UNIT/THEME: national landmarks
STANDARDS: 3.1.2 Understands the physical, political, and cultural characteristics of places, regions, and people in North America including the location of the fifty states within the regions of the U.S.
Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
ISTE Standards:
Student: 3. Research and information fluency, students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information
Teacher: 3. Model digital age work and learning, Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society
OBJECTIVE(S): Students will use Google Earth to explain the cultural characteristics of regions in North America, including language, food, customs, religion, stories, music, and art
3 parts: 1) skill or knowledge to be learned, 2) activity to learn, 3) performance to assess
KID FRIENDLY OBJECTIVE (KFO): Today I will use Google Earth to explain the cultural characteristics of the United States.
MATERIALS NEEDED:computers, chart paper, graphic organizer, markers
Function (verbs):
Write / PLANNED Language SUPPORTS (Use SDAIE/Sheltered English list OR Content Literacy Strategies)
Anchor chart with questions and sentence starters
North America
Region / Visual input vocabulary chart with visual aids
Google Earth tour / Visual steps-instructional sheet
Video tutorial
Small group work at the back table
Expository writing / Writing process organizer
ACCOMMODATIONS: (strategies to accommodate different learners: ELL, cultural differences, 4 quadrants/learning styles)
Focusing on one landmark vs. all 5
Student choice on where to begin their tour
Visual organizers for writing
Different prompts to express their writing
Students will use Google Earth to explore different national landmarks throughout the United States. These landmarks include: The Statue of Liberty (New York), Mount Rushmore (South Dakota), The Alamo (San Antonio), the Lincoln Memorial (Washington D.C.), and the Navajo National Monument (Arizona). Students will visit each of these landmarks and conduct further research on one of the monuments and write an expository piece on it. Students will explain the history of their landmark. Students can compose their writing through a travel brochure, a travel postcard, a letter, or a 5 body paragraph. Students will later present these in small groups. Students will assess their writing at the end by using a student writing rubric.
1. After looking at a slideshow of different national landmarks, class discussion on where we have traveled, what landmarks have we seen or been to? –turn and talk-what is a national landmark? What makes it so?
2. Students share out-lead into our vocabulary input chart
3. Lead into activity discussion-discuss today’s learning objective and activity-turn and talk what are we going to do today?
4. Who has used Google Earth before? Take a look around at who is raising their hand, they will be our tech support for today’s activity along with myself
5. Today we are going to use Google Earth to explore different national landmarks around the United States-what is a national landmark?
6. Log on and model how to use Google Earth, play tutorial video, then model how to find the first landmark
7. model how to use the writing organizer and explain how they are going to form their informational writing pieces
8. Have students repeat what they are going to do next-tech help raise hands again
9. release to desks
10. walk around and monitor, provide additional help at back table
11. eventually students will assess and share their writing in small groups/gallery walk
·  Writing rubric-self assessment piece
These are the generic categories of questions that you need to contextualize to the content of your lessons for the students
·  What was the learning target?
·  Why is it important to know our national landmarks?
·  How is this tied to previous learning?
·  How well did you meet the target?
·  What strategies or resources are available to you?
POST-ASSESSMENT (formative or summative)
·  Expository writing piece

