Learning to Look Review Game

- Name 3 elements of art (color, line, shape, texture, line, space)

- What museum have we visited in the past? (MET)

- What museum are we visiting next week? (MOMA)

- What does the word “modern” mean? (new, up-to-date, current, contemporary)

Les Demoiselles d’Avignon – Picasso

-  How was this painting received by people who saw it? (shocked)

-  The way Picasso painted the eye of the woman in profile, reminds us of what type of art? (Egyptian)

-  What other type of art influenced some of the faces? (African masks)

-  Is this more of a portrait or a figure painting? (figure painting)

-  Did Picasso use one viewpoint or multiple viewpoints in this painting? (Multiple)

-  True or False, the Triangle is the main shape used by Picasso here? (True)

The Sleeping Gypsy – Rousseau

- What is a gypsy? (nomadic person of unknown origin/bright clothing)

- What is the gypsy holding in her hand and what does it suggest? (a walking stick/has traveled far)

- This painting is done with a lot of detail, but what has Rousseau omitted? (footprints/suggests


- What is unusual about the lion in the painting? (gentle and tame, not ferocious)

- How did Rousseau paint the lion and gypsy to give them a primitive quality? (flat with no depth)

- What elements of art give this painting a peaceful, serene quality? (horizontal lines and mellow


I and the Village – Chagall

- What are surrealist artists famous for painting? (dreams or unconscious thoughts)

- Does this painting take place during the day or night? (night)

- What is strange or unusual about the big face? (green face, white lips, eye color switched)

- What might the color green represent? (grass, plants, leaves, living things)

- Why would Chagall have painted the woman milking the cow on TOP of the larger cow’s head?

(showing what’s on the cows mind? Dreaming/thinking about being milked)

The Hunter – Miro

- How did Miro convey meaning in this painting? (personal language of symbols)

- How did Miro illustrate the hot and sunny weather in Spain where he was born? (the yellow sky in

the top half of the painting)

- What did the bottom half of the painting represent? (the sandy beach)

- Point to the symbol for the hunter and tell us some of the symbols. (stick figure on left, smoking a

pipe, beard, mustache, fast beating heart)

-What do the letters SARD mean at the bottom right? (Sardine/fish that is drawn in symbols to the

left of the word)

-What does the large blue eye represent? (It’s Miro’s personal symbol/name in Spanish means HE

SEES/reminds us that the artist sees world more closely)

The Persistence of Memory – Dali

-  Who is this a picture of (show photo)? (Dali)

-  What is the name of this artwork? (Persistence of memory)

-  The contrast between the fact that this is realistically painted and ______make for the strange mood? (illogical, weird objects)

-  True or False, Many people think the whale like object is also a self portrait of the artist? (True)

-  What might the ants and flies suggest? (decay, attacking time) and the watches? (the passage of time)

Broadway Boogie Woogie (Mondrian)

- “Art in which the elements, rather then a recognizable object is the main focus” is the definition of

what style of art? (abstract)

- Mondrian loved which of the following: food, wine, jazz music, books, traveling? (jazz)

- What is the main focus of this painting? (NONE! All parts hve equal importance)

Mural; One: Number 31 – Pollack

-  What did Pollack call these types of work? (drip paintings or action paintings)

-  How did Pollack paint these? (canvas on the floor, worked from all sides, dripping, pouring etc)

-  Did Pollack plan each “move” in his paintings, quickly or slowly? (slowly, sometimes thought for hours)

-  Describe the space in the work (dense, shallow)

-  Name the two most important elements of art in this work (line and texture)

-  Where did he place emphasis in the work? (all over, not one part)

Dance I (Matisse)

-Is this painting a portrait? (no/can’t identify). Is it a landscape? (no/doesn’t distinguish place)

-What type of painting is it? (figure painting/about human figure in general)

-How does Matisse suggest fast movement in this picture? (curved lines and broken ring of arms)

-What is the most important element of art in this picture? (color/vibrant/large areas of flat color)

- Does this painting have a sense of depth? (no/all figures the same size even though some are behind


-What is over feeling of this picture? (joyful, energetic, full of life)

Lobster Trap and Fish Tail (Calder)

-  What type of sculpture is this….with moving parts? (mobile)

-  True or False – Calder is famous for painting large murals on the sides of buildings (False)

Bonus Questions:

- Who is considered to be the most famous Modern artist and was also a celebrity? (Picasso)

-  You haven’t seen these two images before (show pics), but can you name the artists? (Picasso and Pollack)

-  This is an atypical work by one of the artists we studied (show pic), but I did show it to you during class. Who painted this work? (Picasso)

-  What was Miss Berger’s major in college? (art history)