Lehman College/CUNY

Faculty Publications, 2007-2008

A Celebration of Faculty Scholarship

May 14, 2008


Department of Art


Towery, T. (Photographer) (2007). Haywain: pinhole image. Moment: Une Review de Photo, 1(2), 18.

Towery, T. (Photographer) (2008, Jan. 17-Feb. 3). Traces and avenues: a selection from the first two issues of moment - une revue de photo [Group Exhibit]. Brooklyn: Safe-T Gallery.

Towery, T. (Photographer) (2007, Oct. 14-Nov. 17). Spectra 07 [Group Exhibit]. New Canaan, CT: Silvermine Guild Arts Center.

Hines, S. (2007, Oct.-Nov.). Post-postmodernism and the archive: uncertain identities and “forgotten” legacies [Article featuring T. Towery] [Special issue Photography and the Archive]. Afterimage: the Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism, 35(3), 20, 21, 24, 25.

Towery, T. (Photographer) (2007, Dec. 11). Friends without a border [benefit auction]. New York: The Metropolitan Pavilion.

Towery, T. (Photographer) (2008, Jan. 21-Feb. 22). Magic silver [Group Exhibit]. Murray, KY: Murray State University Gallery.

Towery, T. (Photographer) (2008, Mar. 4-Apr. 27). Second international pinhole photography exhibition [Group Exhibit]. Le Bourget, France: Centre Culturel Andre Malraux, from

Towery, T. (2008). View of Crimean war battle scene. In R. Hirsch, Solutions: thinking andwriting about images. In Light & Lens Photography in the Digital Age (p. 336). Burlington, MA: Focal Press. (Original image published 2006).

Department of English


Papazian, M. A. (Ed.). (2007). John Donne and the protestant reformation: new perspectives. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.


Perl, S. (Director). (2007).Reading, writing & teaching the holocaust: summer seminar 2006. [DVD]. New York: The Memorial Library and the Research Foundation of CUNY.

Perl, S., Counihan, B., McCormack, T., & Schnee, E. (2007, July). Storytelling as scholarship: a writerly approach to research. English Education, 39(4), 306-325.


Valgemae, M. (2007, November). Hoopis teine ooper. Vikerkaar, 22(10-11), 102-127.

Department of History


Ackerman, E. (2007). Waldemar Haffkine, medical science, and Jewish idealism. Occasional

Papers in Jewish History and Thought, (32), 1-23.


Dauben, J. W. (2007). Chinese mathematics. In V. J. Katz (Ed.), The Mathematics of Egypt,Mesopotamia, China, India, and Islam. A Sourcebook (pp. 187-384). Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Dauben, J. W. & Parshall, K. H. (2007). Dal liberal arts college alla research university: Harvard, Yale e Princeton. In C. Bartocci & P. Odifreddi (Eds.), La Matematica. I luoghie i tempi Vol. 1. (pp. 477-504). Torino, Italy: Giulio Einaudi editore.

Dauben, J. W. & Parshall, K. H. (2007). L’evoluzione della ricerca universitaria: Johns Hopkins, Chicago e Berkeley. In C. Bartocci & P. Odifreddi (Eds.), La Matematica. Iluoghi e i tempi Vol. 1. (pp. 505-529). Torino, Italy: Giulio Einaudi editore.

Dauben, J. (2007). Marx, Mao, and mathematics. The politics of calculus, infinitesimals, and nonstandard analysis during the cultural revolution. Vorträge und Abhandlungen zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 2002/2003 & 2003/2004. Acta Historica Leopoldina, (48), 159-171.

Dauben, J. W. (2008). Suan shu shu. A book on numbers and computations. English translation with commentary. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 62, 91-178.


Le Gall, D. (2007). Kadizadelis, Naksbendis, and Intra-Sufi Diatribe in seventeen-century Istanbul. The Turkish Studies Association Journal, 28(1-2), 1-28.


Spencer, R. (2008, Spring). Engendering the black freedom struggle: revolutionary black womanhood and the Black Panther Party in the Bay Area, California. Journal of Women's History, 20(1), 90-113.

