Coordinating Group Meeting
Tuesday2 November2010
Meeting minutes
Joint Chairs: Councillor Stella Jeffrey
Minutes: John O’Reilly (Rushey Green Assembly Coordinator)
Attendees:Max Calo, Carre Wilder, Jo McCluskey
1 Welcome and ApologiesCllr Jeffrey opened the meeting by thanking everyone for attending and for their continued support for the local assembly programme in Lewisham Central, Carre Wilder introduced herself as a newly elected member who represents the Hither Green Traders association.
Apologies were received fromJane Kustner and Tony Leigh who were unable to attend the meeting. There were no other apologies received. / Action Points
2 Review of previous assembly meeting 11 October 2010 and matters arising
It was agreed that the last meeting was well attended and there was an opportunity to discuss the Councils budget reduction proposals. The presenters clarified the purpose of the workshop exercise, however there was limited time in which to properly discuss all the proposals. John explained that the ‘Our Lewisham, Our Say’ consultation exercise was an ongoing programme and senior officers will update the assembly at regular intervals. He will also be able to feedback any comments directly to the team.
The update from the LewishamYouthVillage during the second part of the meeting was constructive and interesting. It was agreed to invite Mayor’s Fund recipients to future assembly meetings in order for them to provide feedback.
Cllr Jeffrey asked for clarification on the devolved budget guidance carried forward from the last meeting. John explained that the £1,400 under the heading ‘meeting costs’ relates to things such as the hire of the venue and catering. Lewisham Central historically spends a lower than average amount on meeting costs and could potentially benefit from the new devolved budget arrangements. John will obtain a spreadsheet from the Finance Officer and bring to the next coordination group meeting.
3Mayors and Localities Fund 2010/11
John explained that the Mayors Fund will be £25,000 for 2010/11 with a reduction of 25% in the subsequent financial year, although part of this will be linked to a reward scheme that recognises volunteer work within the community. The next steps will be to review the priorities and develop the action plan which will give coordination groups a platform to move forward. Assemblies will be permitted to carry forward monies that have not been spent in the previous year. The summarised guidance was circulated at the meeting.
The Localities Fund was available again this year and £10,000 has been awarded to each ward assembly. John confirmed that 8 applications have been received totalling £27,461.00. Cllr Jeffrey noted that a number failed to address how they would benefit the residents of Lewisham Central which they needed to do to comply with the Localities Fund guidance. It was agreed that John will write to all 8 applicants inviting them to explain how their projects will directly benefit Lewisham Central residents. They will be asked to do this in person, with a maximum 5 minute presentation at the next assembly in December.
The full list of applicants is as follows:
4th Lewisham Scouts Group
Lewisham Youth Theatre
Hither Green Community Association
Crave ArtsAcademy
Grenada Benevolent Society (UK)
Hither Green Lane Traders Association
LadywellYouthVillage / John to contact all locality fund applicants
4. Future assembly meetings (2011/12)
John explained that the assemblies team will shortly be planning the schedule for 2011/12. The options discussed were the frequency of the meetings (either 3 or 4) and the most suitable day of the week (Monday to Saturday).
It was agreed that 4 meetings per year was about the right number. These should take place in June 2010, September 2010, December 2010 and March 2011.
3 of these meetings should take place during the normal working week and the final one on a Saturday.Precise details of these will be worked up later in the year.
/ John to forward details to assemblies manager
5. Review of ward priorties
Johnreported that there were a total of 85 responses in relation to the ward priority review conducted by Paul Creech over the summer period. A number had also been received at the assembly meeting in October and these have not yet been added to the total.
John to collate a report and present findings to the next assembly
6. Planning stages next assembly meeting
Date and Venue
The next assembly will take place on Saturday 4December 2010between 11am and 1pm at the St Mary’s Centre, Ladywell Road, SE13 7RU.
Draft agenda
The following agenda was agreed:
Welcome and brief introduction to the assembly (Cllr Jeffrey)
Localities Fund presentations (40 minutes, 5x8)
Break for refreshments and meet with the presenters (15 minutes)
Formal vote for Localities Fund (10 minutes)
Report on priority review (5 minutes)
Ladywell SNT, Sgt David Hawton, to focus on alcohol dispersal zone and related issues (10 minutes)
Community Updates (5 minutes)
Announcement of Locality Fund vote
Assembly closing statement (Cllr Jeffrey)
Jo raised serious concerns about the re-routing of the buses along Lewisham High St. Elderly and other vulnerable road users were experiencing difficulty when walking from the Shopping Centre to the temporary bus stop near the Library. John will speak to Deborah (Town Centre Manager) about getting a representative from the Council or TFL to speak at the next assembly
The door to door letter will be delivered approximately 10 working days prior to the assembly meeting. John to draft and circulate.
Posters/leaflets to be delivered to key locations in the Lewisham Central ward. The preferred method is A3 posters with the required number of around 50,15 of these should be on laminated copy.
Potential locations for posters include:
LewishamHospital entrance
Hither Green Station notice board
Maridian Estate
Hither Green Lane chemist
Ladywell Leisure Centre
Community Groups newsletters and websites
Doctors surgeries
Other arrangements and refreshments
Tables and chairs to be used at the meeting. Business will formally start at 11am Tea, coffee and refreshments to be served in the St Marys Centre from approximately10:45am. The catering will be organised via Carvellos the normal supplier for assembly meetings.
There being no other business Cllr Jeffrey formallyclosed the meeting at 8pm and thanked everyone for attending.
No declarations of interest were made at this meeting. / Members to send 3 choices to John
Draft will be circulated to members