Representing the LFC Supporters’ Committee:Bella Ainsworth (BA), Supporters Under-25 and Female Supporters; Paul Amann (PA), LGBT Supporters;Anna Burgess (AB), Away Fans;Ian Byrne (IB), Family Match Goers;Tony Fitzgerald (AF), Season Ticket Holders and Hospitality;Lee Foley [LF], Official Supporters' Clubs; Karen Gill (KG), Honorary President; Yunus Lunat (YL), BAME Supporters;Katie Price [KP], Disabled Supporters; Matthew Selby (MS), International Fans;Graham Smith (GS), Supporters in the Merseyside Area.Representing Liverpool Football Club:Susan Black (SB) Communications Director; Bryan Denny [BH], Research Manager; Phil Dutton (PD), Head of Ticketing and Hospitality; Billy Hogan [BH], Managing Director and Chief Commercial Officer; Yonit Levy-Sharabi [YLS], Customer Experience Manager; Andrew Parkinson [AP], Operations Director; Scott Richardson [SR], Head of CRM; Andrew Shaw [AS], Head of Fan Engagement Service Delivery.
- Welcome and introductions:
1.1.AP opened the meeting welcomed all present and gave an overview on how the meeting would be conducted.
1.2.He advised those present that Populus had undertaken a considerable piece of research into fan engagement, and that Duncan Garnett [DG] was present to discuss the findings. SB would follow-up with how the Club intends to use the findings to enhance fan engagement. Finally, there will be time to take some of the previously submitted questions submitted prior to the meeting.
1.3.GS advised that some questions were more important than others and those would be dealt with first. Any questions outstanding at the end could be dealt with outside the meeting.
- Matters arising from the previous meeting:
2.1.There were no matters arising from the previous meeting.
- Populus research into fan engagement:
- Populas, a research specialist, and the Club gave an update on the global independent research programme on fan engagement that was commissioned last year. More information on this can be found via the following link:
- Questions from the Committee:
4.1.Q1 from GSTF. What timeframe on a decision on the Anfield Road Expansion are we now looking at and why no meeting on potential fan funding as discussed at meeting last year?
4.2.AP responded by saying that there was probably a misconception about the timing of the redevelopment of Anfield Road. It was reported that the outline planning application was due in September this year, but, in fact, it’s September 2019. The redevelopment of Anfield Road is a live project for the Club, and one that is being worked on behind the scenes. It is critical for the Club to find the right model before, and it’s paramount to determine the funding arrangements before any final decisions can be made.
4.3.In response from GS pressing for a timeframe for communication of whether the redevelopment will, or not happen, AP said the Club would not want to be drawn on a specific window. The planning application is the timeframe that the Club is working through. The original planning application had a specific design attached to it, and the Club would want to revisit that. The Club has submitted an application for a single site for the first team and Academy at Kirby, and that is going to take some of the focus in the immediate future.
4.4.Q2 from LF. Safe Standing. Who is the person(s) within the Club responsible for the decision making process on this? Does the club consult with any external parties on this subject? The Spirit of Shankly has research and an on-going project among members about this issue. The Club were asked to offer a view and to input into the debate. Does it intend to?
4.5.SB responded by saying that the Club’s position has always been to support the majority view of the families who lost loved ones at Hillsborough. To date, the majority view of the Hillsborough Families has been to oppose Rail Seating and the Club understands that this majority view is still in place. continued by saying that the Club understands that the focus for the families now is any criminal prosecution against individuals and/or groups. This is expected imminently and the Club will continue to support the majority view of the families. AB said that whilst he understands that respecting the families has to be the main priority, but focussing answers on one particular group limits the Club’s capacity to take on board everyone’s opinion. It’s important that the Club broadens the opinion because as much as we do to talk about Hillsborough, standing itself wasn’t the cause of the disaster; the verdicts have shown this to be the case. Liverpool Football Club has a voice in the debate, and it should be heard first, not last. from IB. At the West Brom match a minute’s applause took place, which was described to ‘celebrate’ the inquest verdicts. From representations made by supporters, many, if not most, match going supporters were uncomfortable with this and felt that the usual minute’s silence to remember the victims and survivors is far more appropriate. Can the Club consult more widely on this issue before next year’s anniversary? Can Tours of Anfield on 15th April each year be cancelled? said The the recent minute’s applause was a good example whereby the Club seems to take on board just one view. Many people were uncomfortable with the minute’s applause. This is another example of lack of engagement by the football club were it focuses on just one group, and go along with whatever is said. Why doesn’t the Club reach out and engage with other factions. Hopefully, the creation of Fans Forums will be the catalyst for change. advised that the Club did consult with the majority of the families as it always did on Hillsborough matters. The majority view requested a minute’s applause to acknowledge the outcome of the two-year inquest process. AB suggested that on the 15 April each year, the Club should allow this day to be a day of contemplation and all official tours of the stadium should be suspended. The Club agreed to this. The Club also acknowledges the date and time via a number of other activities as agreed with the majority view of the families.
