Let Change be the Tradition
September 5, 2006
1:00 p.m.
Humanities 107
Italics = Absent
Dibakar Barua, Jaima Bennett, Joyce Bishop, Gregg Carr, Dennis Carrie, Henrietta Carter, Stephanie Dumont, Barbara Jones, Darla Kelly, Chip Marchbank, Veronica Pizano, Omid Pourzanjani, Victor Quiros, Diane Restelli, Roxana Ross, Mike Shaughnessy, Marde Snedeker, Terri Speakman, Elizabeth Sykes, Richard Ulrich, Renah Wolzinger, Arlyn Lim as Student Representative
Guests: Wes Bryan, Jeff Courchaine, Dean Mancina, Mai-Ying Woo
I.Welcome Guests
Stephanie welcomed Senators and guests to the first meeting of the Academic Senate for fall 2006. She shared that some of our new Senators are representing departments that gained a Senate seat during our membership restructuring in spring. Senators and guests engaged in around-the-table introductions.
II.Approval of Agenda
The agenda was approved with the following adjustments:
1.Add Collette Hausey, Visual & Performing Arts, to Call for Nominations Item #1
2.Add Consent Items 2-5
3.Add Call for Nominations #1.d. & e.; #2, #3, #4
4.Add to Information Items/Senate Committees/CCI:
a.Auto Tech/Auto Collision/Diesel
b.Architecture/Drafting/Floral/Engineering Technology/Environmental Studies
III.Approval of Minutes from May 23, 2006
The minutes were approved as presented.
- Public Comments
There were no requests to address the Senate under Public Comments.
V.Consent Items
- Faculty Co-Chair for College Technology Committee 06-07: Omid Pourzanjani
2.Business/Management/Marketing/Real Estate Senator: Mai-Ying Woo
3.Business/Management/Marketing/Real Estate CCI Representative: DeAnna Lehmann
4.Criminal Justice CCI Representative: Derrick Watkins
5.Criminal Justice IPD Representative: Michael Bach
The Consent Agenda was approved as adjusted
Arlyn Limreported that the student council is currently working on their 2006-07 goals, along with revisions to their Constitution and Standing rules. They are holding a Region 8 meeting this Friday on campus. Their first fall event,the Welcome Back, was very successful – Arlyn thanked those who attended.ASGWC will hold an Open House this Thursday and are also in the process of finalizing their activities for the 40th anniversary celebration. Arlyn asked faculty to forward the names of students interested in filling the Public Relations office on the student council.
VII.Call for Nominations
- Faculty-at-Large Nominees to Planning & Budget
Note: Membership requires 4 Faculty-at-Large, with no two representatives from the same division
a.Omid Pourzanjani, Business & Information Systems Division
b.Theresa Lavarini, Arts & Letters Division
c.Sue Berman,Social Sciences Division
d.Collette Hausey, Arts & Letters Division
e.David Barrett, Arts & Letters Division (nomination pending confirmation of availability)
f.Marde Snedeker, Vocational Education &Technology Division
MSU (Bennett) to close nominations for Item #1
2.Senate representative to Program Vitality Review of Broadcast & Video Production:
Renah Wolzinger - nominated by Henrietta Carter
3.Senate representative to Program Vitality Review of Office Administration/Computer Business Applications:
Joyce Bishop volunteered to serve
4.Senate representative to Program Vitality Review of Audio and Entertainment Technology (previously Commercial Music):
Richard Ullrich – nominated by Henrietta Carter
MSU (Ross) to close nominations for Items 2 - 4
MSU (Ross) to approve candidates in items #2, 3 & 4
5.Nominations Open for Academic Senate Vice President (#2)
The election schedule for the second Senate Vice President seat is as follows:
September 5, 8:00 a.m.Nominations distributed
September 19, 8:00 a.m.Nominations close. If more than one nominee, then:
September 19, 12:00 p.m.Ballots distributed, voting opens
September 26, 12:00 p.m.Voting closes. Confirmation of VP at 1:00 meeting.
VIII.Unfinished Business
IX.New Business
- Orientation to GWC Academic Senate: Handbooks, Website, Mentors, Meeting Protocol
- Stephanie provided a walk-through of the handbook as an introduction for new Senators and as a re-acquaintance for continuing Senators. By request, Stephanie discussed briefly the charge of the academic senate, and specifically what issues, as protected under the Ed Code and Title V, are the purview of the academic senate (referred to as the “10 + 1”). Dibakar noted that on the CCCD Shared Governance document, that in some instances the language reads thatthe district and Senates will “mutually agree” on shared governance issues and in other instances the district will “rely primarily” on the Senate’s recommendations.He recommended that the Senate work towards having more “10+1” areas as “rely primarily upon” rather than “mutually agree” (currently the district only “relies primarily upon” 2 out of the 11). Stephanie showcased the Senate website, created by Senator Pourzanjani, and encouraged feedback and ideas from Senators.Chip suggested that we include a link to the new Graphics Manual. Stephanie thanked Omid and Laurie for their work in creating and maintaining the website.
- Continuing Senators Carr, Marchbank, Pourzanjani and Restellihave volunteered to act as mentorsfor our new Senators. Stephanie encouraged any new Senators interested in having a mentor to email Laurie, and they will be matched up with a Senate mentor.
- Stephanie discussed meeting protocol, including a brief review of meeting guidelines under The Brown Act, timed discussions, agenda layout, etc., helping to familiarize new Senators with the protocol of the Academic Senate.
