Letras Vermelhas Aparecem Com Animação Em Um Fundo Branco: Sem Parar, Agora Também Em Postos

Letras Vermelhas Aparecem Com Animação Em Um Fundo Branco: Sem Parar, Agora Também Em Postos

Title:Sem Parar at Shell service stations: Refuel and go

Duration:1 minute and 12 seconds

Description:Find out how Sem Parar speeds up the purchase of fuel at Shell service stations in the state of Sao Paulo. Find out how to use this payment method:


[soundtrack] Lively soundtrack with instruments and whistles

[video] Red letters appear as animation on a white background: “Sem Parar, now also at service stations.”

[video] “To refuel in a SIMPLE, QUICK and SAFE way, the Sem Parar client does the same as always: NOTHING.”

[video] In a new animation, the text leaves the screen, simulating speed.

[video] The video shows an image of an urban Shell service station and a silver car approaching the fuel pump.

[video] Inside the care, the camera shows a young driver.

[video] The scene changes between the outside of the car as it pulls up to the pump, next to which is the attendant who will attend the driver, and returns to the interior of the car.

[video] From inside the car, we see the Sem Parar which is next to the pump: “System in operation.” /”Welcome to the new way of using Sem Parar.”

[video] “Refuel authorized”.

[video] From outside, the attendant carries out the service for the driver.

[video] He removes the car’s fuel tank cap.

[video] Now the screen divides: on the right there is the gasoline pump, and on the other side is the monitor authorizing the refuel which changes its status to “Refueling… wait a moment.”

[video] The video focusses on the refueling nozzle in the car and shows the driver waiting, who looks at the monitor “Refueling…wait a few more moments. “

[video] The attendant puts the pump back. Now the screen is divided showing the monitor again informing that the driver had a cost of $R 30.00: “Refuel completed successfully!” and “an SMS shall be sent to your cell phone. Thanks.”

[video] Both greet one another.

[video] The car leaves the service station. The driver gets their cell phone and opens the message from Sem Parar showing the service station, date, time and value of the refuel. She continues her journey.

[video] White Screen: “You will only find it at Shell.”

[video] Logos of Shell and Sem Parar.