Mathematics and Natural SciencesDivision
Course Syllabus–Spring 2013
ICS172–Network Design & Admin(3.0 credits)
Course Meeting Time: WWW
Instructor: Petersen “Pete” Gross
Office Hours:
·Tuesday (7:45 – 8:55 am, 12:30 – 1:50 pm)
·Thursday (7:45 – 8:55 am, 12:30 – 1:50 pm)
Office Location: DA 206
Office Phone: (808)455-0494
Contact Information: grossp at Hawaii DOT EDU
Catalog Course Description:
This course covers the network design fundamentals including basic switching and routing, layer 2 and 3 protocols, wired and wireless networking and wide area networking.Fundamental network administration techniques will also be covered as the complement to network design.
ICS 184 with a C or better, or consent of the instructor.
Textbooks and other Resources:
We will use LabSim for this course. Please reference the Student Start Up Guide document on how to sign up for LabSim. If you have any questions please ask. When registering make sure you select the appropriate course.
Cisco PacketTracker
Student Learning Outcomes:Design a local area network using appropriate network devices including switches and routers.
Demonstrate how to administer a local area network consisting of a server, workstations, switches and routers.
Demonstrate how to incorporate a wireless network into an existing local area network (LAN).
Academic Dishonesty:
I do expect all students to complete and submit their own work. Sharing files, submitting an assignment that you did not create, copying, plagiarism, or other such acts will not be tolerated. A student who hands in an assignment they did not create will receive a zero (0) for the assignment and will be subject to further penalties including a grade of F for the course. Refer to the Academic Dishonesty section in the Student Conduct Code. Any material copy and pasted from the Internet will not be graded.
This is a must in order for you to obtain a good grade. Students are required to be present at each and every class. At the start of class, announcements will be made that are important for you to hear. Points are given for attendance. Do not be tardy or points will be deducted. While in class turn off your mobile device and put it in your pocket or bag. In class you may not text or use ear buds/head phones. While lectures are taking place do not surf the web, browse Facebook or use any other application on the computer that is not useful to what we are covering in class that day. If you are in an online class you can ignore this part about attendance.
Grading Policy:
We will be covering a lot of information in a short period of time. The class schedule is not set in stone and can be adjusted as needed. If you miss a class you are required to either come to my office hours or learn the material on your own.
Submitting Projects/Assignments:
·Homework will be done using LabSim
·View the Class Schedule on Laulima to find due dates
·If you try to submit projects/assignments through email they will not be accepted.
·I do accept late home only up to 3 days late. The first day late 10% will be deducted of your grade, 25% on the 2nd day, and 50% on the 3rd day.
·Students must complete all aspects of this course to obtain a passing grade.
Grading / PointsEvaluations (14 @ 10 pts) / 140
Labs (18 @ 10 pts) / 180
Monthly Meeting (4 @ 20 pts) / 80
Certification Practice Exam / 100
Final Project / 100
Total / 600
Grading Calculation:
A = 540 - 600
B = 480 - 539
C = 420 - 479
D = 360 - 419
F = Below 419
Borderline:If you are close to a borderline, I will not add any extra points onto your grade, no matter what hardships you have endured, extra effort you have demonstrated, or misunderstanding that has happened.
Participation points:Each class it will be noted if you actively took part in class, this involves paying attention, asking questions and taking notes. If these activities are followed it will be noted and you will receive credit for class participation. If you arrive late, leave early, fall asleep, listen to music, play a video game, answer a text message or anything else that is disruptive to the class credit will not be giving.
Makeup assignments/participation:No makeup assignment/participation points will be given. Material missed as a result of an absence is the student’s responsibility. I will not repeat material covered in class for individual students. If you do miss class, make sure you get the notes from another student.
Tests:All tests are in-class. You cannot check the Internet or use any other reference material when you are taking the test. For the number of tests please refer to the Grade Calculation section.
Test copies:No electronic copies or hard copies of the test are permitted. No flash drives or other devices that might be used to store copies are permitted. All scratch paper must be turned in at the end of the exam. Once you finish your test, you must leave the classroom immediately. Do not browse the Internet or check your email. Feedback on your test will be provided in the next class period. No copying of the exam is permitted during the feedback time either. Ten percent (10%) will be deducted from your exam score each time you do not follow these policies.
Makeup tests:
No makeup tests will be given unless a valid Doctors note is provided.