4.12.Q4 from GS. Could the owners supply a ‘mission statement’ about the aims and objectives for FSG’s ownership of LFC and also a ‘mission statement’ for the aims and objectives for Liverpool Football Club? said that it is a fair point to expect something of a mission statement on the website, and the senior leadership team had spent time talking about the very issue, such as the mission of the club, and how we achieve it in a sustainable way. said that were there is a real sense of purpose within all the people who work in the Cclub is that we are here to contribute to the success to the Club. There is a collective knowledge of that is what we are all here to do, so how do we best do that. The word that repeatedly came up in the research from officials and fans alike was family. This comes from knowing that we are all in this together. A mission statement would help, but the collective knowledge already exists of what we are all here for. from GS. Is it possible to set up a "get to know you" meeting with the new CEO as soon as possible after the May meeting? said that the new CEO will be involved with the new fan liaison model via the Fan Forums and Fan Summit so those involved in these groups will undoubtedly get to know Peter Moore as part of the new ways of working.
*6/ Why was the SC effectively put in limbo after the last meeting: -
a/ No updates on anniversary celebrations.
b/ Last minute cancellation of meetings.
c/ Not advised of the phasing of the Anfield Forever walkway.
d/ No prior notification of the Lower Main move back of one row to accommodate the players/coaches seating requirements affecting 500.
e/ No updates on fan engagement work of Populus
from TBC. stated that he has in his possession a draft proposal for the 125-year celebration, and that he would share this proposal with the Committee outside the meeting. from IB. Why are LFC not following EFC in paying or insisting upon the accredited living wage to all employed LFC staff, either contracted in or directly employed. responded by saying that the Club currently pays the national living wage, but to be accredited as a provider of the living wage suppliers need to be paid accordingly. How employees of suppliers to the Club are paid is currently a matter for their employers. However, the Club is happy to take this offline and determine the Club’s approach. from MS.The cost of LFC tour ticket prices were $25 in 2013 but are going to $80 for 2017. Why? responded by saying that it might be helpful if he was to come back to the Committee with the ticket manifest. Part of the issue is that the cheapest tickets have gone first. Because some of the grounds the team are playing at are smaller than others, it makes the revenue profile more difficult to achieve. Consequently, ticket prices at the higher end have needed to increase to keep the overall ticket revenue profile the same. from KP.In July the Club is trialling the disabled members sales online as they have created software that will allow fans to purchase tickets including one personal assistant. When this is extended to away ticket sales, can disabled fans have their own separate sale day to purchase the tickets as the system currently struggles with able-bodied sales? responded by saying that the trail trial is only internal facing and will not be a public trial just yet. The Club has been very consistent in how it approached disability online sales, and this will continue to be the case. The system is currently in testing mode; it will not be in place before July. Whatever is rolled out will be fair and transparent for all disabled supporters, irrespective of their disability. from PA.Liverpool FC have supported Liverpool Pride since 2012, which has had a phenomenal impact in raising awareness, providing solidarity and communicating key messages on anti homophobia/biphobia/transphobia issues. Will the club revitalise its presence at Liverpool Pride this year as there is a perception that the Club's support has lessened since 2012? responded by saying that the Club was involved in the Liverpool Pride Mmarch last year, although turnout wasn’t as high as expected or hoped. That said, the Club did get involved in other activities such as the ‘dressing of the Kop.’ This year, the Club has other initiatives planned and these will be communicated was when agreed internally. The Club’s E&D advisor will also look at what more we can do to encourage attendance. response to a question from SB about how to raise participation in the march, PA said it’s about involvement. It was suggested that the Club gives staff two hours off work in lieu of attending. In the past the Club has been well represented, with directors, managers, ambassadors all in attendance. It’s about participation, and getting people engaged in why attending the march is important. The march takes place on the last weekend in July. from KP. The disabled fans photo wall within main stand hasn't been placed yet even though all images have been submitted. When will it be in place?
