Model Letter to the Headteacher for an NUT member who has been on UPS1 for more than 2 years, but has not received notification of a refusal to progress to UPS2.
To (Headteacher)
Dear (Headteacher),
UPS Progression
You will know that I went over the threshold and was placed on UPS1 with effect from September 1st 20**.
I understand that, in accordance with the School Teachers Pay and Conditions Documents in force since then, I was therefore eligible for UPS2 with effect from September 1st 20**. (NB: This date must be 2 years after the date in the first paragraph.)
The STP&C Document stipulates that headteachers must, in all case, review the salary of teachers in my situation, determine the outcome together with the Governors and inform me in writing of the decision whether or not I will progress to UPS2, by the October 31st of that year in which I became eligible.
I have no record of having received any notification that I was not to progress.
(If you have been overlooked in previous years as well, list all the years from 2 years after you progressed to UPS1. E.g., if you were eligible for UPS2 in 2004, write: I have no record of having received any notification by October 31st 2004, 2005, 2006 or 2007, etc).
I now wish to pursue this matter to ensure that my pay is reviewed in accordance with due process and the statutory provisions.
I would therefore request that you inform me in writing of:
- The dates on which there have been any reviews of my salary point on the UPS
- The recommendation that has been made to the governing body for each review (including the minute under which this has been recorded)
- How these decisions were recorded and communicated to me.
(If your headteacher, or your school’s salary policy, has informed you that you need to apply, provide evidence or complete a CEA Self-Evaluation form, etc. say: Whereas I had originally understood from you that there was a requirement for me to apply for UPS2 and/or provide evidence, my Union informs me that this cannot be a requirement because the headteacher has a statutory duty to review the salary of all eligible staff as soon as they become eligible and to inform them of the decision, based on normal PM outcomes and monitoring.)
Could I please also request a copy of the pay policies in forced during the time I have been on UPS1.
When I have received this information, I will be seeking advice as to how best to proceed, depending on the detail of what has gone wrong.
Yours, etc.
When you have received the reply from your headteacher, or if you do not get a reply within 10 working days, get in touch with your Local NUT Secretary who will advise about the next steps and arrange for you to be represented.