Sample assessment
BSBHR501A Manage human resource consultancy services
This assessment is provided as a sample only. RTOs should replace this with their own assessment. See the Teacher Guide for an outline of other assessment methods.
This Unit is not service-specific and forms the basis for many of the activities undertaken through other HR units. For this reason, consideration should be given to undertaking this unit as early as possible, or concurrently with those units where consultancy services are an important component.
Consider co-assessment with most other units in the Diploma program.
Assessment event: Portfolio of evidence
Prepare a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate your competency in this Unit. You should include items you developed for your portfolio as you were working through the Project Tasks in this Unit. These items may relate to the STAR Industries case study or to your own workplace, or another case study as agreed with your teacher.
Additional assessment methods may include reflection by the student on the processes involved in creating the evidence items; and/or a group project; and/or observation of workplace performance.
Be sure to include enough items to show competency across all tasks in this Unit.
This event assesses:
Task / Performance criteria / Key competencies1 Identify an HR service area / 1.1 Strategic and operational plans are analysed to determine HR requirements
1.2 Line managers are consulted and their HR needs clearly identified / Collecting, analysing and organising information to deliver the HR services required by management and the organisation
2 Consult stakeholders and develop options / 1.2 Line managers are consulted and their HR needs clearly identified
1.3 Options for delivery of HR services are developed with cost benefit and risk analyses advised to relevant groups and individuals with recommendations
1.4 All options presented comply with legislative requirements and organisational policies
1.5 Strategies and action plans for delivery of HR services are developed and agreed
1.6 Role and responsibilities of HR team, line managers, and external contractors are agreed and documented / Collecting, analysing and organising information to deliver the HR services required by management and the organisation
Communicating ideas and information to provide support to managers, employees and contractors
Working with teams and others to optimise HR efforts across the organisation
Solving problems to assist managers and employees with HR problems
3 Develop quality assurance processes / 2.4 Quality assurance processes for monitoring and review of service delivery are agreed upon / Planning and organising activities to deliver human resource services in a format the client wants
Working with teams and others to optimise HR efforts across the organisation
4 Finalise and document the service agreement / 1.4 All options presented comply with legislative requirements and organisational policies
2.1 Service agreements are developed and agreed upon between service provider and client group
2.2 Service specifications, performance standards and time frames are documented / Planning and organising activities to deliver human resource services in a format the client wants
5 Monitor service delivery / 2.3 Training support is required to deliver services identified and provided
2.5 Services are delivered by appropriate provider in accordance with service agreements and operational plans
2.6 Underperformance is promptly identified and rectified / Collecting, analysing and organising information to deliver the HR services required by management and the organisation
Working with teams and others to optimise HR efforts across the organisation
Solving problems to assist managers and employees with HR problems
6 Conduct a survey of HR service users / 3.1 Clients are regularly surveyed to determine level of satisfaction
3.2 On-going client feedback is captured as an outcome of the review processes / Collecting, analysing and organising information to deliver the HR services required by management and the organisation
Using mathematical ideas and techniques to evaluate programs
Using technology to facilitate access to HR advice and processes
7 Recommend variations to service delivery / 3.3 Feedback and surveys are analysed and changes recommended for service delivery
3.4 Appropriate managers approve variations to service delivery / Communicating ideas and information to provide support to managers, employees and contractors
Working with teams and others to optimise HR efforts across the organisation
Solving problems to assist managers and employees with HR problems
Human Resources Diploma Toolbox, Sample assessment, July 20031