Responses to Questions on RFP for

Let’s Stop HIV Together PSA Production Services: General

1.  On Page 2, the document lists a series of PSAs. In scenarios where it lists “in Spanish”, can you confirm if the content will be in English with Spanish subtitles, or will these be entirely separate deliverables with different content/soundbites in English and Spanish?

a.  There will be PSAs created in English and PSAs created completely in Spanish. Closed captioning or subtitles will then be applied to all content.

2.  On Page 3, the Tasks/Deliverables section indicates “Two (2) Video shoots: 1-2 days each of shooting high-definition, digital video and high quality audio.” Since production costs can be a significant portion of the overall budget, shall we plan for a total of four days (2 days for each video shoot) or two days (1 day for each video shoot)?

  1. Please plan for the maximum possible days of filming (two shoots of two days each, so four days total).

3.  On Page 3 (item D.), the document references a requirement to “scout locations” in two cities. Just to confirm, scouts are typically done well in advance of the production - so should we assume the scout will require a separate travel trip from the production itself?

  1. Yes, please budget for scouting trip expenses.

4.  On Page 3 (item F.), the requirement states to “Provide 25 interview and video participants with cash incentive payments.” However, on page 5, the Budgeting Assumptions section asks for two budget options: one with hired talent (five actors in English and five in Spanish) and one option with volunteer talent (five individuals in English and five in Spanish). Can you confirm the ideal scenario for budgeting purposes?

  1. We are inclined to use volunteers. However, paid talent may be necessary for some executions. The proposed strategy can be a mix of volunteers and paid talent, as best fits your creative strategy.

5.  On Page 3 (item H.), it states “Shooting b-roll of models and participants; b-roll shot list to be provided.” Can you confirm the types of scenes that will be involved? Will the b-roll consist mostly of behind-the-scenes material or will the b-roll be a separate objective altogether (with different locations, etc.)?

a.  Please plan for behind-the-scenes scenarios with the participants, and perhaps some shots of the location/city where the filming takes place.

6.  On Page 4 (item CC.), the editorial activity states “Edit raw footage for community use.” Can you clarify this activity or provide more detail on the expected deliverable for this item?

  1. Any footage that does not make it into the final videos would be given to the client (CDC) at the end of production in high-quality clips that could be used by our campaign partners or client for future video products. These clips would need to be 508 compliant.

7.  On Page 2, can you clarify what is meant by “add in cities” within the target audience section?

a.  Please visit the link below for background information about the geographic areas and populations most affected by HIV in the U.S., per CDC data:

8.  On Page 5 in the Proposal Submission Requirements section, item B. states to provide “A proposed creative strategy for the suite of PSAs that is mindful of ensuring cultural-relevance with the target audiences.” Without going through the creative process and involving all stakeholders in pre-production, can you outline the expectations of this section of the proposal?

a.  Given the geographic regions and populations identified by this proposal as key audiences for the campaign, please briefly share initial ideas for a potential concept and describe how you would decide on the video style, look and feel, sound, and other production elements to ensure they would resonate with the audiences.

9.  On Page 6, the document states that the detailed budget will not be factored into the 5-page limit. However, will the budget narrative be considered as part of the 5-page limit?

  1. The budget narrative will not count toward the page limit.

10.  Can you please provide an estimate of the number of interviews that should be conducted per day?

  1. Varies depending on volunteers’ schedules and proximity to each other. Plan for 5 interviews for budgeting and production planning.

11.  For the Talent - is there a preference between using Non-Union or Union Talent?

  1. Our preference is to use non-union talent recruited through a casting agency or similar service.

12.  Will all videos be completed in parallel? Meaning, are any of the PSAs due before August 15, 2017?

  1. All videos must be completed by the August 15, 2017 deadline or earlier

13.  Will the 508 Compliance versions of the videos need to be completed on or before August 15, 2017?

  1. Yes, all deliverables are due no later than August 15, 2017.

14.  How closely will this video series incorporate current branding and marketing campaigns; specifically the Start Talking Stop HIV Campaign Videos?

  1. Like the Start Talking. Stop HIV campaign, the Let’s Stop HIV Together campaign also fits under the scope of the Act Against AIDS initiative. However, each campaign has its distinct goal, target audiences and branding, i.e. look and feel of creative materials.

15.  Is there an idea as to the number of locations that should be used per day?

  1. Ideally, one location per day, but more than one could be used depending on the time needed for set-up/strike of the set. For example, several people could potentially be interviewed in their homes in one day in the same city.

16.  Is there any significance behind the selection of the two cities (Washington, DC and Miami) and should the concepts feature either/or elements of these cities?

  1. Both Miami and DC are target cities for the campaign. They were chosen for budgeting purposes, as they are representative of a higher-cost (Washington, DC), and mid-range (Miami) urban area within the target geographic area, i.e. the southern region of the U.S. Proposed concepts can feature elements of the cities.

17.  Are there any specific examples of cultural references or items that we should be aware of, or stray away from?

  1. As a resource, please take a look at the HIV Stigma language guide, available on the Let’s Stop HIV Together website:

18.  In Reference to “Assist FHI 360 in the management of all aspects of talent recruitment, including liaising with talent agencies, if required. Provide 25 interview and video participants with cash incentive payments.” a. Is this included in the $100.00 per diem? If not, is there an idea behind what cash incentive should we budget for?

a.  All payments to participants, whether they be recruited talent or volunteers would be dispersed by the production company. To clarify, the $100 per diem payments are allotted to volunteer participants only.

19.  When and where actors in our videos portray people living with HIV, is it essential that those actors are actually HIV positive?

  1. No, paid professional talent who appear in a narrative PSA need not be HIV positive. Note: Professional talent is different than some other participants who appear in a PSA as themselves and share their own stories/experiences about living with HIV in testimonials.

20.  The duration of usage can have an enormous effect on talent costs — especially if a “buy-out” in perpetuity is required. Any notions as to length of talent contracts for hired actors?

a.  Please budget for “in perpetuity” rights for professional talent.