Department of Languages and Literatures


Blum, A. (2007). Romain Rolland et la question juive. Europe, (942), 86-96.


Fernández, D. R. (2008). Jorge Mañach: un cubano al filo de la frontera mexicana. Ventana Abierta,6(23), 23-26.

Fernández, D. R. (2007). Breve visita a la madriguera. Revista Literaria Baquiana, 8(47-48), from


Newman, Z. (2008). Layered, zippered and buttoned: the importation of Hebrew into "Dos Yidishe Vort.” Journal of Language Contact, 1, 1-16.


Saen-de-Casas, M. C. (2007). El arte del retrato en los Annales del Emperador Carlos V de Francisco López de Gómara. Talia dixit, 2, 67-93.

Saen-de-Casas, M. C. (2007, August). El andaluz y el español de América I. Glosas, 6.5, 1-6.

Saen-de-Casas, M. C. (2007, November). El andaluz y el español de América II. Glosas, 6.6, 2-6.


Spear, T. C. (Ed.). (2007). Une journée Haϊtienne. Montréal: Mémoire d'encrier.

Department of Latin American and Puerto Rican Studies


Badillo, D. A. (2008). Mexican migrants in New York City: toward binationalism in higher education. In E. M. Szecsy & J. A. Aguilar (Eds.), Second Binational Symposium,Monterrey, Mexico: Resource Book (CD-ROM-Section 9). Tempe, Arizona: Southwest Center for Education Equity and Language Diversity.


Colburn, F. D., & Cruz, S. A. (2007). Varieties of liberalism in Central America:

nation-states as works in progress. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Colburn, F. D. (2007, Summer). Rethinking the "Third World": talking with Lakhdar Brahimi. World Policy Journal, 24(2), 81-84.

Colburn, F. D. (2007, Autumn). The museo del banco central de reserva. Tribal Art, 46, 96-99.

Colburn, F. D. (2007/2008, Winter). Four mesoamerican celts. Tribal Art, 47, 144-145.

Colburn, F. D. (2008, Winter). Asia looms over Latin America. Dissent, 9-12.


Fernández, R. R. (2007). Foreword. In L. A. Valverde (Ed.), Latino Change Agents in HigherEducation: Shaping a System That Works for All. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc.


Galvez, A. (2007). Performing religion in the Americas: media, politics and devotional practicesof the 21st century. London: Sea Gull/Berg.

Galvez, A. & Luque Brazan, J. C. (Eds.). (2008, April). Traveling virgins/virgenes viajeras. e-misferica, (5.1), from .


Lopez, K. & Pite, R. E. (2007). Letters from Soledad in the Atkins family papers at the Massachusetts Historical Society. The Massachusetts Historical Review, 9, 35-54.

Lopez, K. (2007). Transnational histories: a dual-sided approach to researching early twentieth-century Chinese migration to Cuba. In T. Chee-Beng, C. Storey & J. Zimmerman (Eds.), Chinese Overseas: Migration, Research and Documentation (pp. 167-198). Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.


Ricourt, M. (2007, Fall). Reaching the promised land: undocumented Dominican migration to Puerto Rico. CENTRO Journal, 19(2), 224-243.

Ricourt, M. (2008, February). La identificacion etnica y la transdominicanidad en Nueva York. Global, 5(20), 36-42.

Department of Music


Ghezzo, M. (2008, April 15). Teaching music on two continents. Music. Venice, Italy: Ca Foscari University.


Prince, P. (Composer). (2007, May 10-12, June, July). When I get to where I’m going [Performance]. New York: Lehman College.


Rendon, V. (Arranger, performer, and co-composer). (2008, February). Blue mambo [CD]. Queens, NY: V. Rendon.


Tilley, J. (2007, August). Meditation and consolatory soul-god dialogues in seventeenth-century Lutheran Germany. Music and Letters,88(3), 436-457.

