Let Teachers SHINE Application Form


First name and surname:
Job title:
Name and address of employer:
Email address:
Contact telephone number:


Please give a brief description of your proposed project, including the number of hours it will run for, an overview of the curriculum and any staffing requirements (max 400 words).


Number of students
Age Range
Location of Project

Please select which of the following indicators of disadvantage you plan to use to identify the target students.

☐ Free School Meals

☐ English as an Additional Language

☐ Special Educational Needs

☐ Other indicators of economic disadvantage

If ‘other indicators of economic disadvantage’, please give details in the box below (max 50 words).


Please write up to 3 clearly defined, measurable targets for your project (max 150 words). At least one of these should relate to raising attainment in reading, writing or maths.

Example: / 80% of participating students will make at least 2 sub-levels of progress in reading over one year. I will measure this by comparing the students’ reading levels at the start of the project with the end.


Please tell us something about your background and your motivation for writing this application (max 150 words).

Please explain what makes this project an innovative way of improving attainment (max 150 words).


What is the total cost of your proposed project?
How much are you requesting from SHINE? (maximum £15,000)

Please outline in the table below the main expenditure items with assumptions about the cost.

Expenditure item / Amount / Assumptions
e.g. teaching costs / £2,640 / 2 teachers for 10 x 3 hour sessions x £33 per teacher + 10 hours preparation time for both


If you would like to add anything further to your application, please do so here. This could include links to other types of files including videos and websites. If you do not wish to add anything further at this stage, please leave this section blank.


Please give the names and addresses of two referees (who are not related to you) who we can contact, who have known you for at least six months and support your project. One referee should be the Headteacher or Chair of Governors at your school.

Referee 1
First name and surname:
Job title:
Name and address of employer:
Email address:
Contact telephone number:
Referee 2
First name and surname:
Job title:
Name and address of employer:
Email address:
Contact telephone number:


I confirm that, as far as I am aware, all the information on this application form is true and correct. I understand that SHINE may ask for more information at any stage of the application process or when the project is running. I confirm that I am a practising, qualified teacher and that I have the consent of my headteacher or Chair of Governors to write this application.

Signature (This can be typed)

Please email your completed application form to before midnight on Sunday 19th May. If you have any questions please call 0208 393 1880.


SHINE and TES collect and share elements of this information with other organisations for research, educational, training, administrative and funding purposes, and to ensure that we comply with regulations and required standards. Statistics will be gathered to monitor projects and to plan future provision. We do not trade or share our mailing lists.

From time to time reports, newsletters and other materials may be sent to you. If you do not want to be contacted for these purposes please select this box ☐.


How did you find out about Let Teachers SHINE?

☐Word of Mouth☐ Newspaper or magazine ☐ Leaflet or poster

☐Internet☐ Radio or TV ☐ Other

If other please specify


All our staff, clients, partners, suppliers and any other person who we work with must follow our equal opportunities policy not to discriminate against anyone for any reason.

Please help us monitor this policy by providing us with the details below. We will use this information solely for statistical purposes, and it will not form part of your application assessment.

Gender ☐ Male ☐ Female

Age ☐ 21-25 ☐ 26-36 ☐ 37-47 ☐ 48-58 ☐ 59+

Please tick the box that best describes your ethnic origin.

White☐ British ☐ Irish ☐ Other

Asian or Asian British☐ Indian ☐ Pakistani ☐ Bangladeshi ☐ Other

Black or Black British☐ Caribbean ☐ African ☐ Other

Chinese or Other☐ Chinese ☐ Other ethnic group

If other please specify

Prefer not to say ☐

Do you consider yourself to have a disability? ☐ Yes ☐ No

If yes, please give details of any special requirements we may need to be aware of.