Leeds Grand Theatre Risk Assessment: Attending a performance with a group

Hazard / Effect and who will be affected / Risk rating / Control / Responsibility / Residual risk rating
Entering the theatre, walking between venues
Road traffic, Participants getting lost / Broken Bones, run over, distress, panic
Participants, staff
Young People / 1B / -Minibus/Coach to pull up in an appropriate place close to the theatre.
-Group leaders to supervise young people walking along Briggate
-Appropriate number of adults to supervise participants / Accompanying Teachers/group leader / 1C
Slips, trips and falls on steps, trapping fingers in doors, steep staircases front of house / Injury bruising tissue broken bones
Participants, staff / 3A / -Teacher/group leader to supervise participants whilst entering the Theatre, make them aware of appropriate behaviour before entering the building / Accompanying Teachers/group leader / 3C
Lost member of group / Distress leading to panic attack
Participants / 2B / -Group to be informed of meeting point on arrival at LGT
-Participants to be supervised at all times
-Group to be escorted from minibus into the theatre by teacher/group leader
-Participants counted in and out of the building / Accompanying Teachers/group leader / 2C
Slips trips and falls: steep steps front of house, uneven floors in some areas, auditorium seating, corridors / Injury bruising tissue broken bones
Participants , staff / 3A / -Rules and expectations of behaviour to be explained teacher/group leaderprior to tour
-Appropriate number of staff to supervise young people
-Group to stay together / Accompanying Teachers/group leaders / 3C
Slips, trips or falls on steps, fingers caught in folding chairs, uneven floor, dizziness and slips, trips and falls in other seated areas / Injury bruising tissue broken bones
Participants , staff / 3B / -Appropriate number of adults to supervise
-Participants made aware of appropriate behaviour / Accompanying Teachers/group leader / 3C
Slips, trips and falls, trapping fingers in doors, becoming trapped in lift, separated from group, vertigo/distress from glass lift / Injury bruising tissue broken bones
Distress, panic
Participants , staff / 3B / -Young people to be accompanied by teacher/group leader while using lift
-Participants given option to use stairs instead of lift, accompanied by member of staff / Accompanying Teachers/group leader / 3C
Tripping on uneven floor, bumping into tables, chairs, side boards, trapping fingers in doors, consuming alcohol / Injury bruising tissue broken bones, intoxication
Participants , staff / 3A / -Participants to be supervised at all times
-Participants not allowed behind the bar / Accompanying Teachers/group leader / 3C

Risk Rating Matrix

Risk Rating matrix / Likelihood
Probable (A) / Possible (B) / Remote/Unlikely (C) / Improbable/Negligible (D)
Fatal injuries (1) / High (1A) / High (1B) / Medium (1C) / Low (1D)
Major injuries (2) / High (2A) / High (2B) / Medium (2C) / Low (2D)
Minor injuries (3) / Medium (3A) / Medium (3B) / Low (3C) / Low (3D)
Negligible injuries (4) / Low (4A) / Low (4B) / Low (4C) / Low (4D)