Let’s introduce our great team!

Our group is composed by: Serena Baiocco, LetiziaBeccacece, BenedettaBramucci andMichelaGiorgetti. We are attending the third year of Primary Education Sciencesat University ofMacerata and we hope to achieve the degree in order to become teachers of nursery and primary school. We get on well together so we often work in group to realize university projects, sharing our skills. Benedetta is an analytic person; Letizia is synthetic; while Serena and Michela mediate these opposite characters.

Hi! I’m Serena, I’m 21 years old and I live in a small village of Recanati called Montefiore. It’s situated in a quiet and peaceful place surrounded by hills and countryside, but I can see also the sea. It’s characteristic because there’s an ancient and small castle date back to Middle Ages. I’m a sunny, sweet, sensitive and helpful girl. I like being active and dynamic to approach new experiences positively: especially I dedicate myself to social experiences, overall with children. For example I had experience of birthdays animator, babysitter, linguistic support for foreign children and I gave child private lessons. I’m also a sportive girl, in fact when I was a child I did artistic gymnastics, swimming, volleyball and dance. Now, in my free time, I go to the gym and I take aerobics and Zumba course in order to keep fit enjoying with my friends. When I was a child I also cultivated the passion for music because I attended a choir and music course and I took an active part in a musical “La musicava”. I also like cooking sweets, dancing and going out with my friend and boyfriend to go shopping. One of my passion is travelling, in fact I’d like to travel a lot around the world in the future because I love discovering new places. Further I’d like to go on a mission in Africa combining my passions of childhood and travelling, because I believe that it’s a beautiful and important experience that can enrich myself! Loving children and childhood world, I also hope to become a teacher one day.

I’m Letizia, I’m 21 years old and I live in Sambucheto, a little villagenear Macerata, where I’m attending University. I have got two brothers: Luca and Andrea. They are older than me, so we don’t get on well very much! I’m a cheerful, honest and sensitive person. I like doing imitations and caricatures. I love very much animals and all things related to the world of nature. I’m very interesting in new discoveriesof science researches, especially in the field of education where you must be always up-to-date. I like doing sport because I think that it’s very important for the physical and mental health. In fact I have been doing sport since I was a child; now in the free time I go to the swimming pool where I’m taking fitness courses because they help to keep fit in a funny way. Finally I love travelling. I would like to travel a lot around the world to discover new cultures and new languages too. The last place that I’ve visited was Paris. I liked it very much, but the cost of living it’s too high so I spent very much in that week! My desire is to go to Scotland because I love very much its beautiful landscapes and its fascinating ancient castles. I hope to go to this magic land very soon, maybe the next summer.

Hi! My name is Benedetta and I’m a twenty-one-year-old girl. I live in Osimo, a lovely little city south of Ancona. Unlike my team-mates, my first year at university has been terrible because I had no idea about what I would have liked to do in my future and all faculties seemed to me the same. Today I’m sure I made the best choice I’ve ever done. I live with my wonderful family which is composed by my parents, Sabrina and Massimo, my sister Arianna, me and our pets that we consider as family members: our two dogs Virgola and Nuvola, our cat Punto, six turtles and some tropical fishes. I love the countryside and living close to nature but I have a strange unjustified fear of… lizards! Jokingly my friends laugh at me because I jump every time something whips leaves or grass. I’m a messy, unrealistic and a bit clumsy girl. I have often my head in the clouds but when I’m studying I’m careful and I pay attention to every minute detail. For this reason my workmates often “hate” me! I’m also very protective, especially with my younger sister who is my best friend, although we often argue because of our conflicting characters.I’m a dreamer and romantic person: I love letting my imagination wander to beautiful exotic places where I’d like to go in my life.I spend my free time doing voluntary work with blind and deaf people, learning Italian Sign Language, playing the piano, going out with my friends and reading, above all crime and fantasy novels and classics.I hate taking shortcuts in my life and I like taking on new challenges.

Hi! I'm Michela and I'm 21 years old. I live in Ancona with my parents and my elder brother but I study in Macerata, where I’m attending the Faculty of Education Sciences with my friends.

I'm a sensitive soul and a radiant girl, but I'm also very very proud and stubborn.

I like cooking cakes and I always want to try new recipes.

Dance is my biggest passion, in fact I danced for ten years and I joined a dancing company for three years. Because of university I had to stop but, it was too much demanding.

I also like reading poems, about all those of AldaMerini and Baudelaire, and detective novels. I love buying books and dresses too! When I go to do shopping with my best friend Giulia we spend a lot of money and more we buy, more we want to buy!

I'm a sociable person and I like meeting new people and relating with them. I'm good at working with people. Some months ago I helped a dyslexic boy to study and to do his homework, while last year I did voluntary work: I played in the waiting room of a pediatric hospital with the children who were hospitalized or who were waiting for a medical examination.