Tilley, J. (Ed.) (2008). Andreas Hammerschmidt: Geistlicher Dialogen Ander Theil Including aSetting of Martin Opitz's Salomons des Hebreischen Königes Hohes Liedt. Middleton, WI: A-R Editions.

Department of Philosophy


Carey, R. (2007). Russell and Wittgenstein on the nature of judgement. Continuum Studies inBritish Philosophy. London: Thoemmes Press, Continuum Publications International.


Shouler, K. (2008). The everything guide to understanding philosophy: the basic concepts of thegreatest thinkers of all-time made easy. Avon, MA: Adams Media.

Department of Speech – Language – Hearing Sciences


Bernstein, D.K. & Tiegerman-Farber, E. (2008). Language and communication disorders inchildren. [Chinese translation]. Psychological Publishing Company.


Obler, L. K. & Goral, M. (2007). Bilingual lexica. In G. Jarema & G. Libben (Eds.), The mentallexicon: core perspectives (pp. 185-205). Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Goral, M., Spiro III, A., Albert, M., Obler, L. K. & Connor, L. (2007). Change in lexical-retrieval skills in adulthood. The Mental Lexicon, 2(2), 215-238.

Goral, M. & Obler, L. K. (2008). Two's company, three's a crowd? Recent advances in psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic study of multilingual speakers. In A. Stavans & I. Kupferberg (Eds.), Studies in language and language education: essays in honor of eliteOlshtain (pp. 125-145). Jerusalem: Hebrew University Magnes Press.


Levey, S. (2007). Vowel characteristics: the potential effect on assessment and treatment. Perspectives on issues in language, learning and education, 14(3), 25-27.

Bernstein, D. K. & Levey, S. (2008). Language development: a review. In D. K. Bernstein & E. Tiegerman-Farber (Eds.), Language and Communication Disorders in Children (6th ed., pp. 27-94). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Levey, S. (2008, June). Evidence-based analysis of formative assessment. Perspectives on Issues on Higher Education.


Locke, J. L. (2007). Bimodal signaling in infancy: motor behavior, reference, and the evolution of spoken language. Interaction Studies, 8, 159-175.

Locke, J. L. (2007). Language. In N. Sica (Ed.), The language of science. Monza: Polimetrica.

Locke, J. L. (2007). Vocal innovation. Behavioral and brain sciences, 30, 415-416.

Locke, J. L. (2008). Lipsmacking and babbling: syllables, sociality, and survival. In B. L. Davis & K. Zajdo (Eds.), The syllable in speech production: perspectives on the frame contenttheory. London: Taylor & Francis.

Smith, A. B., Locke, J. L., & Farkas, L. (2008). Precursors of dyslexia in early conversational turn exchange. Topics in Language Disorders, 28(1), 5-14.

Locke, J. L. (2007). Evolutionary developmental linguistics: naturalization of the faculty of language. Language Sciences, from doi:10.1016/j.langsci.2007.09.008 ScienceDirect.

Locke, J. L. (2008). The trait of human language: lessons from the canal boat children of England. Biology & Philosophy.

Locke, J. L. (2008, April 4). Cost and complexity: selection for speech and language. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 251(4), 640-652, from doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2007.12.022 ScienceDirect.


Department of Counseling, Leadership, Literacy, and Special Education


DeSimone, J. (2007, Fall). Secondary mathematics inclusion teachers: how well prepared are they to address the learning and social-behavioral needs of students with learning disabilities? Exceptional Individuals, 32(1), 14-19.


Deveaux, F. (2008). Review of family behavioral issues in health and illness. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 16(2), 185-186.


Pinhasi-Vittorio, L. (2007). The role of written language in the rehabilitation process of brain injury and aphasia: the memory of the movement in the reacquisition of language. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 14(1), 115-122.


Polirstok, S. R. & Digby, A. (2008). Accreditation reconsidered: benefits, challenges and future directions. In C. Lassonde, R. J. Michael & J. Rivera-Wilson (Eds.), Current Issues inTeacher Education: History, Perspectives and Implications. Florence, KY: Gordon Publishers.

