· Lecture Mode Delivery – with 60% of Hands on Practical Training
Ø 3 Months
Attendance Options
· 10 Half-Saturdays - 8.30 am – 1.00 pm
· 2 Weeks - 4 hrs per day @ 5 week days
· In-House
Course Fees
Ø Application Fee: 1 000.00
Ø Ksh.65 000.00
Ø ICT Fee: 3 000.0
Application Details
Ø Applications forms are available at the CHRM Ufundi Coop Plaza, 4th Floor, or downloaded from, on payment of a non-refundable fee of Ksh.1 000/=.
Ø Send your application form with your CV, copies of Degree/Diploma certificates, 2 passport size photographs, to , or deliver to the Admissions Offices, 4th floor, CHRM College, P. O. Box 4322-00200, Nairobi, Kenya.
Payment Details
Ø The course fees should be deposited into our account in Kenya Commercial Bank, Biashara Street Branch, Account No. 1180194667
Ø In favor of: College of Human Resource Management (CHRM).
Ø The application fee receipt/banking slip must be attached to the application package.
College of Human Resource Management Ufundi Coop Plaza, Moi Avenue/Mokhtar Daddah Street, 4th Floor
P.O. BOX 4322-00200 NAIROBI
TEL: 2248095/2217490/2217979
Mobile: 0727 792122/0718 781513
CHRM is an accredited Training Provider by National Industrial Training Authority (NITA)
No. NITA/TRN/996
Executive Certificate
Computer Forensics
Cyber security and Digital forensic investigations
Certificate in
Computer Forensics
(Cyber security and Digital forensic investigations)
Course Aims
The exponential growth of technology and e-commerce has changed the corporate landscape of societies worldwide. The internet has resulted in new and exciting ways for people to engage in commerce. But as it has been the case with every major technological advance in history, individuals and groups use this technology to commit criminal acts. Vulnerability to cybercrime and computer related offences is astonishingly high and threatens not only financial well-being and privacy, but also the nation’s critical financial infrastructure.
High-profile cases of corporate malfeasance and increased attention paid to Cybercrime and Cyber Terrorism have elevated electronic evidence discovery to an indispensable component of any organization’s security plan. This Intensive Instructor led course is designed to give a solid foundation in the theory and practice of essential Digital Forensic techniques.
CHRM is a recognized and accredited NITA training provider initially started as the training Arm of the Institute of Human Resource Management (IHRM), the Professional Body of HR Practitioners in Kenya. With this professional qualification, just like all our other
Graduates, we expect our trainees to join the vast majority of other qualified professionals who will make great contribution in ensuring that the Workplace environment is safe and healthy to ensure optimum production of goods and services by the people working there.
CHRM has ensured that it only engages top notch fully qualified professional Trainers who will deliver this training to the satisfaction of the Trainees
Target Group
Ø Company Secretaries/Legal Officers
Ø Prosecutors
Ø Judges and magistrates
Ø Investigators and law enforcers
Ø Systems Investigators
Ø Corporate Security Managers
Ø Auditors
Ø IS Security and ICT Managers
Ø Legal practitioners
Ø Forensic Managers
Ø Risk Managers
Ø College students
Ø Any other interested persons
Course Objectives
Ø Explore the importance of electronic evidence in court proceedings.
Ø Explore various Digital and cyber forensics techniques.
Ø Detailed explanation of cybercrime scene management and report writing.
Ø Practical aspect of Digital Forensic tools.
Ø Network and system security procedures.
Expected Outcomes
Ø Gain knowledge and mastery of conducting computer forensics
Ø Provide expert consultation and or/ testimony as required on computer forensics
Ø Hands-on exposure (60% of the course is hands on training!)to the full range of computer forensics tools
Ø Ability to use Write blockers, Video Ghosting and Key loggers and data hiding techniques both in Windows and MSDOS
Ø Ability to use both software and hardware forensic tools
Ø Ability of how to conduct imaging using Forensic Replicator, Recover data using Recover My Files, winhex forensic tool, generate a digital signature, use of Passware for password cracking.
Ø Conduct Email Investigations
Course Structure/Summary
Course Structure
The Executive Certificate in Computer Forensics will have the following topical areas:
Ø Introduction to computer and cyber forensics
Ø Applying Forensic science to Computers
Ø Investigative Process and Investigative Reconstruction Process
Ø Electronic Evidence Management & Data Hiding Techniques
Ø Basic lab procedures
Ø Forensic Imaging and Verification
Ø Data Recovery and Analysis & Real World
Case Studies