Level 6 Special Purpose Award in Life and Workplace Coaching (6S3153)
3Component Awards
- Professional Coaching Practice and Ethics (6N2925) – 15 Credits 2. Developing Emotional Intelligence (6N2926) – 15 Credits
3.Coaching Models of Practice (6N3087) – 15 Credits
Ethics / Emotional Intelligence / Coaching ModelsLearner Record (4000)
Part A – 6 book assignments
Part B – 4 learner reports / Learner Record (4000)
Part A – 6 book assignments
Part B – 4 learner reports / Skills Assess (Mod. 5 - 7)
Includes one video recorded session
Ethics in Coaching
(750 words) / Theory & Practice
Of Coaching (1000) / Theory &Practice
Of Coaching(1000)
Coaching as a Coach (750 words)
5 completed log forms included / Coaching as a Client
& Observer (500) / Coaching as a Client
& Observer (500)
As you will see from above table, some of the assignments cross over two of the three Awards. These assignments only need to be completed once and will be marked once, but the markings will cover both of the awards the assignments are a part of.
The Assessment Briefs detailing the criteria required for the above will be sent out to each student separately and are available in the Student Resource Centre.
Learner Record(Reflective Journal) - 4000 words
Part A (3000 words)
Consists of 6 book assignments completed forModules 2 to 7 – 500 words each
Part B (1000 words)
Consists of 4 learner coaching reports completed for Modules 4 to 7 – 250 words each approx.
3 Categories to be covered
- 1. Developing Self Awareness (Books)
- 2. Clear application of learning in everyday life (Books)
- 3. Growing confidence and competence as a coach and in coaching (Learner Coaching Reports)
Note: some of the criteria are relevant to more than one category as indicated by the numbers at the end of each one
Book Assignments – completed for Modules 2 - 7 (6 x 500 words = 3000 words)
- concrete examples of improvements in personal effectiveness both in personal and professional relationships (3)
- display a willingness to address your inner blocks and limiting beliefs as they arise (1,3)
- evidence of openness to and application of feedback received as part of your learning and growth (2,3)
- Implement the learning identified through reflective practice in enhanced behaviours and capabilities (3)
Coaching Learner Reports – completed for Modules 4 - 7 (4 x 250 words = 1000 words and based on your coaching sessions)
- Appraise your use of personal intuition, humour and energy during coaching (1,2)
- Assess the impact of your own behaviours and thinking on the coach - client relationship (1,2)
- Comprehensive exploration of lessons learned from your sessions as coach, client and observer (2,3)
- evidence of increased self-awareness in context of coaching and coaching skills (1,2)
Theory of Reflective Practice
- Evaluate how the theoretical basis of reflective practice and the key principles upon which the practice is based have helped in the development of your confidence and competence in coaching (1)– see Students Manual 1 for definition and theory.
Please Note: If you haven’t mentioned how observing coaching sessions, being a client in coaching sessions and reflective practice (see above) have helped in your coaching development in your first three reports make sure the last report contains only this information. In the past many students have used the final Coaching Learner Report for this purpose.