An incomplete is only given to students who could not attend the final exam, due to hardship situations. The makeup date for final exam will be the first day of the next semester. You must bring documented proof of your hardship situation.
In general, cheating means presenting the work of somebody else as one's own, or providing one's work to somebody else to help them cheat. If a student cheats on an exam or assignment, the student will earn a zero (0) for the exam the first time it is detected, and a grade of F for the course for any subsequent instance.
Student with Disabilities Statement:
Leeward Community College abides by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which stipulate that no student shall be denied the benefits of an education "solely by reason of a handicap." Students with documented disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the Coordinator of the Kako‘o ‘Ike (KI) program as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.
The KI Office is located on the second floor of the Learning Commons building (to the right of the main Learning Commons entrance). Students may also contact the coordinator by phone at 455-0421
Ho'oulu is the Native Hawaiian Career and Technical Education Program at Leeward Community College and is located at Halau 'Ike o Pu'uloa in the DA Building. Ho'oulu provides financial support for cooperative education and internships, peer counseling, assistance in career and vocational planning, and opportunities to gain work experience. For more details, see their web site at:
The Maka‘ala Program
I want every student to be successful in my class. Additionally, I want to make sure that all students have access to the resources that they need to be successful. Therefore, if I feel that you need extra support outside of my classroom in order to have a positive experience in my class, I will refer you to the College’s Maka‘ala Program.
The Maka‘ala Program is a campus-wide program that seeks to support to students early in the semester when they first begin experiencing difficulty in a class. If I feel that you are having difficulty in my class within the first 5 weeks of the semester, and our work together to address your challenges shows me that you would really benefit from being connected to resources outside of my classroom, I will refer you to the program. Once I refer you, the Maka‘ala Program will:
·Send an email to your hawaii.edu account to let you know about my referral; and
·Have a counselor follow up with you by phone or by email to find out what kinds of help you might need, to connect you with the necessary resources, and to help you devise a strategy for success.
I will not refer you to the Maka‘ala Program without telling you. However, if I do refer you to the program, know that I am doing so in an effort to connect you with all of the help you may need to do well this semester as your success is important to me.
Maka’ala means “eyes that are awake,” and speaks to the fact that you and I, and everyone else who supports you as a student, need to have our eyes “wide-open” and focused on your success.
Learning Resource Center:
The Learning Resource Center (LRC) offers free support for a wide range of Leeward CC content courses. Content tutors are fellow students who are available by appointment to help with course concepts and study strategies. For several science subjects, drop-in help is provided in science study areas. The LRC also holds specialized workshops and group review sessions for some subjects.
For more information or to make an appointment, stop by the LRC on the second floor of the Learning Commons, call 455-0412, or visit the LRC website at
The Writing Center
The Writing Center provides free writing support for Leeward CC students. The writing consultants are fellow students who are available--in person in the Writing Center, online via SKYPE, and by phone--to help with writing assignments for any Leeward CC class, scholarship essays, and college success skills (including time management, organization, note taking, and reading). They are available on both an appointment and drop-in basis.
Student Assessment Notification
With the goal of continuing to improve the quality of educational services offered to students, Leeward CC conducts assessments of student achievement of course, program, and institutional learning outcomes. Student work is used anonymously as the basis of these assessments, and the work you do in this course may be used in these assessment efforts.
General Policies:
·Please refer to the Class Calendar as this provides you with what topics will be covered in class, when assignments are due, when tests will be given, etc. If you have any questions about this please ask.
·Questions: Students are encouraged to participate in the class with questions and comments. There are no dumb questions! Asking questions gives me feedback to your understanding of the material. I want to encourage a friendly class atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable, relaxed, and respected. Try to make friends with everyone in the class. Think of this class as "Team ICS 172"!
·Email: I prefer face-to-face communication over email; however, sending email is much better than not communicating at all. I check my email at least once per workday, on weekends I check my email at least once per weekend because of this you might receive a response very quickly or a day or two later. I try and respond as quickly as possible.
·Special treatment: In order to be fair to all students, no special treatment will be given to any student. To the greatest extent possible, all students will be treated the same. Please keep this in mind before asking for special treatment.
·Crisis situation: In the case of serious illness, injury, or other such major crisis, please contact me as soon as possible, so I can help you promptly figure out the appropriate actions to take.
·Syllabus changes: Since I cannot foresee all possible circumstances, this syllabus may be modified if deemed necessary during the semester.