Leeds Grenville Community Justice Partners

Thursday October 20, 2011

Employment and Education Center

Meeting Notes

Present: Monica Heine, Sue Poldervaart, Margaret Fancy, Holly Howard, Candace Kaine, Sonya Jodoin, Andreas VonCramon, Steven Edgley, Sheri Hatherly-Reichelt, Trevor Holme, Lorayne Bradshaw, Chris Pearson, Sheri McMullen, Rachel Burns, Linda Raby, Kim Dixon

  1. Introductions

Everyone introduced themselves and identified the agency they were representing. Monica noted it was nice to see a few more faces present from the legal field.

  1. Foundations Presentation

Guest Speakers: Lorayne Bradshaw -Vice Principal, Trevor Holme -Vice Principal, Sheri McMullen Child & Youth Worker

Loryane, Trevor and Sheri provided a presentation about the Foundations program. Please follow the link below for a copy of the presentation.

Monica was inquired about psycho-educational assessments and what the process was to obtain one. She has had difficulty in the past when it has been requested by the courts as the agency can be reimbursed for completing them. Lorayne indicated there are limitations in the number that can be completed by the school board within the school year. However, there are other professionals out there who can do it. She will look into the process and see if it can be ironed out to make it easier for everyone to obtain this service when needed.

Sheri was asking about Legal Aid services available to her students who have found themselves in legal situations. Andreas provided some helpful information on the process. He also indicated that Legal Aid is going through a transition right now and things may be a bit confusing. See attachment for additional information.

3. LGCJP Format

A few months ago, we started a review process of the Leeds and Grenville Community Justice Partners meetings. The purpose of this was to canvas how agencies feel about these meetings and what they feel needs to be added or changed about them. These meetings started in 2005-2006 with a main goal being to increase lines of communication to all justice partners. This group also helped to form the Local Service Plan which identified goals for addressing needs and gaps in our community. Given recent discussions the group’s main focus right now seems to be around addictions and homelessness. Additionally, we have not had much presence from defense counsel recently and their regular attendance at these meetings would be helpful and appreciated.

This item was deferred to the November meeting in order to provide everyone with the opportunity to review the survey comments.

4. Addictions

TriCounty Addiction Services and RNJ Youth Services will soon be offering a new Rebound program called “Safe Choices.” TriCounty Addictions has received the funding in partnership with RNJ Youth Services. The SAFE Choices program is an 8 week drug education and awareness program. There will also be an Addictions Counsellor attached to the program as well for clients and families of clients involved in the group. It is planned that the first group will be offered starting in January.

TriCounty Addictions and RNJ Youth Services are working on the formal proposal to submit to the Drug Fund and are hopeful that they will be successful in receiving funding for a full time Outreach Youth Addictions Counsellor. This is a much needed resource that is lacking in our community. If successful with obtaining funding it could start as early as April 2012.

5. Agency Updates

Lorayne Bradshaw /Foundations - If anyone knows of any students interested in attending Foundations, please let her know. They need to be registered by the 31st.

Chris Pearson /CMHLG - They are in the process of making some changes in their agency. The CPR team is changing and they will now morph this program with intake which will result in 7 intake /crisis workers instead of 2 intake workers. They are hoping this will promote better services in a shorter period of time. They are hoping to have it all worked out by November.

Monica Heine/ Crown - She is curious of what is happening with the new Youth Mental Health Court Diversion Worker. She believes the decision has been made but it has not been made public yet. Hopefully we will hear soon.

Sue Poldervaart/ RNJ - Referrals have been fewer so far this year. It seems to be a common theme in youth justice programs. Restorative Justice Week is coming up in November. We are fortunate to have the Youth Justice Committee program in our community and the benefits of restorative process. Sue also shared that all 8 counties recently signed the Threat Assessment Protocol as well the Police and School protocol.

Andreas VonCramon/ Duty Counsel - Andreas explained about the ongoing changes that are taking place at the legal aid office. In the restructuring there are no more offices to assist outside of court. They will provide frontline services in the court house.

Sheri Hatherly-Reichelt/ CMHA - Sheri is waiting to hear about who has received the new Mental Health Diversion Worker funding as well.

Candace Kaine/Brockville Probation - Candace explained that Probation Officers have assumed responsibility for CSO placements for their clients and are adjusting to this change.

Linda Raby/ Employment & Education Centre - Linda provided a review of the services available at the EEC. They offer the Resource Centre which has computers, fax machines, and printers that are all available to client as well. In addition, they offer workshops for youth to help them find and maintain employment. They work well in partnership with other agencies to help provide services to meet youth needs.

Margaret Fancy/ Every Kid in Our Community - Margaret was excited to share that there is going to be the adding of a Mental Health Workers to the schools. This will help with addressing gaps in services, and help identify the needs in the schools to promote a safe community.

Holly Howard/ Grenville OPP/ Connect Youth - Holly explained that Connect Youth is looking for support from the Brockville area. They are looking for someone with expertise in the regulation and compliance that is required to open a new shelter/ home for homeless youth. A Trillium Fund would help to provide funds to make renovations to a home that has been offered in order to make it meet the safety standards by the Ministry.

Next meeting date: November 17, 2011@ 9:30 – Location to be determined.

If errors or omissions, please advise.

Prepared by Kim Dixon