Lent talks: “Worship through the Liturgy”
Together we explore the biblical and historical context for the words we use together to worship God in our Sunday services.
Date and place / EventTues. 16tth Feb. (All Saints)
8.00pm Talk & Compline. / Introduction and “How can we practice reverence?” Revd. Becky.
Thurs. 18th Feb. 10.45am
Discussion at St. George’s. / What is liturgy and why do we have the liturgy we use to worship God on a Sunday?
Tues. 23rd Feb. (All Saints)
8.00pm Talk & Compline. / What is sin really? Sin and confession.
Revd.Canon Simon Wilkinson.
Thurs. 25th Feb. 10.45am
Discussion at St. George’s. / What is sin and the purpose of confession?
During Lent, morning prayer on a Tuesday will be held on the Harnham Junior School bus at8.00am which is situated outside the Junior School entrance. This is an opportunity to pray in the heart of the school communities. Please do come along. Please note that no cars are allowed in the school car park other than staff so if you are intending to come along please walk!
The school are looking for volunteers to help serve teas and coffees on the bus on Monday afternoons between 2.45 - 3.45pm. Please let me know if you can help. Thankyou. Becky
The Vicar: Revd. Becky Roberts
Tel: 01722
The Curate:Revd. Heather Leppard
Tel: 07745
Parish Administrator: Mrs. Linda Baker
Tel: 07925 108856
Parish Website:
First Sunday of Lent
Sunday14th February 2016
We welcome everyone to our church this morning. If you are visiting, or a newcomer to the parish, please make yourself known to a sides-person or one of the clergy after the service as we would like to welcome you personally.
You are invited to receive communion with us. If you would prefer a prayer or blessing, please bring a book with you to the altar so that we shall know. If you would like to receive communion in your pew please let a churchwarden know before the service begins.
Should you wish to support the church financially there are gift aid envelopes in the church, or alternatively you may prefer to give to the collection during the offertory hymn. The money goes towards the work of the Parish. 5% of this collection will support other Christian charities.
We keep quiet in preparation for the service once the organ stops playing.
Heavenly Father,
your Son battled with the powers of darkness,
and grew closer to you in the desert;
help us to use these days to grow in wisdom and prayer
that we may witness to your saving love
in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
READINGS:Deuteronomy 26 v 1-11(P188)
Luke 4 v 1-13(P58)
Would you please PRAY for:
Bishop Ezekiel Diing, Diocese of Twic East in South Sudan.
all the parishes in the Weymouth and Portland Deanery.
St.Thomas’ church in Salisbury, it’s staff and congregation.
Harnham Brownies, Guides and their leaders.
our Messy Church today, the families and volunteers involved with the afternoon.
those who live inPortland Avenue and Shaftesbury Drove.
those who are sick, and all who care for them, especially Beryl Rumens, Sarah,Brian Duke,Keith Parker,
Andrew Senior, Stephen Rolfe, Peter Clark and
Sue Barnes (Arundale).
those who have died especiallyMargaret Reed, Christine, Henry Dudman andWalter Keay.
Christian Aid Representative Vacancy
If you might be able to take over the role of our parish representative for Christian Aid and arrange the annual street collection, please contact David Paterson on: 01722 421737.
Help Wanted
3Bs Toddler Group is moving to Monday morningsfrom 22nd February and would love more volunteers to help with refreshments on a rota basis.
If you can help, please contact Katharine Callard. Tel: 01722 501200.
During Lent we are collecting the plastic green, red and blue bottle tops from the plastic milk bottles for MENCAP in the New Forest. Please place any in the bins provided in church.
Lent Book
Thereis aLent book for sale at back of the church called “Daily Reflections for Lent”. It is a small book at the cost of just 90p. Please put the money in the donations box near them.
MAKE A MOTHER'S DAY this Mothering Sunday by buying a
"gift "to help a Mother overseas as a thank you for your own Mother. See leaflets at the back of the Church. Do take one.
SUNDAY –14th February 2016
3.00pmMessy Church in the Church Hall.
MONDAY –15th February 2016
1.30pm3B’s in the Church Hall.NOTE THIS IS MOVING TO 9.30 a.m. as of NEXT WEEK
TUESDAY –16th February2016
8.00amMorning Prayer on the bus at Harnham School.
1.00pmBible Studyin the Meeting Room. All Welcome.
3.00pmCommunications Meeting in the Meeting Room.
8.00pmTalk – How can we practice reverence followed by Compline at All Saints. (approx. 45 mins in total).
WEDNESDAY –17th February 2016
9.00amMorning Prayer at St.George’s.
9.30amSt.George’s Toddler Group in the Church Hall.
5.00pmCeltic Evening Prayer at 102 Coombe Road.
THURSDAY –18th February2016
10.00amHoly Communionat St.George’s.
10.45amLent Discussion in St.George’s.
7.30pmBible Study at Brympton.
SATURDAY –20th February 2016
10-12noonCoffee at All Saints.
SUNDAY –21st February 2016
8.00amHoly Communion at All Saints.
9.30amHoly Communion at St.George’s.
11.00amHoly Communion at All Saints.
1.00pmSamuel Griffin and Meredith Westerberg’s Christenings at All Saints.
Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)
Tuesday 12th April, 7.30pm in the Church Hall.
We are looking for 5 lay members to serve on the PCC. If you are interested or would like to know more please talk to Revd.Becky.