Library Leadership Team (LLT) Meeting – Thursday, August 18, 2016; 8:30am-10:00am
Present: Maggie Farrell, Tammy Crane, Michelle Voyles, Chris Vinson, Gail Julian, Suzanne Schilf, and Kristy Snider
- Convocation Speaker – Dr. Mae Jemison
Library faculty selected the speaker and it was also a chance to acknowledge the Cooper Library 50th Anniversary.
- Feedback has been very positive
- Just unfortunate that Library folks weren’t able to have much time with Dr. Jemison because of constrained schedule. Maggie was hoping that we could host her for a dinner the night before or another activity with just library employees. As it turned out, Dr. Jemison arrived late on Monday night and had to cut short the lunch in order to fly home.
- Provost Leadership Team Announcements – Maggie Farrell
- eTPR will experience realignment due to the college reorganization which will not impact the Libraries. But as part of the process, the Provost Office noticed that at times, eTPR reviews may be on hold if someone is unable to acknowledge the TPR – sabbaticals for example.
- By next year, 10 day waiting period within eTPR will be able to move after lack of activity.
- BOT will review/consider new educational policies at their October meeting. This includes all program, degree, and other curriculum changes. Such changes will occur only once or twice a year and not on a continual basis as is the current practices.
- Diversity Initiatives
- At Chair Retreat, there were ways to increase diversity within faculty searches was discussed.
- Deans will insert themselves in searches as needed.
- Ads will be examined so that no unintentional bias is evident.
- More information will be provided to candidates during interview to show diversity and culture in surrounding areas.
- Kristy will meet with Health Services Librarian search committee regarding this topic.
- We may target library schools with a more diverse body.
- Host/swap HBC (Historically Black Colleges) for a week?
- USC fellowship program for minorities (endowment: ½ Library, ½ Library school)
- Contact Jaena Alabi, Auburn University? – won award on paper on racial microaggressions
- We need to focus on ideas and ways to increase diversity in the Libraries so LLT will need to discuss this further and with the entire Libraries.
- Cooper 50th Anniversary – Maggie Farrell
- Clemson Development is working with the Libraries on a dinner within Cooper Library.
- Friday, September 16 - dinner library donors in the Will to Lead Campaign
- Volunteers may be needed
- Adobe Lab will be the location for the reception
- Plated dinner on 6th floor
- Announcement: Friday, November 4 – university-hosted gala to close out Will to Lead capital campaign
- The gala will either be within Cooper Library or on the patio in front of the Cooper
- This is being organized by Clemson Development but several library employees will help as needed
- Teri Alexander and Amanda Johnson are included in the planning meetings
- Amanda Johnson’s transition – Maggie Farrell
- Amanda will continue to do development, stewardship, and events
- All procurement, supplies, travel, registration, etc. revert to Tammy
- All HR, training, student hires revert to Kristy
- Dean’s calendar reverts to Maggie
- Office may be closed from time to time
- You may drop mail off in the mail room if we are not available
- Archivist III vacancy – Brenda Burk
- Position to remain the same, no changes
- Consideration to include someone from outside of unit on the interview committee.
- Position approved by LLT, will move forward
- Libraries Forward/Strategic Plan Rollout – Maggie Farrell
- Discussion of survey questions
- Forums (2 at Cooper, 1 at EMC, 1 at Depot)
- 1 hour long
- Unit Heads to facilitate conversations at different locations
- Snacks
- Organizational Philosophy
- ReACT – presented by Chris Vinson and Suzanne Schilf. Feedback needed by August 19th.