.00 | |