Polirstok, S. R. (2008, Spring). How parents can help children and adolescents develop emotional intelligence: moving beyond gender stereotypes in emotional responding. Lehman College Women's Studies Review, pp. 7-10.


Wolpert, G. (2008). Teachers partnering with parents in the new millennium. In W. Merriman & A. Nicoletti (Eds.), Understanding and Teaching Today's Students (pp. 109-123). Washington, D.C.: National Catholic Education Association.

Department of Early Childhood and Childhood Education


Kremenitzer, J. P., Mojsa, J. K. & Brackett, M. A. (2008). Creating an emotionally intelligent classroom culture. In R. J. Emmerling, V. K. Shanwal & M. K. Mandal (Eds.), EmotionalIntelligence: Theoretical and Cultural Perspectives (pp. 191-207). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.


Rofrano, F. (2008, Spring). Make space for infant spirituality. The Journal of ChildhoodEducation, 20(3), 1-3, 8.


McNamee, A., Zakin, A., Saravia-Shore, M., Lawrence Ross, A., Peloso, J. M., Dubetz, N. E., et. al. (2007). A renaissance of the arts in classrooms: a collaboration between a college, a public school, and an arts institution. Imagining a Renaissance in Teacher Education:Teacher Education Yearbook XVI, 328-347.

Zakin, A. (2007). Metacognition and the use of inner speech in children's thinking: a tool teachers can use. Scientific Journal International, 1(2), 1-14.

Zakin, A., McNamee, A. & Mecurio, M. L. (2007, Fall). Developing and validating a rubric to measure aesthetic education capacities across three different graduate education courses. In H. Shenkman & S. Polirstok (Eds.), The scholarship of teaching: faculty development through cross-campus collaboration (pp. 26-35). New York: Center for Teaching Excellence.

Zakin, A. (2007, Winter). Inner speech: a neglected pedagogical tool. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 99-103.

Zakin, A. (2008). On being seduced: the taste of a sugar buzz. Senses and Society, 3(2), 241-246.

Department of Middle and High School Education


DelliCarpini, M. (2007). Planting the seeds of collaboration in secondary level teacher education programs. Excelsior: Leadership in Teaching and Learning, 1(2), 49-61.

DelliCarpini, M. (2008, March 5). Enhancing cooperative learning in TESOL teacher education. English Language Teacher Journal, from

DelliCarpini, M., & Engelmann, S. (2008, May). Changing with the times: are we meeting the needs of adult ESL students in their literacy classes? Literacy Update, from


Gulla, A. & Fairbank, H. (2007). Metamorphosis of an idea: the aesthetic education action research faculty development seminar. In H. Shenkman & S. Polirstok (Eds.), The scholarship of teaching: faculty development through cross-campus collaboration (pp. 85-91). New York: Center for Teaching Excellence.

Gulla, A. (2007, Fall). Thirteen ways of looking at a blackboard: nurturing creativity and developing voice in the preparation of English teachers. The New Educator, 3(4), 335-350.


Harushimana, I. (2007). Educational needs of linguistically and culturally underrepresented immigrant youths: the case of African-born immigrant youths in the United States urban schools. Journal of Border Education Research, 6(2), 69-83.

Harushimana, I. (2008, Spring). Motivating teenage readers with popular magazines. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 12(1), from


Kelly, A. M., & Sheppard, K. (2008, May). Newton in the big apple: access to high school physics in New York City. The Physics Teacher, 46, 280-283.


Shiller, J. (2007). Educational reform in the global city: the case of the quality-schools-for-the-poor initiative in New York City. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 1(2), 127-134.


Department of Anthropology


Sanford, V. (2007). Bridging the emotional gulf: reflections on the intimacy and distance of exhuming traumatic memories. Archaeological Review from Cambridge, 22(2), 17-23.

Sanford, V. (2007). Feminicide and social cleansing: the human rights crisis in peacetime Guatemala. Kanagawa Daigaku Hougaku Kenkyuujo Kenkyuu Nenpou-Kanagawa University Journal of Legal Studies Research, 25, 97-124.

