Levi Compact- A Formal Agreement to Improve Learning

Parent/ Guardian

I pledge to assist my child and the school in order to achieve desirable goals. Therefore, I will do the following:

Ø  Read with my child

Ø  Assist with homework assignments

Ø  Provide stimulating, challenging, and character building situations

Ø  Take my child to the library, store, bank, and interesting places

Ø  Encourage my child, nurture positive self esteem and confidence

Ø  Visit and volunteer to work at my child’s school

Ø  Make sure my child attends school prepared to learn

Ø  Read and become familiar with the Student/Parent Handbook

Signature ______


I pledge allegiance to myself.

I can be anything I want to be.

I can do anything I want to do.

Nothing can stop me if I try hard enough.

I will believe in myself.

Therefore, I will do the following:

Ø  Attend school prepared to learn

Ø  Respect my school

Ø  Complete class and homework assignments

Ø  Ask for help when needed

Ø  Keep my school safe and clean

Ø  Obey school rules

Ø  Read and follow the Student/Parent Handbook

Signature ______


I pledge to help each child reach his/her full potential. Therefore, I will do the following:

Ø  Review Student/Parent Handbook with students

Ø  Provide a caring and educational environment

Ø  Provide effective and research based instruction

Ø  Involve parents and community in the learning process

Ø  Use a variety of teaching strategies to motivate the learner

Signature ______


I pledge to work toward the improvement of the school. Therefore, I will do the following:

Ø  Ensure that teaching and learning will occur daily

Ø  Encourage open and positive communication between the teacher, parent and student

Ø  Encourage teachers to teach and facilitate, believing all children can learn

Ø  Ensure that teachers have high expectations for the children

Signature ______

Levi Elementary School

Family Engagement Policy

The Levi Family Engagement Plan was jointly developed with parents and community members to establish high expectations for parental and community involvement.

Parental/Community Involvement

Levi Elementary School encourages parental and community involvement in the educational process. The school, home, and community have a shared goal of promoting success in our children. Parents will act as advisors, resource persons, and coordinators in the following ways:

1.  Attend school events and serve as advisors.

2.  Serve on the Site Based Decision Making Council.

3.  Use their talents/resources to enhance our instructional programs.

4.  Become school supporters and advocators.

5.  Respond to memos, surveys, and questionnaires expressing ideas and concerns.

6.  Develop jointly with school a school parent compact and family engagement plan.

NCLB Involvement

The administration, faculty, and staff will provide a strategic plan and implement the Title I Program according to the guidelines set forth in law, which include the following:

1.  Make parents aware of NCLB and our participation.

2.  Allow the parents to observe the school’s programs and visit the classrooms

3.  Provide parents with student information and progress reports

4.  Solicit feedback and suggestions from parents at parent meetings on decisions relating to the education of their children.

5.  Provide parents with a copy of the school parent compact and Levi Elementary School’s Family Engagement Plan.

6.  Provide parents with a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, forms of academic assessments used to measure student progress, and the levels students are expected to meet.

To ensure that our parents participate in the development, planning, and implementation of the Title I NCLB requirements, Levi will do the following:

1.  Encourage parents and community members to participate on the Site Based Decision Making Council and PTO

2.  Invite all parents to an annual meeting(s) at flexible times to explain the components and requirements of NCLB

3.  Develop jointly with parents, a school-parent compact and a family engagement plan showing how parents, school, community members and students share responsibilities and disseminate it to all stakeholders

4.  Encourage parents to visit regularly and take an active role in school planning and volunteering

5.  Offer divers parental training and workshops

6.  Involve parents in planning and developing school improvement projects