2.Request for Subcommittees:
a.Faculty Recognition Subcommittee
Call for nominations and/or volunteers to comprise a Senate subcommittee designed to screen faculty for state and local awards, as well as keep apprised of other award opportunities for faculty, as well as create new ways for recognizing faculty:
Volunteers: Roxana Ross, Gregg Carr, Mai-Ying Woo
b.Academic Senate Rules & Voting/Nominating Rights Subcommittee
Call for nominations and/or volunteers to comprise a Senate subcommittee designed to review Senate and faculty voting and nomination rights and procedures and create AcademicSenate Standing Rules:
Volunteers: Stephanie Dumont, Darla Kelly, Diane Restelli, Omid Pourzanjani
3. Presentation of Faculty Resolution
Stephanie presentedDibakar with a resolution from the GWC Academic Senate honoring him as an educator and a 2005 recipient of theHayward Award for Excellence in Education.
WHEREAS, Dibakar Barua embodies the spirit of commitment, perseverance and dedication to educational ideals; and
WHEREAS, Dibakar Barua has enriched the educational and professional experience of his students and colleagues at GoldenWestCollege; and
WHEREAS, Dibakar Barua has shown, in his twenty-five years of community college teaching, enthusiastic support for the principles of the community college mission; and
WHEREAS,Dibakar Barua is recognized as a vital and dynamic force in community college leadership, having received many honors, awards and acknowledgement in scholarly publications;
RESOLVED, that the Academic Senate for Golden West College congratulates Dibakar Barua as a 2005-2006 recipient of the “Hayward Award for Excellence in Education” which he so richly deserves; and
RESOLVED, that the Academic Senate for GoldenWestCollege expresses our deep and sincere appreciation for his exemplary leadership and dedication to GoldenWestCollege.
September 5, 2006
4.Request from the President to add 3rd Co-Chair to College Technology Committee – Discussion and Recommendation to Planning & Budget
Stephanie shared that the College Planning and Budget Committee has created a sub-committee to review the membership of the College Technology Committee. The college President is recommending that the Director of Technical Support Services (TSS) hold a third leadership seat asthe 3rd co-chair to the College Technology Committee. President Bryan provided a brief history of the Director’s participation on the College Technology Committeeand also presented information in support ofthe Director’s role as an integral part of technology planning on campus. This item will be discussed in tomorrow’s Academic Issues Council (AIC) meeting and will appear on the September 26 Senate agenda for final review. Dibakar asked that the discussion on this item in AIC be shared at the next Senate meeting prior to our discussion on same. Stephanie commended Dibakar’s suggestion and encouraged Senators to email her before tomorrow’s AIC meeting at 12:30 with any other ideas they may have.
X.Information Items
- Donations can be made to the Kenneth D. Yglesias Scholarship in honor of the passing of Ken’s mother, Julia Yglesias. The Foundation will track all donations and send a letter to Ken and Donna to let them know of each contribution. Checks should be made payable to the Golden West College Foundation with a notation that it is for the Kenneth D. Yglesias Scholarship Account in memory of Julia Yglesias.
- Study Abroad Guidelines Posted on District Website “Study Abroad Faculty Guidelines”
- Intent to File for Sabbatical Leave due Friday, September 8, 2006
- Senate Committees – Vacancies
a.Academic Senate
1.Communication Studies/Journalism (2009)
1.Cosmetology (2008)
2.Learning Resources/College 100 (2009)
3.Visual & Performing Arts (2008)
4.World Languages/Sign (2007)
1.Business/Marketing/Management (2008)
2.Computer Science (2008)
3.Criminal Justice (2008)
4.Mathematics (2007)
5.Physical Sciences (2009)
6.Visual & Performing Arts (2008)
7.World Languages/Sign (2009)
5.Summer E-Business
a. Vote to confirm Russ Terry as replacement for Marius Cucurny on the Search Committee for a Spanish Faculty to participate in candidate interviews.
Passed by consensus
b. Vote to confirm Jacqueline Hils-Williams as Interim Director of Nursing for the 2006-2007 academic year.
Passed by consensus
c. Vote to confirm Karen Hinton and Chip Marchbank as faculty representatives to the Search Committee for a Director of Financial Aid.
Passed by consensus
d. Vote to reschedule September 12 Senate meeting to avoid conflict with GWC 40th Birthday events:
Passed by consensus
e. Subsequent poll to reschedule to September 5 or 19:
September 5 by majority
f. Vote to approve 7/25/06 Program Vitality Review Process Final Draft:
Passed by consensus with pending issues
g. Vote to confirm Joyce Bishop as Staff Development Coordinator for a one-year term, 2006-07:
Passed by consensus
h. Vote to confirm Veronica Pizano as World Languages Senator for a three-year term, 2006-09:
Passed by consensus
6.2006-2007 Meeting Dates
- September 5 & 26
- October 10 & 24
- November 14 & 28
- December 12
- February 13 & 27
- March 13 & 27
- April 10 & 24
- May 8 & 22
- GWC 40th Birthday Celebration on campus, September 12, 2006:
- ASGWC Campus Luncheon (Quad); 11:30 – 1pm
- All Campus Photo (Amphitheater); 1:30
- Welcome Reception after photo; 2:30pm
- All College Meeting (Forum II); 2:30-4pm
- GWC Foundation 40th Anniversary Celebration, Hilton Waterfront Beach Resort, September 30, 2006 6pm-midnight
- GWC Foundation “Night at the Races” October 20, 2006
- Accreditation Site Visit Schedule: March 5-7, 2007