Essential Elements of Instruction Checklist (EEIC)
Note: The following checklist is the next step in curriculum alignment meant to help teachers ensure that all lessons being taught contain the essential elements of instruction as outlined in Board Policy 378 and the Board Union Contact 5.H.4 and are aligned with our school’s official curriculum. / Teacher: / Room:
Subject: / Grade:
Date(s): / Per:
Lesson Plan Component/ Area of Reflection / Narrative Comments/ Reflection
Instructional objectives:
Expected School wide Learning Results (ESLRs) addressed:
Skills/Content Standards & Performance Indicators addressed:
Common Core State Standard(s) addressed:
ACT/SBA Skills Addressed:
Agenda Summary/ Procedures / Outline:
Materials/Resources needed to support the lesson:
Textbook / Magazines/ Newspapers / Other______
Workbooks / Supplemental Books / ______
Handouts /  Internet/ Computer / ______
Transparencies /  TV/ VCR/ Multimedia
Anticipatory set or effective grabber:
Instructional strategy (ies):
 Cooperative Learning / Lecture / Other______
 Independent Learning / Short Story / ______
 Read Aloud / Discussion / ______
Direct Instruction / Question and Answer / ______
Guided practice (what students will be “doing”):
 Oral Reading/ Answers / Activity (Describe) / Other______
 Worksheets/ workbooks / ______/ ______
 Drill and Practice / ______/ ______
Homework / ______/ ______
Modifications for students with special needs (general modifications):
Additional Time / Adjust Assignment / Other______
Samples of Expectations / Provide Summaries / ______
Manipulatives / Peer Tutoring / ______
Simplify instructions / Note Taking Assistance / ______
Checking for Understanding (formative/ student feedback):
Question and Answer / Group Response / Other:______
Class Discussion / Demonstration / ______
Quick Quizzes / Seatwork/ worksheet / ______
Methods of assessment/ Evaluation (summative/ grading):
Test/ Quiz / Project/ Product / Other______
Seatwork/ Homework / Workbook / ______
Essay / Participation / ______

Essential Elements of Instruction Checklist (EEIC)

This document is the Essential Elements of Instruction Checklist (EEIC) we would like you to use as a guide to help you ensure that your lessons contain all of the elements outlined in Board Policy 378 and reinforced in the most recently negotiated Board Union Contract.

Though it is not our intent to dictate a particular format, you will find the EEIC useful in determining whether or not whatever lesson plan format or model you choose to use contains all of these components. As a routine, please complete the checklist for each of your lessons and keep it in a binder of some kind for your records (binders will be provided at a later time, please use your own for now.) This documentation of lessons will be used as part of your PTEP and our data collection for Accreditation. Please make note of the following points:

Ø  Several “daily” lessons may be combined into one EEIC if your main lesson is stretched over several days. Do not confuse this with “units,” this refers only to daily lessons that may either be continuations of the day before or workdays for projects. In all other cases, there should be a checklist for each class taught.

Ø  As noted, please keep these EEICs in a binder or folder of some kind and have them accessible for administrators during formal and informal observations.

Ø  The narrative comments and reflective section is provided for you to document any issues, concerns, or important points concerning each section. For example, if for whatever reason you cannot complete a section or did not cover it during the lesson, note reasons or concerns pertaining to that. It also can be used as extra space if you would like to go into more detail or have thoughts to better whatever strategy used.