Sarah Sell

Lesson Plan: Multiplication review games


·  I am teaching this lesson to review with students multiplication as repeated addition, arrays, multiplication word problems, and early knowledge of times tables through games and other fun activities

·  Standards: Operations and Algebraic Thinking 3.OA:

- Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.:

1. Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 × 7 as the total

number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each. For example, describe

a context in which a total number of objects can be expressed as 5 × 7.

3. Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in

situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities,

e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown

number to represent the problem

- Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship

between multiplication and division.:

5. Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and

divide.2 Examples: If 6 × 4 = 24 is known, then 4 × 6 = 24 is also known.

(Commutative property of multiplication.) 3 × 5 × 2 can be found by 3

× 5 = 15, then 15 × 2 = 30, or by 5 × 2 = 10, then 3 × 10 = 30. (Associative

property of multiplication.) Knowing that 8 × 5 = 40 and 8 × 2 = 16, one

can find 8 × 7 as 8 × (5 + 2) = (8 × 5) + (8 × 2) = 40 + 16 = 56. (Distributive property.)

·  This lesson is important for students to continually practice what they are being instructed on for better mastery in unique and interesting ways, so that students may be able to better process and apply information.

·  Wicoff third grade curriculum states that students will gain computational fluency of the meaning and appropriate use of the numerical operations of multiplication.

·  Sources: (station 3)

(station 2)

(Station 2)

(Station 2)

Tang, Greg. The Best of Times. Illus. Harry Briggs. New York: Scholastic, 2002. N. pag. Print. (Station 1)

·  Objective:

- SWBAT practice their mastery of multiplication as repeated addition, grouping, and arrays through human arrays and grouping (Station 4)

- SWBAT illustrate and compose a multiplication book demonstrating their understanding on word problems with multiplication and other operations

grouping (Station 3)

- SWBAT exercise the knowledge of multiplication facts through interactive web games (Station 2)

- SWBAT explore and solve for math riddles and then challenge themselves in writing their own and solving for more difficult multiplication problems the text provides (Station 1)

Lesson Elements:

·  Introduction: explain each station to students (Stations descriptions and procedures) and then separate students into six groups, 2 of 4 and 4 of 3. Give students their first station assignment.

·  Closing: review what concepts of multiplication students exercised in the activities they participated in

·  Appropriate for grade 3

·  Lesson procedure:

·  Materials: 2 “The best of Times” books

Loose leaf paper

10 homemade paper books


Markers, crayons, colored pencils

2 computer and/ or smart board ( all with internet acess)

Chart paper/ large post it

Chart paper markers


·  Questions:

- What are you writing about? Does it make sense? How will you represent it pictorially? (for station 1 and 3)

- How did you find the product? How did you know it was correct? What other way could they have written this equation and we would have gotten that same answer? (for station 2)

- What was difficult about this activity? What other problems could we have arranged ourselves into? How did you know our order of arrays and grouping were correct? Could we have shown/ written our arrays and groupings another way? Why do you think I had everyone do this? (for station 4)

·  Source of stations:

Station 1- The Best of Times by Greg Tang – refered by peer, questions on post its from the back of, creating your own riddle was original

Station 2- 1. Brinormous, 2. Ezschool, 3. Funschool. kaboose, not altered.

Station 3- mathstories, format altered, compiled into tangible book

not altered

Station 2- 1. Brinormous, 2. Ezschool, 3. Funschool. kaboose, not altered. Station 4- original

·  Considered factors: what groups on children would work well together? how many students to have in a group, location and number of stations, noise management control, cooperative learning.

·  Difficulties/ misconceptions:

Station 1- too complex for students to understand, may have to read together and work through problems together.

