Lesson Plan: Stopping the fall of the World’s Coral Reefs

By: Jessica Wilkinson

Grade Appropriate: Grades 5-8

Lesson Objectives

Students will:

*Participate in class discussions

*Learn the term symbiosis and be able to define it and give examples of it

*Learn how interdependent ecosystems can be destroyed when one habitat experiences distress or harm

*Analyze primary-science based resources to develop informational presentations and public awareness campaign material

*Work in pairs or small groups to conduct research, construct presentations and public awareness campaigns, and present these items to their peers.

State Indicator

Grade 6, Life Science, #8: Describe how organisms may interest with one another.

Time: Three 45-minute class periods


For the first time in decades, the U.S. government has adopted policies to protect our ocean waters. A primary reason for this is the destruction to the coral reefs that border our nation. Many things such as pollution, global warming, over-fishing, and tourism have contributed to the damage to coral reefs worldwide. In addition, natural events such as El Nino weather pattern and hurricanes also cause reef damage. At the current rate, many of the world’s coral reefs could be completely destroyed in the next 30 years. This will have a direct impact on the entire ocean ecosystem, not to mention the economic impact the fall of the reeds would have on the U.S. and other nations of the world. Coral reefs are important breading and feeding grounds for many ocean species. In addition, scientists are exploring the use of natural remedies offered by coral reef life to cure many of today’s common diseases.


*Computers with Internet Access

*Reef Scavenger Hunt Worksheet

*Audio or transcript of the NewsHour segment, “Scientists Tap Reefs for Medical Discoveries”
*Save the Coral Reefs Research Worksheet

*Access to a Library /Internet resource materials

*Various art supplies for construction of projects and public awareness materials


  1. The students will visit a computer lab today to introduce them to coral reefs. We will visit and click on Learning About Reefs. From the drop down menu, choose “The Virtual Reef”. Here, students can see what a coral reef actually looks like. In addition, they can learn about various types of coral and sea creatures that depend on the reefs. The virtual reef also briefly discusses some of the species that are endangered and/or protected at this time.
  1. Now that students have had a chance to see and learn about a little about oral reefs, have them participate in a scavenger hunt using the same Web site as a resource. In the Learning About Reefs drop down menu, have students choose “About Coral and Coral Reefs”. Students can work in pairs or small groups to find the answers to the questions on the Reed Scavenger Hunt Worksheet. Give students 10-15 minutes to compete the scavenger hunt.
  1. Once the scavenger hunt has been completed, have a class discussion about questions on the worksheet. Have students share their answers with the group. Use this as an opportunity to teach students about symbiosis and the importance of coral reefs in keeping the entire ocean ecosystem balanced. In addition, discuss with students the direct impact coral reefs have on humans, particularly as means of providing food and medicine. Take time to discuss the following question with students so they can understand why this ecosystem matter to everyone. Use the map that illustrates coral reef destruction worldwide by going to Click on various parts of the map to see areas of coral reef destruction.

**Why should all people be concerned about the demise of the world’s coral reefs?

  1. Now that students have learned a little about coral reefs, they are ready to further examine with causes the destruction of coral reefs. Begin by having students watch the segment from NewsHour entitled: Scientists Tap Reefs for Medical Discoveries. As they view, have students pay particular attention to answering the following questions. These should be posted on the board or overhead so all students can see them. Encourage students to take notes as needed so they can participate in a discussion following the viewing.

*How does climate affect the health of coral reefs?

*What are the other factors that have caused massive changes in the reef over the past few decades?

*What would happen of coral reefs would disappear?

*What environmental changes are necessary to save the world’s reefs?

*What is the U.S. government doing to project reefs in our oceans?

*Can artificial reefs effectively replace natural reefs?

  1. After viewing, take time to discuss the answers to the questions. Use specific examples from the program to answer each question.
  1. Once discussion had been completed, have students go on a fact-finding mission. Their goal is to use all their resources to create a project display and presentation that addresses specifically what can be done to preserve the world’s coral reefs, actions that all people can take to preserve the reefs, and creates an awareness about why this environmental problem should be one that all people take interest in. Use the Save the Coral Reef Worksheet, have students collect and record date in pairs or small groups. Next, have them organize this data into some sort of display or presentation. Finally, have them present their findings to others in a way that communicates the message quickly, clearly, and effectively.
  1. Pass out presentation rubric and discuss assessment on presentation. When all groups have finished assignment they should present their display and their message to other students in the classroom to share what they have learned and how people can be actively involved in preserving the world’s coral reefs.

LESSON PLAN: Stopping the Demise of the World’s Coral Reefs


Reef Scavenger Hunt Worksheet

Directions: Using information from the website “Coral Reef Adventure” found at

find answers to all of the following questions.

1. What are the two types of coral?

2. What is the name of the largest reef in the world, and where is it located?

3. What is it called when two different organisms each benefit from living closely together?

4. Why are coral reefs important to the entire ocean ecosystem?

5. In what ways are coral reefs essential for humans? Give 3 examples.

6. Coral reefs face problems from both man and nature. While naturally occurring events such as hurricanes cannot be avoided, many of the threats posed by man can. List 3 manmade threats faced by coral reefs.

