Lesson Title: Pop Art Food Sculptures

Grade Level: 8th grade


Students understand the impact of visual art on the history, culture and society from which it emanates. They understand the cultural, social and political forces that, in turn, shape visual art communication and expression. Students identify the significant contributions of visual artists to cultural heritage. They analyze the historical, cultural, social and political contexts that influence the function and role of visual art in the lives of people.
1A Explain how social, cultural and political factors affect what artists, architects or designers create.
Students understand the impact of visual art on the history, culture and society from which it emanates. They understand the cultural, social and political forces that, in turn, shape visual art communication and expression. Students identify the significant contributions of visual artists to cultural heritage. They analyze the historical, cultural, social and political contexts that influence the function and role of visual art in the lives of people.
1C Identify examples of visual culture (e.g., advertising, political cartoons, product design and theme parks) and discuss how visual art is used to shape people's tastes, choices, values, lifestyles, buying habits and opinions.
4B. Demonstrate an enhanced level of craftsmanship in original two- and three-dimensional art products.
3A Observe a selected work of art and explain how the artist's choice of media relates to the ideas and images in the work.

Essential Questions:

What is culture?

what is pop culture or popular culture mean?

Who is Cleus Oldenburg?

What is his work around?

What is it trying to say?

Is it just random objects or is there bigger meaning behind it?

What is a symbol?

Can a label be a symbol?

Why make sculptures of large scale?


Pop Art



1. Students will learn and understand pop art and the artists that created it.

2. Students will create a large pop art food sculpture or large portion

3. Students will use 3-d methods to create there sculpture.

Vocabulary :

pop art


popular culture





Lesson Plan/ Activity/ strategies:

Day 1:


1A Explain how social, cultural and political factors affect what artists, architects or designers create.
Students understand the impact of visual art on the history, culture and society from which it emanates. They understand the cultural, social and political forces that, in turn, shape visual art communication and expression. Students identify the significant contributions of visual artists to cultural heritage. They analyze the historical, cultural, social and political contexts that influence the function and role of visual art in the lives of people.
1C Identify examples of visual culture (e.g., advertising, political cartoons, product design and theme parks) and discuss how visual art is used to shape people's tastes, choices, values, lifestyles, buying habits and opinions.
4B. Demonstrate an enhanced level of craftsmanship in original two- and three-dimensional art products.
3A Observe a selected work of art and explain how the artist's choice of media relates to the ideas and images in the work.

Instructional Strategies/Activities:

Students will be introduced to pop artist Claus Oldenburg. We will discuss his work and the purpose behind it. Students will discuss culture, pop culture, symbols ect. They will then choice a junk food to recreate in a much larger portion. We will look at labels and similar labels that are meant to look the same but say something different. We will discuss why these make us think it’s the true label and not what it says.


Visual Learners: Demonstrations will be presented to students for all work that is to be done. Visual examples of good work and bad work will be shown to students.Key parts of lesson will be written or drawn on board, and remain there for the duration of the lesson.

Oral Listeners: All directions will be told to students with repetition of key parts by students recited back to me.

I will observe all students for other problems that may need assistance.

Day 2:


1A Explain how social, cultural and political factors affect what artists, architects or designers create.
Students understand the impact of visual art on the history, culture and society from which it emanates. They understand the cultural, social and political forces that, in turn, shape visual art communication and expression. Students identify the significant contributions of visual artists to cultural heritage. They analyze the historical, cultural, social and political contexts that influence the function and role of visual art in the lives of people.
1C Identify examples of visual culture (e.g., advertising, political cartoons, product design and theme parks) and discuss how visual art is used to shape people's tastes, choices, values, lifestyles, buying habits and opinions.
4B. Demonstrate an enhanced level of craftsmanship in original two- and three-dimensional art products.
3A Observe a selected work of art and explain how the artist's choice of media relates to the ideas and images in the work.

Instructional Strategies/Activities:

Students will continue to work on sculptures. They will need to draw out labels on large paper first. Then they will paint them to look the same as the real label. When complete students will find filling for chip bags to make them 3-d, or a box for something like a candy bar. They will use wrapping to create a 3-d replica.


Visual Learners: Demonstrations will be presented to students for all work that is to be done. Visual examples of good work and bad work will be shown to students. Key parts of lesson will be written or drawn on board, and remain there for the duration of the lesson.

Oral Listeners: All directions will be told to students with repetition of key parts by students recited back to me.

I will observe all students for other problems that may need assistance.


1. Did students learn and understand pop art and the artists that created it?

2. Did students create a large pop art food sculpture or large portion?

3. Did students use 3-d methods to create there sculpture?