Download: Learning skills evidence form

Have you done any of the following? Use this form to record your responses and evidence.

What type of organisation do you want to work for? (Tick all that apply)

Private company

Social Enterprise

Charity or voluntary

Non Government Organisation

Public sector/ government organisation


Please specify

What type of work are you looking for?

Even if you are hoping to secure a permanent position you may consider registering your interest for temporary employment as well– a temporary contract may lead to more long term opportunities and help you to make useful contacts. The greater flexibility you show the quicker an agency should be able to place you in employment.



Part time

Full time

Are you willing to relocate?



If you answered yes, what areas are you willing to relocate to?

What salary range are you expecting?

per annum to per annum

You may already be familiar with what salary rates are for different types of employment locally, but you may need to do some further research prior to approaching a consultant. Useful sources of information include job adverts on agency web sites, your careers service and your friends who are already working.

Which areas of work are you hoping to secure employment in (eg accountancy, arts and heritage, IT and computing, charities)?

Are there any particular roles or job titles that interest you?

Looking through job adverts in local and national newspapers or online may help you to get an idea of the type of roles that interest you and that relate to your qualifications.

List three key skills or areas of expertise that you can offer an employer and that you would like to utilise in your work:

Try to think of examples which demonstrate these capabilities so that you can convey your strengths compellingly to the recruitment consultant. When you meet with an agency you should be ready to sell yourself like you would in an interview, so have some examples of why you would be a great employee on hand.