Station 2- internet problems, work them out before hand, and have already set up

Station 3- students copy my model so theirs s not original, may not fully understand how to connect sentences into a story

Station 4- arguments/ disputes over who will be in an array/ grouping when the problem does not involve all students, encourage students to work cooperatively


·  Explain each station before student’s go to them rather than letting them read direction on each station

·  Ability grouping

·  Asking thoughtful questions so that students may use higher order thinking skills

·  Providing students with more challenging problems

·  Sitting with individual students who may be struggling and solving a problem together

·  Allowing students to pick their own groups


·  All Students actively engaged in station 4 where they correctly displayed their mastery of multiplication as repeated addition, and arrays through human arrays and grouping

·  Some students worked diligently and helped on another to obtain high ranking scores on web games that incorporated their knowledge of multiplication facts (station 2)

·  Some Students created interesting and accurate books of multiplication word problems to tell a story demonstrating their understanding on word problems with multiplication and other operations (station 3)

·  Some students solved correctly the questions in The Best of Times using the author’s methods and composed an creative logical riddle themselves. (station 1)

Stations descriptions and procedures

Station 1- The Best of Times

·  Students will read The Best of Times by Greg Tang individually, in pairs, or as a group

·  While reading, Students will need to solve a problem sticky noted to the page using Greg’s methods

·  Students should record answers and steps of solving on a loose leaf piece of paper

·  Students may check their answer in the back of the book

·  After reading through the book, students shall make up a math riddle of their own (does not have to be multiplication but is encouraged)

·  If students have extra time, they can try to solve the challenge problems at the bottom of each page

·  Problems:

Page 1- All on page (0x0,5,32,273,459)

Page 2- Challenge problems (1x31, 1x365)

Page 3- (2x4, 2x10)

Page 4- (3x4, 3x6)

Page 5- (4x5, 4x8)

Page 6- (5x2, 5x6)

Page 7- (6x8)

Page 8- (7x3)

Page 9- (8x5)

Page 10- (9x3)

Page 11- (10x5, 10x7)

Station 2- Interactive Web Games (games can be played individually or in a group)

·  Multiflyer-

- Students must lock target on a coordinate grid of the two numbers given in the top right hand corner to find the product

- If students know the answer to the multiplication problem, then they may simply type their answer into the box after the “=” indicating this is the product

·  Alien Multiplication-

- Students must solve the multiplication table by clicking on the correct product displayed on the UFO before they hit the ground.

- If students get the answer wrong the “enemy” gets a point, if they let them touch the ground without solving they lose appoint, and when student selects the correct answer, the receive a point

- Game is timed

·  Multiplication bridge-

- An infamous robber has robbed another bank and it is the student’s job to help catch him. Students must cross a bridge to get to him but can only do so by solving the multiplication problem

- Student will select numbers below and drag to the place indicated for the product of the two numbers given

Station 3- multiplication/ math stories (individual)

·  Students will compose a story using multiplication and other numerical operations in word sentences.

·  Student will illustrate their work

·  Students are encouraged to put an answer key at the back of their book

·  Students will have a model to refer to

Station 4- human arrays and grouping (all students will participate in this activity)

·  Students will come together in the hall and their assignment of arrays to form will be on chart paper posted to the wall.

·  One student will be the photographer and when students are arranged will take a picture.

·  Pictures will later be compiled into a slide show with the repeated addition sentence and multiplication sentence by myself

·  Students will have to work together COROPERATIVELY for not all arrays require every student. Let students know that they will have to take turns being part of an array or grouping. When they are not they should be organizing, helping people get into proper positions.

·  Groupings and Arrays to solve: 5x2,2x5,4x2,2x4,2x3,3x2,3x3,1x10,10x1,5x1,1x5, 0x10, 10x0


·  When groups 1-3 are at their designated stations of 1-3, groups 4, 5, and 6 will be at station 4. This first session will be approximately 10 to 15 minutes.

·  When Groups 4-6 are at their designated station of 1-3, then groups 1-3 will be at station4. This second session will last approximately 10 to15 minutes.


Introduction- 5 minutes

Session 1: 10 to 15 minutes

Session 2: 10 to 15 minutes

Closing: 5 to 10 minutes

Total: approximately 40 minutes






