Lesson Wise ProcesstoAccessing Grade-Level Content Standards and Curriculum
- Identify the standard(s)
Content Area: Social Studies / Unit: Maps and Globes
a) List instructional unit andrelated standards / Geography 1a: Students will understand the nature and uses of maps, globes, and other geo-graphics.
b) List activities currently implemented in the classroom and related skills
c) Liststandards to be addressed by their corresponding essence or GBEs / 1.1-Identify the different ways maps and globes model the world.
Essence: Maps and globes
E1: Distinguish between different types of maps and the regions they represent.
E2: Identify a map and a globe.
E3: Identify a map or globe.
1.2-Explain how maps and globes use symbols to represent distance and direction.
Essence: Symbols of maps and globes
E1: Match a compass rose and scale with their purpose (e.g., compass rose to direction and scale to distance).
E2: Use the compass rose to identify a direction.
E3: Identify the compass rose or scale on a map.
3.3-Construct and interpret maps to find natural and human-made features.
Essence: Features on maps
E1: Identify a natural and a human-made feature on a map.
E2: Identify the locations of given features on a map.
E3: Match specified symbols with the features they indicate.
3.4-Identify different types of maps that can be used to answer real-world questions.
Essence: Types of maps
E1: Given a map, determine what information is included (e.g., regions, features, symbols).
E2: Use a map to answer a given real-world question.
E3: Identify the area/region depicted on a map (e.g., school, park, state)
3.5-Understand the nature and uses of maps, globes, and other geo-graphics.
Essence: Maps and globes
E1: Demonstrate the use of a map by navigating to a specified location.
E2: Locate a specific point or feature on a map.
E3: Match specified symbols with features they indicate.
- Define the learning outcomes
Level of support / Least support / Moderate support / Most support
List the desired outcomes for students / Students will use words and graphics to learn about their world.
Students will use positional vocabulary words to describe spatial relationships.
Students will be able to interpret information from a globe or map. / Students will use words or graphics to Identify places on a map.
When given a spatial relationship students will identify the corresponding positional vocabulary.
Students will be able to identify places on a map or globe. / Students will match words or graphics to corresponding places on a map.
Students will match a given spatial relationship to its corresponding position.
Students will be able to identify a map or globe.
List the formative assessments
- Identify the instructional activities to be used within the unit
List the instructional activities planned for all students / List the barriers that may prevent students from accessing instruction, participating in activities, or demonstrating learning / List supports that can be implemented to reduce barriers
Lesson 1: Positional words
Rosie’s Walk by Pat Hutchins, Rosie on the map, “Rosie Says” game
Lesson 2: Cardinal directions and symbols
Compass Slide, Follow the compass rose directions, Symbols in the school and community
Lesson 3: Maps and globes
There is a Map on my Lap by Dr. Suess, Globe and map Venn Diagram, Continent (Land) and Oceans (Water)
ACCESS Project, Center for Disabilities Studies, UD Delaware Department of Education
- Target specific IEP goals and/or skills that could be addressed during the unit
IEP Goal/Skill
ACCESS Project, Center for Disabilities Studies, UD Delaware Department of Education
Use this form in addition to Step 1 if working across multiple grade bands1. Identify the standard(s) that do/ do not overlap across grade bands
Content area: / Unit:
List grade-level standards covered in the first grade band / List grade-level standards covered in the second grade band / Identify(or mark) standards that overlap between grade bands / Identify (or mark) standards thatdo not overlap between grade bands
ACCESS Project, Center for Disabilities Studies, UD Delaware Department of Education