Legal matters

NO. / Names of Matters / Status of Matters
1. / NTK Limpopo vs DAFF / Claim for goods sold and delivered. Removed from the roll
2. / Goosen JM vs DAFF / Prohibition uplifted, Rule Nisi Confirmed.
3. / Penpoint Stationers / Matter removed from the roll
4. / Mohlagodi MJ / Further exchange of pleadings
5. / National Society For Prevention of Cruelity to Animals / Unopposed, referred to Constitutional Court, on Roll 19 March 2013.
6. / Transnet Ltd vs DAFF / Unopposed, Notice To Abide filed.
7. / Oetle AC / Notice to Abide filed.
8. / Plaatrevier Afslaers / Notice to Abide filed.
9. / Yolande Nel / Notice to abide filed.
10. / Mopeli vs DAFF / Application dismissed by CCMA.
11. / Block FJ / Awaiting settlement finalization
12. / Imperial Group/Minister of Agriculture / Closed
13. / Mothibedi TS / Further exchange of pleadings
14. / Khawuleza Protection
Services vs DAFF / Busy with the settlement proposals.
15. / Swanvest vs DAFF / Pleadings and Notices are being exchanged between the Parties.
16. / Rapulo Investment vs DAFF / Notice of Motion.
Pleadings and Notices are being exchanged.
17. / Kloof Conservancy ofSouth Africa vs Minister of Agriculture (Third Respondent) / Notice of Motion.
Pleadings and Notices are being exchanged.
18. / The Association of Veterinary and Crop Association of South Africa vs DAFF / Notice of Motion.
Pleadings and Notices are being exchanged.
19. / Blue Craine Country Estate (Pty) Ltd vs DAFF / Notice of Motion.
Awaiting instructions to oppose.
20. / Buffalo Conservation 97 (Pty) Ltd vs DAFF / Combined summons. Pleadings and Notices are being exchanged.
21. / KDC Projects and Development vs DAFF and Others / Notice of Motion.
Pleadings and Notices are being exchanged between the Parties.
22. / Supreme Poultry (Pty) Ltd vs DAFF / Notice of Motion.
Pleadings and Notices are being exchanged.
23. / Witteberg Landgoed (Pty) Ltd vs DAFF / Notice of Motion.
Pleadings and Notices are being exchanged.
24. / Kwena Komape vs DAFF / Combined summons. Pleadings and Notices are being exchanged.
25. / Safeguard Crop Protection Farmag International (Pty) Ltd vs The Registrar of Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies / Notice of Motion.
Busy to settle the matter.
26. / Unie- Tech Development Initiative (Pty) Ltd / The company sued Limpopo PDA and DAFF. The matter was dismissed with costs.
27. / Amathole Forestry Company (Case No 32512/11 - North Gauteng High Court - Pretoria) / This is a claim against the Department in terms of the National Veld Forest Fires Act.
28 / Mr Murtz - Stilbaai / Wrongful arrest, prosecutor investigating charges before considering withdrawal thereof.
Matter has been withdrawn and finalized.
29. / Karbonkelberg vs MLRF / Rescission of judgement, matter set down and heard, awaiting judgment.
Judgement recinded.
Matter finalised
30. / R Theron vs MAFF / Damages claimed following unlawful arrest, plea lodged.
31. / Monodon Fishing vs DAFF Minister (S21 Application) / Failure to process S21 Application, finalizing S21 letters to Applicant, order granted with agreed dates to resolve.
32. / Z Kewana eviction / Eviction application, affidavits by SCM finalized and submitted.
33. / Middleton vs MAFF / Claim of defamation, plea lodged.
Plea has been filed
34. / People of RSA vs MAFF / Application for Minister to rescind WCRL TAC, defective papers issued by applicant, order of court granted setting dates for service and affidavits for the proceedings of this matter.
Answering affidavit filed
35. / Foodcorp vs MAFF / Failure to process S21 application, parties agreed to timetable, made an order of court in respect of finalization of
affidavits, interim relief granted and date for hearing.
Awaiting replying affidavit.
36. / Magnum Simplex / Breach of contract, Advice on Evidence completed, awaiting trial dates.
In the process of appointing expert that deals with finest financial system.
37. / Michael Gatcke / Damages for wrongful arrest and malicious prosecution, awaiting judgement.
State Attorney in process of laying complaint with Magistrate Committee as Magistrate is taking too long to write ruling.
38. / Brendon Petersen / Fishing rights application review, awaiting date of hearing in the matter.
39. / M Ngadlela / Review of appointment of CD: MCS, judgement has been reserved.
Awaiting Judgement
40. / Distell vs MAFF / Prohibition of bottling and selling of certain products, judgement awaited.
Judgement received and matter finalized.
41. / Steyn vs MAFF / Damages sought for damage to vessels, applicant has not yet filed papers after summons.
42. / Jason du Plessis / Damages incurred whilst confiscation of fish, applicant has not yet filed papers after summons.
43. / Morolong / Arbitration . Breach of contract, awaiting date for arbitration for both parties.
44. / Matthew Morris vs MAFF / Damages sought for confiscation of fish, defective pleadings, matter set down for November 2013.
