Library Incentives for Accelerated Reader (AR)

Students may earn tags for their book bags by reaching certain reading goals each year. You may earn tags for number of books read or number of points earned—but the books must be 4.0 or above or within your reading range. Every student should be able to earn at least one tag!

How do I receive a tag?

Simply print your reading record for this school year and turn it in to the library. I will check that each book has been passed and is in your reading range. You may then stop by later to pick up your reading tag.

What tags can I earn?

50 pt10 Book

150 pt20 Book

250 pt30 Book

350 pt40 Book

500 pt

Books and points earned for one tag work towards the next tag.

For example, if fifty points earns you your first tag, then an additional one hundred points earns you the 150 point tag. If you earn the 150 point tag by reading 8 books, you may earn the 10 book tag by reading only two more, etc.

Additional tags…

Mark Twain Reader tag—read and pass tests on each of the current year’s 12

Mark Twain Award nominees

(The current year’s set of books does not have to be in your reading range and these points/numbers may still be applied to other tags.)


Truman Reader tag—read and pass tests on each of the current year’s 12

Truman Award nominees

(The current year’s set of books does not have to be in your reading range and these points/numbers may still be applied to other tags.)


Classic Reader tag—read and pass tests on 5 titles from the list of classics

(These titles will be more challenging, but also worth a greater number of points.)

Additional Incentives…

State Readers Trophy – please turn in records with titles highlighted by the spring deadline.

This trophy, presented at the end of the year awards assembly, is earned by reading books nominated for the Missouri Mark Twain or Missouri Truman Award. Guidelines are age-specific.

5th/6th Grades – earn the Mark Twain Reader tag to earn award

7th/8th Grades – read and pass tests on 12 current nominees from either MT or Truman list

Reader’s Medallion – earn all reading tags listed above to receive the medallion during the end of year awards assembly