Library Leadership Team (LLT) Meeting – Thursday, September 1, 2016; 8:30am-10:00am
Present: Maggie Farrell, Tammy Crane, Peg Tyler, Michelle Voyles, Chris Vinson, Gail Julian, Brenda Burk, Suzanne Schilf, and Kristy Snider
· FLSA Changes – Kristy Snider
o U.S. Department of Labor’s final rule updating the overtime regulations will be effective December 1, 2016.
§ A new salary threshold of $47,476 will be established.
o Anyone making less than $47,476 will become non-exempt and will be recording time in Kronos.
o Flex time will be encouraged over comp time.
o If compensatory time is accrued between a total of 37.5 hours and 40 hours, the ratio will be 1:1.
o Travel time will be discussed in advance for non-exempt employees who may be traveling for professional development.
§ The Office of Human Resources will provide clear and specific guidance to all employees and supervisors during the fall of 2016.
§ Kristy is working with HR on specific positions and will assist with communicating any changes to employees and their supervisors
· Goals – Peg Tyler
Peg noted that as part of the faculty goal setting, faculty need to connect their goals/work to university goals and objectives.
o There are four levels of faculty goals
§ University goals – outlined in Clemson Forward
§ Library goals – in the draft Libraries Forward
§ Unit goals
§ Individual goals
o Goals will be frozen once agreed upon; changing goals is possible but it will be a more formal discussion/agreement typically connected with a change in position or circumstances
o The faculty member will meet with the Chair and supervisor to discuss FAS
o Faculty member can disclaim goals but the conversation hopes to come to agreement on specific goals for the year
o Chair and faculty member can electronically sign-off
o Timeline for goals completion set for end of September
o Reminder: next year’s merit, if available, will be based on individual research as outlined by the Provost