Oatley Public School
Letitia St, Oatley, 2223
PO Box 312, Oatley 2223
Phone 9580 5519 Fax 9580 8752
Email -
Monday 14th August 2017
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Schools across NSW will be participating in the NAPLAN Online School Readiness Test fromMonday 14th AugusttoFriday 22nd September 2017. At Oatley Public School we will be having these tests in Week 6- Monday 21st August – Friday 25th August 2017.
Students in Year 3 will sit one combined test: comprising reading, language conventions and numeracy questions. Students in Year 5 will sit two tests: the first test comprising of reading, language conventions and numeracy questions and the other test will a Writing test.
The School Readiness Test is designed to help schools assess their technical and administrative readiness in a ‘dress rehearsal’ for the transition from pen and paper to online computer-based testing from 2018. It will also allow students to become more familiar with the NAPLAN Online test format.
These tests are made to familiarise students with online NAPLAN procedures and to ensure school are prepared with the necessary training and computer hardware to successfully run the NAPLAN Online in the future.
All students will require the use of personal headphones when sitting these tests to hear audio. We would like to request that all participating students bring headphones in by Monday 21st August to their classroom teacher.
It is not an assessment of student ability and there will be no reporting of student results. It is important to note that participation in the school readiness test has no effect on students’ NAPLAN results from the paper-based tests students sat in May.
We thank you for your support in these new departmental guidelines. For further information please use the following link: https://education.nsw.gov.au/teaching-and-learning/student-assessment/naplan-online
Mrs S. Markovski Ms D. Hunter
Deputy Principal Principal