Lessonplan FDE IHansjuerg Perino

Lesson 2 A “Right place, wrong person”, English File, 12f

Topic: past simple: regular and irregular verbs, v: holidays Overall aims: past simple:(ir)regular verbs

Class level / profile: 13 year olds (1. Class of Langzeitgymnasium)

Time / Phase / Aims / content: "WHAT" –
"Why this" / Procedure/ Method: "HOW" –
"why like this" / Anticipated Problems
---> Proposed Solutions / Materials / Media
5’ / Warmer
Memory / Activate vocabulary (holidays)
Practice active use of vocabulary
Create a good atmosphere
Respond to students’ urge to speak about holidays
Authentic output / Exercise 1 Vocabulary holidays (a,c)
Let students write down 5 things they like doing when they’re on holiday; compare with a partner / Missing vocabulary  use vocabulary bank p. 152 / English File; ev. Holiday pictures
10’ / Warmer /Involvement
Understanding / “Activate” students, listening, choices
Group dynamics / atmosphere
Restricted exposure / Teacher asks “Which do you prefer…?” (~task 1c), students go to either side of classroom depending on their answer; have 2-3 students per question explain why / Weaker students might not understand the question & just go where classmates are going / English file (teacher only)
15’ / Exposure
Output / Activate more vocabulary
Prime on simple past, Reading exercise
Restricted exposure / Look at task 2a first
Work in pairs: Read texts; answer questions 2a 1-5; 2b: tell partner about what you read / Students might switch to German  walk around classroom, “visit” each pair / English File
10’ / Noticing/
Practice / Raise awareness to form
Elicit rule for regular/irregular
Clarification / Underline all verbs in the text that your partner read that you think are in past simple  teacher collects them from entire class, puts verbs on cards onto blackboard  students look at task 4a
In pairs: Try to find a rule  can you see any regular pattern?  rearrange cards on blackboard (regular/irregular)
Homework: fill in irregular verbs list with the newly learned verbs; look at grammar bank p. 128 (task 4d) / Students might underline other verbforms as well  discuss form right away (e.g. by translating sentence in which the verb form occurs)
Some students might not see the regular pattern since there are not as many regular past simple forms in the text / English File;
Verb-cards / blackboard;
Sheet with irregular verbs list
5’ / Exposure / Pronunciation
Restricted exposure / Task 5a: Listening & explicit rule about pronunciation / Students might pronounce the “e” in ending –ed (e.g. walked)
 more practice in next session / English File;
Blackboard with cards