Phone 368 6562 Text 02102480530

Levin School Values: Respect, Excellence, Attitude,Co-operation and Honesty.

Kia OraKoutou, Talofa lava & Malo e lelei.

Thank you to all those parents/caregivers that have attended the parent/teacher conferences. They are extremely valuable and worthwhile as it gives the teachers of your child/ren the opportunity to find out their strengths-interests and special abilities as well as making those positive connections with families. This year we have held the conferences over 3 consecutive afternoons to enable more choice. If you have been unable to attend any of these please contact your childs teacher in order to arrange a time that may be more suitable. They would very much appreciate it.

Cell Phones: It has come to our attention that some students have been bringing cell phones to school. If your child does need to have a cell phone, for whatever reason, at school I would ask that they be handed into the office for safety reasons and then collected after school. Thank you for your co-operation with this.

School Uniform: A few reminders about school uniform

  • Black shoes or sandals (we have some black shoes available at the office) or they are well priced at The Warehouse.
  • Black shorts or skirts.
  • When children get home after school they should change out of their uniform.

Newsletters: We are looking at having fortnightly newsletters as opposed to weekly ones. Your feedback would be appreciated. Text 02102480530 or email with your preference – weekly – fortnightly.

Welcome: Welcome to Taika Wilton who joined Rimu class this week.

Birthdays:Happy birthday to Boston and Alex who have turned 5 and to Hope P, Manaia R, Manaia W and Ella P who celebrated their birthdays this week.


Soccer:The Soccer team played their first game yesterday. Some good skills were used, resulting in a 1-0 win. Well done team.

Hockey:Thehockey team have their first game today at5.55 pm against Fairfield Leopards. Please be at the turf 10 minutes before your game starts. Good luck for your game.

Attendance:It is important to remember to notify the school if your child is going to be absent or late. Children that are late miss out on learning and also disrupt the class. Absences that have not been notified are marked as truant. By downloading the free school app, you can notify the school of any absences or if your child is going to be late and it will not use any of your data.

Community News:

Family Fun Day:TheAquatic Centre is holding a ‘Family Fun Day’ on Saturday 24th February, starting at 8 am with a Kids’ Triathlon. There is something to suit all ages, from egg & spoon races, scooter races and even a fun run for

pre-schoolers. Registration forms can be collected from the Aquatic Centre. All events are free.

Dates to remember

Friday 9th March:First assembly for the year @ 2:pm in the hall

Friday 30thMarch: Good Friday

Monday 2nd April: Easter Monday

Tuesday 3rd April: Easter Tuesday, no school