Sanford, V. (2008). The moral imagination of Colombian youth: displacement, survival, paramilitarism and peacemaking. In D. Pardue (Ed.), Ruminations on Violence (pp. 85-99). Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.

Sanford, V. (2008). Si hubo genocidio: yes, there was a genocide in Guatemala. In D. Stone (Ed.), The Historiography of Genocide (pp. 543-576). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Department of Biological Sciences


Yamoah, D., Williams-Baginski, K., & Bamshad, M. (2008). Changes in response to odors during the reproductive period in male and female prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster).Canadian Journal of Zoology, 86, 224-230.


Einbond, L. S., Su, T., Wu, H. A., Friedman, R., Wang, X., Jiang, B., Hagan, T., Kennelly, E. J., Kronenberg, F., & Weinstein, I. B. (2007). Gene expression analysis of the mechanisms whereby black cohosh inhibits human breast cancer cell growth. Anticancer Research, 27, 697-712.

Nuntanakorn, P., Jiang, B., Yang, H., Cervantes-Cervantes, M., Kronenberg, F., & Kennelly, E. J. (2007). Analysis of polyphenolic compounds and radical scavenging activity of four Actaea species. Phytochemical analysis,18, 219-228.

Reynertson, K. A., Yang, H., Jiang, B., Basile, M. J., & Kennelly, E. J. (2008). Quantitative analysis of antiradical phenolic constituents from fourteen edible Myrtaceae fruits. Food Chemistry, from doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2008.01.021.

Simirgiotis, M. J., Adachi, S., To, S., Yang, H., Reynertson, K. A., Basile, M. J., Gil, R. R., Weinstein, I. B., & Kennelly, E. J. (2008). Cytotoxic chalcones and antioxidants from the fruits of Syzygium samarangense (wax jambu). Food Chemistry,107, 813-819.


Rachlin, J. W., Warkentine, B. E., & Pappantoniou, A. (2008, March). Use of a parsimony algorithm as a method for evaluating ichthyofaunal distribution and co-occurrence in an urban stream. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 23(1), 1-12.

Rachlin, J. W., Warkentine, B. E., & Pappantoniou, A. (2007, December 31). An evaluation of the ichthyofauna of the Bronx River, a resilient urban waterway. Northeastern Naturalist, 14(4), 531-544.


Li, F., Murillo, C., & Wurtzel, E. T. (2007). Maize Y9 is essential for 15-cis-zetacarotene isomerization. Plant Physiology, 144(2), 1181-1189.

Matthews, P. D. & Wurtzel, E. T. (2007). Biotechnology of food colorant production. In C. Socaciu (Ed.), Food Colorants: Chemical and Functional Properties (pp. 347-398). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Quinlan, R. F., Jaradat, T. T., & Wurtzel, E. T. (2007). Escherichia coli as a platform for functional expression of plant P450 carotene hydroxylases. Highlight Edition on Carotenoids, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 458, 146-157.

Harjes, C. E., Rocheford, T., Bai, L., Brutnell, T., Bermudez-Kandianis, C., Sowinski, S. G., Stapleton, A. E., Vallabhaneni, R., Williams, M., Wurtzel, E. T.,Yan, J., & Buckler, E. S. (2008). Natural genetic variation in Lycopene Epsilon Cyclase tapped for maize biofortification. Science, 319, 330-333; supplementary material online.

Li, F., Vallabhaneni, R., & Wurtzel, E. T. (2008). PSY3, a new member of the phytoene synthase gene family conserved in the Poaceae and a key regulator of abiotic stress-induced root carotenogenesis. Plant Physiology, 146(3), 1333.

Department of Environmental, Geographic and Geological Sciences

Maantay, J., Maroko, A., & Herrmann, C. (2007, April). Mapping population distribution in the urban environment: the cadastral-based expert dasymetric system (CEDS). Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 34(2), 77-102.

Maantay, J. (2008). [Review of the book Noxious New York: the radical politics of urban healthand environmental justice]. Urban Affairs Review, 43(5), 733-735.