45. / G Mmereki and others / Fisheries Compliance Officers charged with assault, appeared in court, matter postponed pending investigation, and trial dates not confirmed yet.
46. / Fisherman Fresh / Damages for confiscation of fish, matter being investigated.
47. / Fifana / Employees allegedly under the influence of alcohol, awaiting investigation reports on blood test results.
48. / SACFC / Alleged fronting – review of rights and quotas, pended, awaiting documents from applicants.
49. / CapWest Crayfish; Shaun Hullet; Khanyilanga Fishing; Qhudeni Fishing; Inyemko Fishing / Review of fishing rights, matters pended, documents outstanding from applicants.
50. / USA vs Bengis / Restitution award to SA for unlawful harvesting and export of WCRL, matter on appeal, objections raised by defendant.
Awaiting appeal outcome
51. / Supapackers / Importing of Blue Shark without a permit, compliance has not provided sufficient information in papers, pended.
Matter closed and finalized
52 / T. Langa / Matter settled on 23 July 2012
53. / Foodcorp (Pty) Ltd vs Minister of DAFF / Settled
54. / Christo Smit // Minister of DAFF / Settled on 12 December 2011
55. / Buffer Conservation // DI Mtshali / Settled 11 May 2009
56. / Wedsen (Pty) Ltd / Matter settled
57. / Group 5 Construction / Abide by decision
58. / Bruwer, JJ Abattoir / Withdrawn
59. / Leon Snyman / Withdrawn
60. / Bertus Jacobus Groenewaldt / Judgement for costs
61. / Henk George Ungerer / Referred
62. / Maalgate Foundation / Abide
63. / P Korkie / Application for sub-division – finalised
64. / Maria Sekgobela / Arbitration – closed
65. / Crystal Holdings / Land claim commission: abide
66. / Border Greek Properties / Referred to Land Affairs
67. / H.A. van Zyl / Arbitration – withdrawn
68. / Cresta Meats / Pending
69. / AVCASA / Judgement
70. / METSON/FSQA / Application dismissed with costs
71. / Mokoena / Transferred file to province
72. / MTO Forestry / Fire Claim
73. / NDADZA / Abide by decision
74. / Mambre Boerdery / Application approved
75. / WitwatersrandUniversity / Abide by decision
76. / CG COLE and 2 others / Sub-division. Attorneys withdrawn. No developments
77. / DRJ788EC / Settled
78. / CJ Range / Notice of Motion – withdrawn
79. / Geldenhuys Sawmills / Closed
80. / Batsetsama Thokoane / Matter settled
81. / Bernard Wolfgang Olbrich / Referred to Rural Development
82. / S. Gumede / Claim to vehicle accident – settled
83. / MTO Grabouw / Claim – withdrawn
84. / Fire claim Amatola / Pending
85. / Investec Bank Ltd / Abide by decision
86. / Woodland Dairy / Notice of motion – only costs
87. / Haralambos Vlavianos / Notice of motion – no further actions
88. / J. Alberts / Notice of motion – compel the Department to review its division
89. / A. Herbst / Sub-division granted
90. / A.C. Jennings / Land claim – Abide by division
91. / Jan de Bruyn / Review decision
92. / J. Nhlapo / Referred to relevant Department
93. / SAFCOL / Closed as there were no further actions
94. / W. Strydom / Settlement at Bargaining Council
95. / Thulani Zulu Company / Abide by decision
96. / Absa Bank Ltd / Abide by decision
97. / Bodiba, F / Claim against Department prescribed
98. / Emirates / Notice of motion – abide by decision
99. / Christo Smit / Claim for damaged – settled
100. / SANP / Notice of motion – abide by decision
101. / Dr Mohlahlane / Labour dispute – pending
102. / SABOT SA (Pty) Ltd / Accident claim – settled
103. / Plat Rivier Afslaers / Sub-division – compell Minister to make a decision
104. / Fuller, C / Proposed settlement
105. / Baphalane Ba Sesola / Abide by decision
106. / Bakgotla Ba Kgafela Communal Property / Wrongly cited
107. / John Matlhagodi / Wrongly cited
108. / De Jager / Referred to province
109. / JM Goosen / Claim after issuing of order under the Pest Act
110. / SEBEI THABO / Accident claim - settled
111. / Dr Revelas/Blue Wildebeest / Abide by decision
112. / Dr Sharon Soni / Settled
113. / Dr S Visser / Claim for damages – settled
114. / Blue Lillies Bush / Animals slaughtered – settled
115. / XMX 564 GP / Accident – settled
116. / Nedbank Limited / Abide by decision
117. / NSPCA / Court referred for constitutionality
118. / Nedbank – Du Plessis / Abide by decision
119. / Brown, K / Accident - Pending
120. / Transnet / Abide by decision
121. / Buffalo Conservation 97 / Pending
122. / Mbambi Mdanyelwa / Accident – referred to province
123. / Mahlangeni / Notice of motion – removed from the roll
124. / Hemisa Dovhani / Claim – referred to province
125. / B.J. Nkentshane / Notice of motion – referred to province
126. / Mopeli, SK / Labour matter – application dismissed at CCMA
127. / Nyameko Richard / MVA Claim – referred to province