Letter of Agreement with Agency
Ferris State University School of NursingAgency Contact Name: Cheryl Kobernik
Title: Clinical Director
Agency: Centra Wellness
Address: Administrative Building
310 North Glocheski Drive
Manistee, Michigan 49660
Fax: 231.723.1504
Phone number: Office - 231-882-2138 Cell – 231-735-5020
Email Address
Date 6/6/2015
Dear Ms. Kobernik,
My name is Tom Kane and I am a Masters of Nursing student at Ferris State University. I am currently enrolled in Nursing 551, Population Health for Advanced Nursing. Our course requirements include creating an evidence-based presentation to address an identified need within a vulnerable population. Thank you for agreeing to work with me on my Risk Assessment of pediatric patients with mental health disorders and for helping me arrange giving a presentation to address the identified need.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact me or my course instructor by using the following information. Thank you.
Tom Kane, MSN Student
Ferris State University
Florence Dood MSN, BSN, RN AE-C
Assistant Professor of Nursing
Ferris State University
Wednesday afternoon is probably my only in person time
Anytime after 1 pm
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 8, 2015, at 10:28 PM, Tom Kane <> wrote:
Cheryl we need to meet soon this week if you possibly can as the deadline for submitting the project is looming, do you have a day this week you are able to meet??
From: Cheryl Kobernik [mailto:
Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2015 3:50 PM
To: Tom Kane
Cc: Thomas' 'Kane
Subject: Re: Tom Kane MSN health issue project
sorry I have not called yet!!
Yes we can make this work - as you say not sure of working directly with consumers - but maybe...certainly with staff is okay
I will try and call soon anyhow
> "Tom Kane" <> 6/2/2015 10:38 PM >
This is a copy of the e-mail I sent to my instructor regarding the project, we are to identify an epidemic health issue in the community (mental health), design a health promotion topic (adherence to medication regimen), present topic to the population or to the populations caregivers….. time is crunched, I have a paper due on the 16th of June which is the vulnerable population risk assessment
For my course project I was thinking of the mentally ill population and adherence to medication regimens. I have had a brief discussion with the clinical director (CherylKobernik) of our local CMH (CentraWellness) and she is willing to work with me if this would be an appropriate project. I am not sure if I could access this patient population directly due to the nature of the population but could present to their staff - nurses, MSW etc.
Formerly Known As Manistee-Benzie Community Mental Health
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