Level 1+ 2 – Beginning Low + High

Language and Literacy Objectives:

·  *Identify and interpret traffic lights, and signals. (task 1)

·  *Identify and interpret regulatory and warning signs. (task 1)

·  *Respond to a police officer when stopped for a traffic violation. (task 2)

(* indicates assessment)

012 _task 1 Traffic Signs

Activity: Theme Picture (Beg-low +high) State of California

Activity: Driving Survey (Beg-low +high) Name ______

1. Do you have a driver’s license? yes/no

< If no: Do you want a license now? >

2. Did you drive in your country? yes/no

Classmates / have license? / want license? / drive/your country?

Activity: Driving Survey Name ______

1. Do you have a driver’s license? yes/no

< If no: Do you want a license now? >

2. Did you drive in your country? yes/no

Classmates / have license? / want license? / drive/your country?

Activity: Theme Picture

Why are signs necessary? safety, order in the streets

Have there been some signs you do not understand? (next time take a picture with your phone!)

How important is the speed limit?

Activity: Elicit what is Known - cut up the colored signs for your level. (do not give out the word cards yet) Stick them to the board. Students come up and write the meaning. Then compare to the word cards. (from Leslie!)

Activity: Match signs and words (concentration) (in groups of 3 ) (Beg-low +high)

See handout. Print out multiple sets. Students use these cards and play concentration in groups.

Each learner takes a turn turning over two cards, trying to match the written word with the correct picture. The learner should turn the cards completely over so that all of the group can see what is on the card. If the two cards are a match, they remain face up and that learner gets a point. If the two cards are not a match, then they are returned face down and the next learner gets a turn.

CA Traffic Signals + Signs ~ Warning & Regulatory
*1 / stop sign / stop
*2 / red light / stop
*3 / no parking / don't leave your car here
*4 / green light / go
5 / yellow light / proceed with caution
6 / yield / other cars or people go first
7 / speed limit / maximum speed
8 / pedestrian crossing / watch for people
9 / school crossing / watch for children, slow down
10 / no u turn / don't turn around the divider
11 / do not enter / do not go in
12 / railroad crossing / watch for train
13 / handicapped parking / reserved for disabled people* (need blue placard)
14 / one way / all cars go in same direction
15 / no right turn / don't go right
>16 / ‘blinking’ red / stop, then go
>17 / fewer lanes ahead / need to merge to next lane
>18 / bike lane / only for people on bicycle* (cars keep away 3 ft)
>19 / carpool lane / only for cars with 2 or more people* (during specific times)
* / B-Low only
B-High only

Activity: Mix and Move (Beg-low +high)

Take a set of picture/word cards. Each student takes one card. Students will move around

the room looking asking for its match. “Excuse me, do you have …?”

If not, say, “Thank you, I need to keep looking.” Once found, go to a designated area.

Call time after 10 minutes. Have each pair describe their sign and tell its meaning.

Activity: Label the signs (Beg-low + high)

See handout.

Activity: Dictation (Beg-low + high)

See handout. Fold paper on dotted line.

Student A reads the sign. Student B repeats, then writes.

Use clarification vocab: Can you please repeat? Say that again. How do you spell that word?

When finished, student B reads, then student A writes.

Activity: Charades_ Act It Out (Beg-low +high)

Each student finds a partner. Picture Cards are picked at random from a box.

!0 minutes is given to practice. Props can be used and might be necessary!

Divide the class in two teams. Keep track of which team answers first!

Activity: Traffic Signs near your house _ find and draw. (Beg-low +high)

See handout.

Activity: Future 1, Unit 10, p.192 (reading traffic signs with a listening track)

Future 2, Unit 10