7. When the temperature of the ocean water rises, it puts stress on coral. In response to this stress, corals expel the algae that live inside the coral polyps. What is this process called and why is it dangerous to coral?

8. Because of global warming, the ice caps are melting and increasing the depth of the ocean. How does this harm coral reefs?

9. How can tourism have a negative impact on coral reefs? List 2 ways.

10. Much medical and scientific research is being done to extract chemicals and medicines from various inhabitants of coral reefs,

LESSON PLAN: Stopping the Demise of the World’s Coral Reefs


Save the Coral Reefs Research Worksheet

Now that you have learned some basic information about coral reefs and what is happening to them worldwide, you will conduct research to create a project display and presentation that addresses specifically what can be done to preserve the world’s coral reefs, actions that all people can take to preserve the reefs, and increase awareness about why this environmental problem should be one that all people take an interest in. Working in pairs or small groups,complete parts 1-3 below for this assignment.

Part 1: Collecting Research

Using science-based research materials from the Internet and/or the library, collect as much information as you can about the worldwide destruction of coral reefs and what can be done to save them. Use the questions below to guide your research. Record what you learn on a separate sheet of paper. Be accurate and collect facts, examples, and data that can be used in your presentation.

• Who/what is causing the destruction of coral reefs around the world?

• How does the destruction of coral reefs affect the entire ocean ecosystem?

• If destruction continues at the current rate, when will coral reefs become extinct?

• Why is the preservation of coral reefs important to man as well as animals?

• Where are the most severely endangered reefs in the world located?

• What can the everyday person do to prevent the destruction of coral reefs?

• What is the U.S. government doing to preserve coral reefs in American waters?

• How could the loss of coral reefs affect various economies throughout the world?

The following websites may be helpful to you as you conduct research about the questions and topics described above.

ABC News

Reef Replacement: New Project Hopes to Restore Coral Reefs by Growing Them

PewCenter on Global Climate Change

Coral Reefs & Global Climate Change: Potential Contributions of Climate

Change to Stresses on Coral Reef Ecosystems

Degradation of Coral Reefs due to Decline of water quality

U.N. Wire

Half World's Coral Reefs Could Vanish By 2100, Study Says

National Geographic News

Is Bleaching Coral's Way of Making the Best of a Bad Situation?


NOAA’s 25 Things You Can Do to Save Coral Reefs

Part 2: Organizing Your Data

Using the information you collected in Part 1, create a display or presentation that illustrates what you learned about the destruction of the world’s coral reefs and ways that we can work topreserve this ecosystem. This presentation must include the following:

• at least one map that illustrates where endangered coral reefs are located

• at least 2 pictures of coral reefs

• at least 2 pictures of specific actions/things that have caused coral reefs to become


• scientific data including at least 10 reasons, facts, or examples that describe problems

that are causing the demise of coral reefs

• at least 5 specific things that can be done to save the world’s coral reefs, including

explanations of why these actions are necessary and how they can protect the reefs

Make your presentation as interesting as possible. The display should be organized on a poster board. Each member of your pair/group will be responsible for making partof the presentation and discussing it with the class.

Part 3: Spread the Word

The last part of this project will be for you to increase public awareness about the problem by using some form of media to illustrate what you have learned. In your pair/small group, create apublic service announcement (audio or video), bumper sticker, political cartoon, letter to theeditor of the school or local newspaper, billboard, poster, etc. that calls attention to saving theworld’s coral reefs. Use what you have learned from conducting your research and creating yourpresentation to project a clear, concise message to others. Share your public awareness campaignpiece with other students in the class as the final piece of your group presentation

LESSON PLAN: Stopping the Demise of the World’s Coral Reefs


Reef Scavenger Hunt Worksheet Answer Key

Directions: Using information from the website “Coral Reef Adventure” found at

find answers to all of the following questions.

1. Hard and soft

2. Great Barrier Reef in Australia

3. Symbiosis

4. Because many of the ocean’s other species, including fish, spend at least part of the lives on or near reefs feeding or reproducing.

5. Food, Economic Value (from tourism), medicine such as AZT and cancer drugs.

6. Over-fishing/destructive fishing practices, coastal development, sewage and pollution, rising global temperatures

7. Bleaching can cause eventual death to the coral.

8. Because they need sunlight to survive and make their skeletons, increased water depth

prevents them from getting the sunlight they need.

9. Damage from divers and snorkelers who remove coral form the reef or feed the fish, and damage from boat anchors.

10. Painkillers, sunscreen, and hydroxyapatite (HA) for broken bones

Coral Reef Presentation Rubric (Assessment)

Group Members______


The group has at least one map that illustrate where endangered coral reefs are located.


The group has at least two pictures of coral reefs


There are at least ten reasons, facts, or examples that describe problems that are causing the destruction of coral reefs


There are at least give specific things that can be done to save the world’s coral reefs, including explanations of why these actions are necessary and how they can protect the reefs


The display is neatly organized, everything is labeled and the display is colorful.



Every member in the group participated in the presentation, spoke in a loud tone of voice and organized.


The presentation was informative and they became experts of how people can be actively involved in preserving the world’s coral reefs.


Total Points Possible=35

Team’s Score=