Learning from the “Laodicea” Period
Age of Apostasy [1900 - Present]
The influx of immigrants in the 19th century brought to America a plurality of religious beliefs and sub-cultures. The Theory of Evolution made it popular to question the existence of a personal God as the sole Originator of life. A “new birth” seemed fictitious in the age of science. Modernists were declaring the Bible untrustworthy, only reflective of ancient people religious beliefs; therefore it couldbe read & critically dissected. Evangelicals, rooted in Protestant Revivals in England I America opposed liberalism. The successful mass urban profession crusades of the previous century (DL Moody RA Torrey), continued under Billy Sunday Billy Graham, and Luis Palau.
Non-denominational para-church organizations (Campus Crusade, Promise Keepers, Bible Study Fellowship, Young Life, etc) worked alongside churches to evangelize the unsaved and strengthen believers, regardless of one’s particular denomination.
TRUTH / ERRORFUNDAMENTALISM: Movement within the Christian churches that strongly rejects and combats modern, liberal theology. Major controversies between modernists and fundamentalists within denominationsprompted many to separate and form new, conservative denominations and fellowships
EVANGELICALISM: while these groups may differ in organizational structure, baptism, Lord’s Supper, role of the Holy Spirit, and Christ’s 2ndComing, they are united in opposition to liberalism.
1. Bible is supreme authority for faith practice
2. Adam’s sin caused ALL humankind to be utterly depraved
3. The New Birth is essential for salvation & right living
4. Christ deity, virgin birth, bodily resurrection are essential for faith
5. Church is thecommunity of believers, indwelt by Holy Spirit, called to evangelize the world / NEO-ORTHODOXY(Karl Barth,European Theology) : After WWI,this theological movement beganin W. Europe as a revolt against liberal theology. While It stressed the sinfulness of man, and the difference bet. God and His creation, it injected a destructive, critical view of the Bible and claimed that God had not given revelation in the form of declared statements of truth. Faith is a “blind leap”. Adam is mythological. All are elected to salvation and they only need to be made aware of this (thru crisis?).”Universalism”. Dominant theology in Europe America by late 1940’s.
ECUMENICALISM: while promoting unity of the Fatherhood of God & Brotherhood of Man thru dialogs, federations, rallies, unions of denominations...even between Christian & Non-Christian groups, most efforts negate the importance of doctrinal truth in favor of unity. Some even support radical, left-wing groups.
NEW AGE: Combination of Eastern mysticism, pantheism, paganism.