Learning Plan Checklist

Learning Plan Checklist


Learning Plan Checklist

This document provides faculty with a quick overview of the requirements featured within the Learning Plan document and is designed to facilitate the review process. For example, Faculty may want to use the checklist document to review some elements of the Learning Plan before submitting it to the Associate/Campus Dean. The Associate/Campus Dean might also use this document to add comments for specific sections before approving the original Learning Plan.

Section 1: Course Identification

Complete course identification and contact information
Delivery method approved

Section 2: Assessment Plan

Minimum of 3 different assessment types, clearly labeled
Assessments align with numbered CLOs (see course outline)
Assessments align with numbered VLOs - alignment with VLOs identified in course outline at appropriate content level (FDM)
Appropriate and accurate brief descriptive information given for each assessment
Due dates correspond to delivery schedule; balanced through the semester
Weighting of assignments is reasonable, balanced through the semester, and allows time for feedback to be provided between assignments
Weighting of assignments totals 100%
Assessment plan is clear to students


Section 3: Program Specific Continuance Policy

Program specific continuance policy added (if applicable)

Section 4: College Continuance Policy

No action required – faculty should make sure not to change anything in this section.

Section 5: Required Texts, Materials, Resources or Technical Materials Required

All required materials listed with proper citation (print) and/or web information
“Required” vs. “Recommended” resources clearly identified
Links and/or directions to Blackboard are welcomed

Section 6: College Academic Policy: Attendance & Participation

No action required – faculty should make sure not to change anything in this section.

Section 7: Students with Disabilities

No action required – faculty should make sure not to change anything in this section.

Section 8: Special Notes for this Course

Ensure information is consistent with program and/or college guidelines, procedures, and policies

Section 9: Delivery Schedule

Weeks, modules, and/or dates are accurate and updated from previous offerings
Statutory holidays and semester breaks are accounted for
Topics briefly identified
Key learning objectives are written with active verbs, guide students’ learning, and align with the intended content level of the course (FDM and Bloom’s)
Key onsite and/or online learning activities are identified and reflect objectives; can provide reminder of assessments
Required resources and references listed for each week are clear and in a consistent format
Delivery schedule is clear and provides an overview of the course structure for students


Section 10:Signature

Learning plan submitted to Associate/Campus Dean for approval.

Amended 2018, Copyright © 2009, St. Lawrence College, Kingston, Ontario. All rights reserved.Page 1

St. Lawrence College is committed to making our resources usable by all people, whatever their abilities or disabilities.

This information will be made available in alternative format upon request.