August ?
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
F¡rst, I would like to welcome your student to Spanish. During this first block we will be developing proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish. We will also explorethe many aspects of Hispanic culture and influence around the world. Specific vocabulary, grammar, and cultural topics can be found on the class timetable.
Second, I would like to take this opportunity to stress how important it is that each student attends class. Forty (40) percent of each student’s grade is based on assignments that are primarily oral and aural exercises that are completed during the class period. Due to block scheduling and its longer class periods, instruction moves at a faster pace than on previous schedules. Although there are provisions for students to make up missed work, experience has shown that lack of regular attendance is responsible for the majority of students who do not do well in Spanish class.
I would also like to inform you that I will be offering tutoring one morning per week 7:30am-8:15am and one afternoon per week 3:15pm-4:45pm –- days to be determined at a later date. During this time, students may receive additional instruction and/or make up missed work due to absences. In order to take advantage of this opportunity, students must attend the very next session that is offered after a quiz or test, or after an absence. If he/she is unable to attend due to a legitimate reason, I will make alternate arrangements with him/her.
The rules and regulations and more detailed information on the grading policy for
Spanish can be found on the following pages. If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to schedule a parent meeting, please email me at or call me at (423) 569-8818 and leave a message with the office. I will return the email or telephone call as soon as I am able.
I will be using Remind to communicate with students and parents. Instructions for joining are included on the back of this sheet.
I have asked each student to take this letter home for you to read and to ask you to sign below after reading it and the attached rules and policies. This signed sheet is due by the end of school on Friday, August ?. I will provide a copy of the signed letter to each student.
I believe that our goal is one and the same – that every student experiences success in Spanish. Let’s work together in making this goal a reality. Thank you.
Sandra K. Lovely______
Student ______
Profesora Lovely
¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español! Welcome to Spanish! During the school year we will develop proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish and explore the many aspects of Hispanic culture and influence around the world. ¡Buena suerte!
We will be using the Glencoe text series “¡Así se dice!” – Years I and II.
The state of Tennessee requires two years of one foreign language for high school graduation and for admission to all state colleges and universities. The requirements for private colleges and universities vary. The foreign language requirement may be waived by the local school district for students, under certain circumstances, to expand and enhance the elective focus.
Tennessee State Standards for Modern Languages
- Communicate in a Language Other Than English
- Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures
- Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information
- Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
- Participate in Multicultural Communities and Global Societies
¡Tiene que ser proactivo, no reactivo!
Profesora Lovely’s Classroom Standards for Spanish
- Treat fellow students, faculty, and staff members with respect and civility at all times.
- Behave in a responsible manner appropriate for the classroom.
- Be seated, quiet, and ready to work when the class begins.
- Come to class with all needed classroom supplies.
- Ask permission to talk during lecture and demonstration sessions.
- Follow the teacher’s instructions the first time they are given.
- Pay attention and participate in all classroom activities.
- NOT chew gum, eat, or drink anything other than water in the classroom.
- NOT make any unnecessary marks or comments on any paper (assignment, quiz, exam, etc.) they are to turn in to be graded.
- Follow the rules or face the consequences.
Violation of Classroom Standards
1st Offense:Writing assignment in Spanish based on the nature of the offense – minimum of 50 sentences - due at the beginning of the next class. Failure to comply - writing assignment is doubled. Failure to comply - disciplinary referral.
2nd Offense:Writing assignment AND student referred for further disciplinary action. Parents notified.
3rd Offense:Writing assignment AND student referred for further disciplinary action ANDparent/teacher conference will be scheduled.
*Any additional disciplinary action will be taken as warranted by particular circumstances.
Spanish Class Supplies
You will need to bring the following supplies to class with you daily.
*Spanish notebook
* One (1) one & one half inch (1 ½” ) or larger three (3) ring binder
*You will be using this notebook for Spanish I and Spanish II.
*Do not write anything on your notebook.
*We will set them up together in class on Monday, August ?.
*Ten (10) dividers
*White loose-leaf notebook paper
*Pen/pencil pouch to fit three ring binder
*Pencil (gray lead only)
*Pen (blue or black ink only)
*Spanish textbook (to be assigned)
*Spanish workbook (if assigned) or worksheets
*Spanish notebook dictionary (to be assigned)
*Spanish grammar card (to be assigned)
*You will receive an exam grade for your notebook at the end of the course.
*You will complete all assignments, quizzes, and exams in pencil and make
corrections with a blue or black ink pen.
*Attending class without the above supplies will result in disciplinary action. You will need to have these supplies with you when you come to class on
Monday, August ?.
