Library Instruction Lesson

Create an Index

Resource Title / Create an Index
File Name / Create an Index.doc
Resource Description
(This is information about the resource.) / Students identify, locate and create an index using Seymour Simon books.
Standard / AASL / FCPS
Strand / AASL / FCPS
Indicator / AASL / FCPS
Benchmark / AASL / FCPS
SOL / Eng 2.9, 3.7
(Books, files, links, graphic organizers, databases, etc.) / Alpha box or K-W-L
Graphic organizer for index
Seymour Simon book for each student
Pencil for each student
Presentation device (SMART Board, data projector or overhead)
Lesson Length / 35-45 minutes
Keywords or key phrases / Index
Seymour Simon
Alpha box
Year Created? / 2008
Teacher Editable? / X Yes
(Resources may have more than 1 audience.) / X Librarian
(Resources may have more than 1 purpose.) / X Lesson Plan
Created By
(written by or adapted from) / Created by Jill Woodall
Grade Level / Pre-K
1st Grade
X 2nd Grade
X 3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade / 7th Grade
8th Grade
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade

LEARN Lesson Plan

Create an Index

Link / Students identify, locate and create an index using Seymour Simon books.
Assessment: Student responses
and Educate / Using a presentation device, as a class, have students complete an alpha box or K-W-L on what they know about indexes.
Assessment: Completed alpha box or K-W-L
Active Learning / An index is extremely helpful but not all books have them, e.g., books by Seymour Simon.
1.  Students select one of the Seymour Simon nonfiction books at their table. Differentiation will occur because books with a variety of reading levels will be at each table. Seymour Simon books in the “SeeMore Readers” series are especially good for students who need more time when reading.
2.  Students read their book.
3.  Using the graphic organizer, students create an index for the book they read.
4.  Remind students that their index should have a title and page numbers.
5.  At the completion of this activity have students return all books to the center of the table with the sheet inside the book.
6.  Librarian/teacher will need the book when scoring the graphic organizer.
Assessment: Completed index graphic organizer
Reflect / As a class, have students review the alpha box or K-W-L to see if more things can be added to it.
Now and Then / Encourage students to look to see if the nonfiction books they are reading in school or at home have an index and look to see whether it is helpful in accessing information in the book. Tell them that throughout the school year we will revisit the alpha box or K-W-L to see if things can be added to it.