Lesson 15 How To Create A Receipt
In this lesson we will review how to create a receipt for goods and services. Receipts in GrizMart are required on purchases over 5k. Creating a receipt ensures that goods and services have been satisfactorily received and also signals Accounts Payable that it’s “Okay to Pay” the vendor. Starting 7/1/2013 this will no longer be necessary as end users will approve invoices that flow into the system for orders over 5k.
To create a receipt for goods and services received you will need to locate the purchase order. There are 3 ways to locate the purchase order.
(#1) If you already know the purchase order number to which you would like to create a receipt for, simply click the Quick Search dropdown box in the upper right corner labeled Search For and select PO No. Next, type in the Purchase order number and select the Go button.
(#2) If you do not know the purchase order number, click on the document search tab and then my purchase orders tab.
(#3) If you are creating a receipt for a purchase order that you were not the requester of, you can find the purchase order by selecting the document search tab, checking the box labeled filter and then filling in the information you know about the purchase order within the filter section and then click on the search button. To learn more about how to search for purchase orders, please see the document search guide.
Once you locate the purchase order, you will need to decide what type of receipt to create. Notice the dropdown box under available actions has two types of receipts: Create Quantity Receipt or Create Cost Receipt. A Cost Receipt is generally used for services when the purchase order was created based on milestone payments or a negotiated split % to the vendor (i.e. 10% PO execution, 70% Delivery, 20% acceptance). Both receipts are created in the same way but in this guide we will walk through the quantity receipt. Make sure the drop down selection in the upper right hand corner of the screen is Create QtyReceipt or Create Cost Receipt and click Go.
You will now be on the create a receipt screen;confirm the quantity of items ordered matches the number of items received. If so, leave the number under Quantity as it stands.
In the event that an item(s) was received damaged, click the Receive & Return button. This will create a new line where you can capture the number of items that was received damaged. This will document how many of the total items received were damaged; therefore you do not need to change the Quantity of the original order. You can also click remove line if you’d not like to record that item yet in your receipt.
Click on Complete to create the receipt.
You will get a receipt completed message, and a link back to the PO. You have now successfully created a receipt.
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