*If you come to class without these supplies, borrow them from a classmateor take what you need from the student supply area BEFORE the bell rings. There is a pencil/pen cup -- I put all pens and pencils that I find in the cup for students to use. There is also blank paper that you are free to take.
DO NOT ask me for pencils, pens, etc. – BEFORE OR DURING CLASS!
Grading Policy
Grades for the course will be based on the following:
- Course Average
- Daily Assignments – 40%
*Assignments include in-class and out of class oral, aural, reading, and writing assignments. If you are absent, you must make up any assignments you missed in order to receive credit for them.
*All written assignments must be written in pencil (gray lead only).
*You will make corrections on assignments with a blue or black ink pen.
*All assignments are to be turned in on the assigned due dates. Late assignments will be accepted only in the event of an absence or other extreme circumstance.
- Quizzes – 30%
*You will have a minimum of one (1) quiz per week. There may be some weeks in which you will have a quiz daily. Quizzes may or may not be announced.
*All written quizzes are to be completed with a pencil (gray lead only).
*Quizzes are to be taken on the scheduled dates. If you are absent on a quiz day, the quiz will be made up before or after school.
- Exams – 30%
*You will have an exam for each chapter in the text.
*Exams are to be completed with a pencil (gray lead only).
*Exams are to be taken on the scheduled dates. If you are absent on an exam day, the exam will be made up before or after school.
*Any assigned projects will count as an exam grade. You will be given specific guidelines if a project is assigned.
- Final Course Exam
*You will have a final exam at the end of the course. This exam will count as 15% of your final grade.
- Final Course Grade
*Your final course grade will be calculated by averaging the two nine-weeks grades together at 85% and the final exam grade at 15%.
Make-Up Work Policy
- As most of the work we will be doing in class will be oral & aural exercises, it is imperative that you attend class regularly. You are responsible for finding out what you need to make up if you are absent. If you have any questions about an assignment and/or you need to request materials, it would be most beneficial for you to request this information before you return to class (before school, before class, etc.). You may also request this information after class or after school. DO NOT ask me about make-up work during class. DO NOT come to my classroom during another class without my prior approval.
If you have a planned absence, you are expected to ask for your assignments in advance.
2.Make-up work will be allowed in accordance with OHS and OSSD policy. Please refer to the OHS Student Handbook re: make-up work.
Make-Up Time Policy
- Expectations - You are expected to come to class on time with the supplies that you need for class.
- Tardies – Tardies will be handled in accordance with OHS policy which can be located in the OHS Student Handbook.
1st/2nd Tardies: Writing assignment in Spanish – minimum of 50 sentences - due at the beginning of the next class. Failure to comply - writing assignment is doubled. Failure to comply - disciplinary referral.
Subsequent Tardies: You will receive a writing assignment AND a referral to the attendance office.
- Hall Passes – You are expected to conduct any personal business before and after classes and during classroom breaks. If you need to leave the classroom to go to the restroom, to retrieve something from your locker, etc., you will receive either a writing assignment or you will forfeit future breaks. The writing assignment will be in Spanish based on the nature of the event. The assignment will consist of a minimum of 50 sentences and will be due at the beginning of the next class. Failure to comply will result in the assignment being doubled. Failure to comply will result in a disciplinary referral.
Español I / el Horario
Semanas 1-2
Lecciones Preliminares / Libro / 1-17 & Cuaderno / LP.3-LP.12
Saludos/Adiós/Cortesía/Números 0-100/Fecha/Hora/Estaciones y Tiempo
Semanas 3-4
Capítulo Uno / Libro / 18-51 & Cuaderno/ 1.3-1.16
Vocabulario / ¿Cómo somos?
Gramática / Artículos y Sustantivos/Adjetivos/”ser”/”tú” y “usted”
Cultura / Latinos en Estados Unidos
el Día de Feria
el Día del Trabajo
Semanas 5-9
la Fiesta de Bienvenida
Capítulo Dos / Libro / 54-85 & Cuaderno / 2.3-2.16
Vocabulario / la familia y la casa
Gramática / “tener” / Adjetivos Posesivos
Cultura / Una familia ecuatoriana y las mascotas
Capítulo Tres / Libro / 88-121 & Cuaderno /3.3-3.18
Vocabulario / En clase y después
Gramática / Verbos en “–ar” / “ir” / “dar” / “estar” / “al” y “del”
Cultura / Escuelas aquí y allí
Capítulo Cuatro / Libro / 124-155 & Workbook / 4.3-4.20
Vocabulario / ¿Qué comemos y dónde?