4.29.AP responded by saying that he would look into the matter and report back to KP, and the Committee, on completion.
4.30.Q29 from KG.On the 11th Aug, there’s a fund raising event to raise money for an ex-player. Will the Club support and will the Club explain what they do to look after ex-players’ health issues? said that she wasn’t aware of the fund raising event and asked for details to be forwarded to the Club for review. GS suggested that the Club joins forces with the Professional Football Association [PFA] and determine if a coordinated approach could be adopted. from LF.Former Players Graves. There is an external initiative with the goal of ensuring all former Liverpool players who have passed away have an appropriately suitable and well maintained headstone. Could the club allocate some resource to this? responded by saying that the Club had supported similar initiatives in the past. That said, the Club would be happy to get involved via the Official Supporters Clubs.
- Any other business:
- No items for any other business were identified.
- Questions not asked at the meeting, but to be answered subsequently:
- Q11: Will the Club extend the very welcome and successful local £9 sales to a further 500 tickets next season – making a total of 1000 seats per game?
- Q12: Has there been any progress on naming rights for the Main Stand as nothing has happened in the last 18 months?
- Q13: Is it possible for the committee to see a breakdown between Players and Admin Wages in summary, as there seems to have been a disproportionate increase in staff off the pitch? Will there be a proportionate increase in the resource dedicated to the playing staff over the summer?
- Q15: There is a suggestion that the tours of the ground are changing removing the guided stadium tours towards something called "free flow' self guided tours with headsets – this is not great for younger visitors.
- Q16: Can the details of the members’ ticket sales criteria and sale dates be announced earlier? It is necessary for some to arrange to take time off work etc. to be able to get online.
- Q17: What is the club doing to engage with young disabled fans? The website says there is training but when an enquiry was made about this the reply was that it was not happening.
- Q19: What is the progress on the possible sensory room?
- Q20: Members’ Sales. What will be the dates of these? What will be the cut-off number of games for the first sale? Willthere be any changes in the members’ sales for next season? Is there any update to action tracker number.
- Q21: Season ticket holders. Given the late notice for the STH's affected by the disabled bay moves and coaching staff requirement for an extra roware there any other changes in the pipeline which affects next season either before or during it? How many people are currently on the waiting list and how many of these people are likely to receive a ST in the summer based on the renewal rates to date?
- Q22: Hospitality. Are there any plans to allow fans to utilise the "unused" seats in the middle tier given the attendance is usually 500 short of the 54,000 capacity?
- Q23: In 2008-9 Liverpool FC supported the short filmColour Blind, an antiracism piece featuring Lenny Henry, this was broadcast on LFC TV and is used by the Anthony Walker Foundation in its excellent education work. Would the club be interested in supporting an anti-homophobia short film in conjunction with local LGBT charities?
- Q24: At recent matches against Chelsea, some fans repeatedly chanted "Chelsea rent boys", this was even audible on the BT broadcast of the last match. Many LGBT fans have been in contact to complain about this homophobic chanting. What action will the club take to prevent repetition of this?
- Q25: Wheelchair using corporate supporters in the new Main Stand are facing some difficulties in getting to the hospitality arrangements at half-time. Will the club look into this and ensure that these supporters can access the hospitality that they have paid for?
- Q27: Formerly in times of lesser supporters clubs, the club would at times send a current or ex player to OLSC meetings. Could this be looked at again - OLSCs would feel that this would reward their efforts and hard work. Could the club allocate some resource and consider working with localised OLSCs to achieve this?
- Q28: Are those limited number of people who were on 19 credits and missed out on a Bournemouth ticket going to get the credit reinstated due to the fact that the allocation was so low and the Club felt compelled to give some limited hospitality ticket holders priority to them (despite them not having the correct credit history)?
- Q30: Will the Club consider a disabled shirt sponsor (SCOPE) similar to the one worn by the Southampton v Man U for a selected match?
- Q31: Away tickets. We’ve been promised a break down and this is still not being shared. Where are we with this? Before making changes to away ticket allocation can a working group be set up?
These minutes were produced from an audio recording provided by LFC1 of 6