Patriat, P., Sloan, H. & Sauter, D. (2008, March). From slow to untraslow: a previously undetected event at the Southwest Indian Ridge at ca. 24 Ma. Geology, 36(3), 207-210.

MacDonald, M., Sloan, H. & Miele, E. (2008, May). Improving earth science education: the trust model. Journal of GED Science Education, 56(3).

Department of Health Sciences


Kunstler, R. (2007, Fall). A second chance at learning: benefits of reflective journaling. In H. Shenkman & S. Polirstok (Eds.), The scholarship of teaching: faculty development through cross-campus collaboration (pp. 46-53). New York: Center for Teaching Excellence.


Merzel, C., Burrus, G., Davis, J., Moses, N., Rumley, S., & Walters, D. (2007). Developing and sustaining community-academic partnerships: Lessons from Downstate New York Healthy Start. Health Promotion Practice, 8, 375-383.

Merzel, C., Moon-Howard, J., Dickerson, D., Ramjohn, D., & VanDevanter, N. (2008). Making the connections: community capacity for tobacco control in an urban African American community. American Journal of Community Psychology, 41, 74-88.

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science


Pan, V. Y., Ivolgin, D., Murphy, B., Rosholt, R. E., Tang, Y., Wang, X., Yan, X. (2007). Root-finding with Eigen-solving. In D. Wang & L. Zhi (Eds.), Symbolic-Numeric Computation (pp. 185-210). Boston: Birkhäuser Basel.

Pan, V. Y., Qian, G., Murphy, B., Rosholt, R. E., & Tang, Y. (2007, July). Real root-finding. In J. Vershelde & S. Watt (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third International Workshop onSymbolic-Numeric Computation(pp. 161-169). New York: ACM Press.

Pan, V. Y. & Yan, X. (2007, July). Null space and eigenspace computation with additive preconditioning. In J. Vershelde & S. Watt (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third InternationalWorkshop on Symbolic-Numeric Computation(pp. 170-179). New York: ACM Press.

Pan, V. Y., Murphy, B., Rosholt, R. E., & Tabanjeh, M. (2007, July). The schur aggregation for solving linear systems of equations. In J. Vershelde & S. Watt (Eds.), Proceedings of theThird International Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric Computation(pp. 180-188). New York: ACM Press.

Pan, V. Y. (2007). New homotopic/factorization and symmetrization techniques for Newton’s and Newton’s structured iteration. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 54, 721-729.

Pan, V. Y., Ivolgin, D., Murphy, B., Rosholt, R. E., Taj-Eddin, I., Tang, Y., & Yan, X. (2008). Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 55(8), 1870-1886.

Pan, V. Y., Murphy, B., Rosholt, R. E., Tang, Y., Wang, X., & Zheng, A. (2008). Eigen-solving via reduction to DPR1 matrices. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. Elsevier Ltd.

Pan, V. Y., Ivolgin, D., Murphy, B., Rosholt, R. E., Tang, Y., & Yan, X. (2008). Additive preconditioning for matrix computations. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 5010, 372-383. Russia: Third International Computer Science Symposium.

Department of Nursing


Frederickson, K., & Levin, R. F. (2007). Evidence-based practice: a reliable source to access interventions for youth risk. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 21(3), 149-152.

Baker, C. M., McDaniel, A. M., & Frederickson, K. (2007). Empowerment among Latina nurses in Mexico, New York, and Indiana. International Nursing Review, 54, 124-129.

Frederickson, K., & Velasco-Whetsell, M. (2007, April). Tribute to the theorists. Calista Roy over the years. Nursing Science Quarterly, 20(2), 107.


Georges, C. A. (2007). Policy and politics in nursing and health care (5th ed.) (D. J. Mason, J. K. Leavitt & M. W. Chaffee, Eds.). St. Louis: Saunders/Elsevier.

Department of Physics and Astronomy


Calero, C., Chudnovsky, E. M., & Garanin, D. A. (2007). Magnetoelastic waves in crystals of magnetic molecules. Physical Review B, 76, 094419-094426.