Gramática / Verbos en “–er” & “-ir” / “tener que” / “ ir a” / “acabar de”
Cultura / La comida
Semana 10 /el receso del otoño
Semanas 11-14
Capítulo Cinco / Libro / 158-189 & Cuaderno / 5.3-5.20
Vocabulario / Deportes / Colores
Gramática / Verbos de cambio radical “e->ie” y “o->ue” / “interesar” / “aburrir” / “gustar”
Cultura / Deportes de equipo / Roberto Clemente
Capítulo Seis / Libro / 192-223 & Cuaderno / 6.3-6.16
Vocabulario / el bienestar
Gramática / “ser” v “estar” / Pronombres Indirectos
Cultura / la Novela Picaresque
el Día de los Veteranos
Semanas 15-18
Capítulo Siete / Libro / 226-259 & Cuaderno / 7.3-7.22
Vocabulario / Vacaciones
Gramática / Pretérito de verbos en “-ar” / “ir” / “ser” / Pronombres Directos
Cultura / Vacaciones
el receso de Acción de Gracias
Capítulo Ocho / Libro / 262-291 & Cuaderno / 8.3-8.14
Vocabulario / Tiempo libre
Gramática / Pretérito de verbos en “-er” y “-ir” / “oír / “leer” / Afirmativos y negativos
Cultura / Fiestas y ferias allí
Capítulo Nueve / Libro / 294-325 & Cuaderno / 9.3-9.14
Vocabulario / Ir de compras de ropa y comida
Gramática / Números / “saber” y “conocer” / Comparativos/Superlativos / Demostrativos
Cultura / Mercados
Semanas 19-20
Repaso de Examen Final
Examen Final / Capítulos Siete/Ocho/Nueve
Día de Recuperación
Día Abreviado
***Fechas sujetas a cambio sin previo.
***Hay más tareas además que estas.
***Hay muchas pruebas por cada capítulo.
***Hay un examen por cada capítulos LP-6.
Español II / el Horario
Semanas 1-2
Capítulo Uno / Libro / 2-31 & Cuaderno/ 1.3-1. 20
Vocabulario / En avión
Gramática / “hacer” / “poner” / “traer” / “salir” / Presente progresivo
Cultura / Viajes de tren
el Día de MLK
Semanas 3-4
Capítulo Dos / Libro / 36-65 & Cuaderno/ 2.3-2.18
Vocabulario / Una rutina diferente
Gramática / Verbos reflexivos / “favor de”
Cultura / Los mochileros y el camping
Semanas 5-6
Capítulo Tres / Libro / 70-99 & Cuaderno/ 3.3-3.22
Vocabulario / En tren
Gramática / Pretérito de verbos irregulars / “decir” / Pronombres de preposiciones
Cultura / Viajes de tren
Semanas 7-8
Capítulo Cuatro / Libro / 104-131 & Cuaderno/ 4.3-4.18.
Vocabulario / En el restaurante
Gramática / Presente y pretérito de verbos de cambio en “-ir” / Nacionalidad / Voz pasiva
Cultura / Restaurantes
el Día de los Presidentes
Semanas 9-10
Capítulo Cinco / Libro / 136-165 & Cuaderno/ 5.3-5.18
Vocabulario / ¿Qué se celebra?
Gramática / Imperfecto de verbos regulares y irregulares / usos del imperfecto
Cultura / Fiestas hispanas
Semanas 11-12
Capítulo Seis / Libro / 170-197 & Cuaderno/ 6.3-6.21.
Vocabulario / Tecnomundo
Gramática / Pasado de “querer”, “creer”, etc / Pretérito v Imperfecto
Culturael Mundo tecnológico
Semanas 13-15
Capítulo Siete / Libro / 202-225 & Cuaderno/ 7.3-7.24
Vocabulario / En el hotel
Gramática / Presente perfecto / Participios irregulares / Dos complementos
Cultura Un hostel/parador y el Camino de Santiago
el receso de la primavera
Semanas 16-17
Capítulo Ocho / Libro / 230-259 & Cuaderno/ 8.3-8.22
Vocabulario / Ciudad y campo
Gramática / Futuro / pronombres con el infinitive y el gerundio
Cultura La ciudad y el campo
Semanas 18-19
Capítulo Nueve / Libro / 264-293 & Cuaderno/ 9.3-9.20.
Vocabulario / ¿Vas en carro?
Gramática / Imperativo familiar/regular y irregulares / Condicional
CulturaLa panamericana / el tráfico
Semanas 20-21
Repaso de Examen Final
Examen Final / Capítulos Siete/Ocho/Nueve
Día de Recuperación
Día Abreviado
***Fechas sujetas a cambio sin previo.
***Hay más tareas además que estas.
***Hay muchas pruebas por cada capítulo.
***Hay un examen por cada capítulos 1-6.