Learning with Technology Committee


September 23, 2009

In Attendance: Les Erickson, Krista Knapp, Thea McDowell, Fati Salimian, Melissa Thomas, Jerry Waldron, Doug DeWitt

Absent: Claire Kew, Alexis Aguilar

The meeting was called to order at 9:01 AM by Doug DeWitt, designated senator and committee member.

Introductions of new and existing committee members were made.

Minutes of the April 31, 2009 meeting were approved with minor typographical corrections.

The committee discussed the SU Course Evaluation Software project.

Les Erickson was elected chair of the committee for the ensuing year. Krista Knapp volunteered to maintain the website for the committee. Minutes will rotate among committee members. Melissa Thomas recording minutes for this meeting.

Old Business:

  1. Jerry Waldron and Melissa Thomas were to follow-up on the use of a large scale-printer for student printing. Two locations were identified as possible venues for the printing – IT Helpdesk and Library due to their hours of operation. However, the management of the printer and costs is not desired by the Helpdesk or by Alice Bahr.
    Melissa Thomas is willing to donate the old DesignJet 450C to an academic department since no central place for student large scale printing has been identified. Instructional Design & Delivery will only support student printing projects with the coordination and involvement of the faculty member.
    Discussion occurred regarding providing students with this service as more departments are getting involved in undergraduate research and student presentation at conferences or as part of course projects. A middle ground was suggested to have at least a central place for this service even if the hours are not as expansive as that of the IT Helpdesk. As long as the hours are communicated with students and they have a central place to go, the needs would be seen as met. Jerry suggested the print room attached to TE 352 but needs to confer with Media Services for coordination and support. He will report back regarding the hours and cost back regarding printing which was made available all of last year, primarily to students who use that room for courses.
  2. Printing costs of student have skyrocketed over the past academic year. Several discussions occurred over the summer on how to manage student printing and contain costs. Library and IT are providing a fixed amount towards student printing to Business & Finance who will oversee the overall cost. Student printing is limited to 300 pages per week currently. The cost to print is 2 cents per black and white sheet. Duplex units in lab printers will allow for printing back to back. It is foreseen that this discussion will continue as student printing is monitored this year. A possible cause of the increase in student printing is from the available of materials electronically in MyClasses, K: drive, and faculty webpages – so instead of faculty bringing handouts to class, the students are printing from their availability on other sources.
  3. Jeannette Wolinski has been requested to visit our next meeting to discuss the progress of the Course Evaluation project. A pilot for Fall 2009 is still possible.

New Business:

  1. Committee meeting time needs to be established based on everyone’s schedule. Please send times to Les Erickson when you can’t meet. Those in attendance expressed that Tuesday mornings might be a viable option.
  2. Agenda items for the next meeting – course evaluation project and CMS (i.e. MyClasses) end of contract and update.

Meeting adjourned at 9:40 AM.

Respectfully Submitted: Melissa Thomas