Dear Parents and Guardians

Thank you for taking the time to register your teenager in Life Teen this year. Life Teen is the parish youth ministry program and serves as religious education for all high school students (grades 9-12). It also serves as part of our two-year preparation for Confirmation. We are excited to serve your family this year and are praying that this is a blessing for you and your family.

Life Teen meets every Wednesday from 7:00-9:00pm. Each meeting is a mixture of prayer, teaching, activities and games. We will begin the year with a Back to School Adoration Night for all families on Wednesday August 31st at 7pm in the Church. The following Wednesday is a mandatory parent-only meeting Wednesday September 7th at 7:00pm. If you are unable to attend please send someone to get the information in your place. Our first Life Teen meeting for the youth will be Wednesday September 14th from 7:00-9:00pm.

Forms Needed For Application

Please be sure that the ENTIRE application has been completed. Your child cannot be enrolled until the COMPLETE application is turned in. Deadline is August 31st.

1- Forms 1-3 with all blanks filled in and signatures from parents and candidate.

2- Pre-enrollment Questionnaire (Form 4)COMPLETED by the candidate on a separate piece of paper.

3- COPY of Baptismal certificate is attached (not needed if you are a second year and have already turned it in)

4- $10 fee paid

Application needs to be fully completed and turned inbyAugust 31st.

Confirmation Requirements:

  1. Attendance- Confirmation Students should attend each Life Teen Session offered every Wednesday 7-9pm. Life Teen is the parish youth ministry program and serves as religious education for all high school students (grades 9-12).Only 3 absences are allowed during the year. Classes may be made up by attending approved faith formation events and meetings at Most Precious Blood.
  2. Retreat- Every student is required to attend one of our retreatseachyear of Confirmation preparation. We have three retreats offered.Fall November 18-20th, Spring March 16th-19th, and Summer June 15-18th. Other retreats will not fill these requirements.
  3. Sponsor- Each student must choose a sponsor to help prepare them for the sacrament of Confirmation, present them to the Bishop at the Confirmation Mass, and help them to grow in their faith after Confirmation. The Sponsor cannot be a birth mother or father, but can be a Godparent. A Sponsor must be a practicing Catholic, at least 16 years of age, and has already received the sacrament of Confirmation.
  4. Service Hours- Each student is to complete 20 hours of service each year in preparation for Confirmation totaling 40 hours over two years. Service can be done at school, the parish, in the community, etc. A service hour form is given out at the end of each year to confirm that you have completed the service hours. Please keep track of your own service hours.
  5. Confirmation Saint- Each student is required to choose a Saint Name for the Sacrament of Confirmation. When they receive Confirmation, they will be confirmed under the name of the Saint they choose.
  6. Sunday Mass- Each student is required to attend Sunday Mass each week. Sunday Mass is required for all Catholics. Not attending Mass will result in postponing Confirmation until a student is ready to make this a permanent part of their life.

Thank you and please see the bulletin for the most up to date information and email any questions to . –MPB Youth Ministry Staff –Joe, Melissa, Steve and Sr. Delphine

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. Do I have to go on a retreat?

A. Yes, each teen is required to attend one Most Precious Blood Retreat during each year of Confirmation Preparation, two in total. They are held in the Fall November 18-20th, Spring March 16th-19th, and Summer June 15th-18th. 1st year students can attend any of the three retreats and 2nd year students can attend either the Fall or Spring retreat. Catholic School and Diocesan retreats DO NOT fulfill the retreat requirement

Q. Is there an attendance policy?

A. Yes, each teen is required to attend our Wednesday Night Life Teen sessions. Teens cannot miss more than 3 classes a year. If teens arrive significantly late or leave significantly early it will be counted as a half absence. Teens are responsible to sign in with their table leader at the beginning of each class. Teens are also allowed to bring friends to the sessions.

Q. How can I make up missed classes?

A.Classes may be made up by attending approved faith formation events and meetings at Most Precious Blood.

Q. Who can be a Sponsor for Confirmation?

A. Any Catholic who is age 16 or older, has been confirmed, and is currently practicing their faith by attending Sunday Mass every week. A birth mother or father cannot be a sponsor for their teen. Sponsors can be one of their Godparents.

Q. Am I required to attend Sunday Mass?

A. Yes, a teen in Confirmation preparation and their family must attend Sunday Mass every week. Every Catholic is required to attend Mass every Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation.

Q. Is the process different for Catholic School students?

A. Catholic School students are expected to fulfill all the same tasks outlined under Confirmation Requirements. Catholic School Students will not be required to make up missed classes throughout the year, but are still expected to be active in Youth Ministry at the Parish.

Q. Is there a dress code for Life Teen sessions?

A. Teens are expected to dress modestly and respectfully. A few Helpful guidelines are: Shorts must be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee. Halter-tops, spaghetti straps, etc. are not permitted. Clothes should fit appropriately; they shouldn’t be too tight such as spandex or too baggy such as pants that sag too far. They also should not have inappropriate words or graphics. If someone is dressed immodestly, we will ask you to change to something more appropriate.

Q. What if I do not have all my sacraments?

A. Please indicate on your registration forms that you are in need of other sacraments and we will contact you with more information. Baptism, Reconciliation and First Communion require some additional formation. That will be held on Sunday Mornings.