Lesson Plan: Art

Lesson Title: Grayson Perry Group: Teacher: Date:

National Curriculum Key Stage and Targets: KS 3 All NC art levels incorporated through outcome and differentiation

Level 5 Pupils take some creative risks when exploring, experimenting and responding to ideas and selecting information and resources in order to develop their work. When designing and making, they develop and use their technical knowledge and skills to manipulate the qualities of materials, processes and the formal elements appropriately. They consider and discuss the ideas, methods and approaches that are used by artists, craftspeople and designers, relating these to both context and purpose. They evaluate their own work and that of others, reflecting on their own view of its purpose and meaning. They are able to adapt and refine their ideas, processes and intentions.

Level 6 Pupils accept creative risks, exploring and experimenting with ideas independently and inventively and using a range of appropriate resources imaginatively to develop, design and make work. They apply their technical knowledge and skills to realise their intentions, using the qualities of materials, processes and the formal elements effectively. They interpret and explain how ideas and meanings are conveyed by artists, craftspeople and designers, recognising the varied characteristics of different historical, social and cultural contexts. They provide a reasoned evaluation of the purpose and meaning of their own work and that of others. They use their critical understanding to develop their own views and practice.

Cross-Curricular Elements: Opportunities to link with Photography and Drama

Further Learning Opportunities: Research Grayson Perry’s artwork, produce photographs and collage reflecting own local area, figure drawing, transfer de3sign on to the surface of a papier-mâché or clay pot

Timing / Teaching and Learning
Focus the Learning - Learning Objectives: Tell students what they will learn, how it relates to their experience, the standard at which they are working and write key vocabulary on the board. / 2 mins / By the end of the lesson: All students will have drawn a cityscape based on photos of their local area
·  All students must: produce a collage of their local area
·  Most students should: trace a drawing of their collage
·  Some students could: add colour to the drawing in the style of Grayson Perry
Extend / Reinforce the Learning:
Write the homework on the board and ensure students have written it in their planners. / 3 mins / ·  All students write the homework and Keywords in their planners
·  Produce photographs of your area such as a street or buildings. This will be used as a background for your design. This could be your own photograph or an image from the internet or a magazine
·  Keywords –Identity, proportion, photomontage
Begin the Learning - Starter: Present new information using Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic methods. / 20 mins / Using PowerPoint discuss definitions of LGB and T
Activity 1: Show examples of Grayson Perry’s pots. Talk about his life as a Turner Prize winning potter and as a transvestite.
Activity 2: Ask students to discuss in pairs what they think the term transvestite is about. What is the point of his ‘alter ego’ Claire?
Activity 3: Talk about the style of the artist’s work, how it is made and the subject matter. Then ask them to report back to the class.
Activity 4: Hand out photocopy resources of local landmarks and discuss the imagery on the surface of the pots which is similar. Refer to the ‘Print for a Politician’ engraving
Ask how class could replicate such a design using the resources they have
been given. Discuss how to cut them out and use the scale to create an interesting landscape of buildings.
Continue the Learning - Activity: This is the main part of the lesson. Provide a variety of challenging, differentiated VAK tasks / activities, meeting the needs of all students and all abilities.
Activity / Apply / Review / 30 mins / Main Activity 4: Whole class activity:
·  Cut out and place photocopies of local landmarks (e.g. the school, the church, the mosque, the synagogue, the museum, tower blocks, high street etc.) on a piece of A3 paper
·  Discuss with individuals whether their composition and scale of buildings work. If successful, glue down. Compare to the ‘Print for Politicians’ on the PowerPoint
·  Trace as a line drawing in Perry style
·  Add colours in the style of Grayson Perry
Supporting / Developing the Learning – Differentiation:
Where appropriate, identify students and the methods of support and extension to be used. Include support staff meeting notes. / Students / Target groups likely to need support:
Students will use photocopies to create a montage/collage of the local area / Students likely to need extension work:
Students needing extension work will complete a convincing, line-drawn cityscape with colours
Celebrating the Learning – Plenary: Students demonstrate in some way what they have learned. Recognition of progress. Refer back to Learning Objectives. / 5 mins / Review and Celebrate the Learning
Now students pair up with one another and discuss whether their drawings or collages work as a cityscape and how it might be improved.
Class discussion on which drawings and collages work best
Management of Resources
Identify which resources are to be used and how. Include the use of new technology and the use of other supporting adults. / ·  IWB to show slideshow of Grayson Perry and his work
·  Photocopied photos of local buildings
·  Photocopy of ‘Print for Politicians’
Equal Opportunities & Social / Moral / Cultural considerations
Identify any relevant aspects of the lesson which develop pupil understanding, skills and knowledge in these areas. / ·  Community cohesion
·  Human rights
·  Equal opportunities
·  Respect each other’s gender identity
Health and Safety Considerations
Identify the major Health and Safety considerations and what needs to be done to ensure maximum safety. / ·  Safe use of materials
·  Safe and calm movement around the room