Learning, Enjoying and Achieving Together

School Improvement Plan

Darran Park Primary School



  1. To improve standards of MAT pupils
  2. To enhance the good and excellent teaching and embrace a range of pedagogical principles in line with Successful Futures
  3. To further develop the planning and implementation of the new curriculum in line with Successful Futures.
  4. To continue to successfully implement the Digital Competence Framework

School Improvement Plan

Priority 1: Improving Standards of MAT pupils

Direct links from SER
KQ 1 Improve pupil outcomes – closing the gap between boys at L5, raising performance at O6+ and raising performance at 116+ in reading and numeracy tests
KQ 2 Raise standards of teaching of MAT learners, particularly engaging boys at L5, through use of ICT, wordsmith improving consistency throughout the school.
KQ 3 Provide training to all staff in using different strategies and programmes – monitor and evaluate impact / Strands to deliver the priority for pupil outcomes for MAT pupils
A. Teaching and Learning (MAT pupils) - Provision for and progress of MAT pupils. Improve the teaching and tracking of pupils’skills, particularly boys at L5, targeted O6 pupils and performance at 116+ in Reading and Numeracy tests. Have appropriate expectations for MAT pupils.
B. Skills across the curriculum (all pupils) - Raise standards of literacy, numeracy and ICT at the higher levels throughout the school. Develop processes to ensure effective provision of the LNF and DCF
C. Intervention, responding to TA & tests data, boy/girl differential - Provide withdrawal intervention for those key marginal pupils who have the potential to achieve the higher levels in literacy and numeracy. Improve the overall effectiveness of these programmes.
D. Assessment - Develop accurate and consistent approaches to TA and moderation; develop and refine AfL approaches in effective testing and tracking systems, and the use made of data; implement effective curriculum transition.
E. Leadership, professional development (expertise/champions), Partnership working and resource management -
Provide training, guidance and support for those leading on aspects of English/Literacy and Maths/Numeracy, including investment in initiatives to develop ‘outstanding teaching of MAT learners.’

Targets for 2017-2018

Key areas for improvement / Current performance (2016-17) / Quantitative/qualitative targets (2017-18)
  1. To reduce the gap in performancebetween boys and girls at L5 at the end of Key Stage 2 in English and Mathematics
/ The gap between boys and girls performance at L5 is: -17.4% for English and 13.7% for Maths. This has been a trend for the last four years in these subjects. At the end of KS2, 34.6% of boys achieve L5 in English and 42.3% in Maths. Boys performance is below local, family and national averages in both areas / Target 1
To ensure 40%+ of boys in English and 50+ in Maths achieve L5 to close the gap between boys and girls and bring boys performance in line with local, family and national averages
  1. To improve performance at O6 at the end of the Foundation Phase in LLC and MD
/ At the end of Foundation Phase: 17.5% achieve Outcome 6 in LLC and 20% achieve Outcome 6 in MD / Target 2
To ensure 37%+ of pupils achieve Outcome 6 in LLC and 36+ achieve Outcome 6+ in MD so that performance places the school in Quartile 2 in its Benchmarking Group
  1. To improve performance in the National Reading and Numeracy Tests in the 116+ category.
/ In reading, performance in Y2, Y3 and Y4 falls below LA and National averages at 115+. In Numeracy Procedural, performance in Y3 and Y6 is below LA and National averages at 115+. In reasoning, performance in Y4 and Y6 was below LA and national averages / Target 3
To improve performance at 116+ in the National Reading and Numeracy tests from Y2 to Y6 so that performance is in line with or above LA and National averages.

Person responsible – Miss A.Phillips Supported by – C.Coole (HT), C.Jones (Foundation Phase Leader)

Link Governor – Mrs Denise Gibbinsand Mr P.Barnes

Target / Strand / Actions
How are you going to achieve your targets? What will you actually do? / Success criteria
Expected outputs and outcomes as a result of the actions
Agreed by staff. This will clarify expectations and facilitate self and leadership evaluation. / Funding
Costs :staffing, resources and sources / Time-scale
When will it happen? / Monitoring arrangements
Who? When? How? / Monitoring of outcomes
Evidence that actions are impacting on learners.
3 / A & E / Teaching and Learning
1. INSET Training – Whole Staff – Look at developing MAT learners through: defining MAT pupils, a creative curriculum; high ceiling challenges; rich authentic contexts; high quality assessments and then measuring outcomes.Use staff meetings to share good practice.
2. Staff review planning and ensure the Cornerstones topics and activities engage boys. Staff plan together to ensure there are consistent opportunities to develop MAT learners literacy and numeracy skills across the curriculum – Triads work together to develop rich tasks for each year group which can be used to develop literacy and numeracy across the curriculum.
3.Provide pupils with interesting and creative opportunities for developing their skills across the curriculum. Ensure the key skills are introduced in LLC/English and MD/Maths lessons and developed across the curriculum.
4. Continue to look for opportunitiesto use ICT to engage and challenge MAT pupils, particularly boys, in developing their skills. Inset training - using technology as a stimulus for challenging pupils to develop literacy.
5. Monitor effectiveness of the teaching of these areas.
6.Cath Delve to support staff in improving provision standards at the higher levels in the Foundation Phase / *Teachers provide high quality rich, open and creative tasks to challenge MAT pupils
* Teachers use a range of different and progressive enquiry approaches to extend learners
*Teachers usehigh quality feedback and feed-forward for MAT pupils
*Teachers use a range of assessment information to evaluate performance of MAT pupils quickly and effectively
*Teachers share good practice within school
*Boys achieve higher standards at Level 5
*MAT pupils achieve their targets and borderline O6 and L5 are challenged effectively to attain the higher outcome/level
*Pupils will becomemore confident and use their literacy and numeracy skills effectively across the curriculum.
*Pupils at the higher levels perform more confidently and successfully in the National Tests
*More effective Home-School links / Lesson obs staff release SLT time (£375)
EIG funded
Cath Delve / Sept 17 – July 18
Nov 17 – July 18 / Teachers Planning
Once every half term, begin 9th Oct by SLT: more frequently for those in need.
Listening to learners
By SLT random sampling of pupils from Y2, Y4 and Y6 Nov 17
Lesson Observations Members of SLT, Nov 17 & Mar 18 all classes
Book Audit
Members of SLT, Oct 17, Mar 18 & Jun18
Learning Walk
Members of SLT, NOV 17
3 / A / Teaching and Learning
1. Data analysis of LLC/English and MD/MathsTeacher assessments and test data for each pupil will be used to identify the level in which they are currently working within and setting a challenging target for them for the academic year.
2. MAT pupils will be identified and monitoring will ensure that they are set very challenging targets.
3. Diagnostic assessment information will be used to target specific areas where pupils at/close to the higher levels need to be challenged
3. Staff to share good practice across the school.
4. Teachers of these Year groups meet on a weekly basis to planhigh quality rich, open and creative tasks to challenge MAT pupils.
5. Half termly pupil progress meetings to ensure MAT pupils are on track to achieve their targets / *Pupils at/close tothe higher levels are more effectively challenged
*Teachers set lesson objectives (LO) with high expectations for all learners, these are discussed with all pupils
*Teachers set levelled success criteria to challenge MAT pupils
*Pupils improve their literacy and numeracy skills and apply these more effectively across the curriculum / Supply costs to release SLT for Book audit - £375
EIG Funded / July 17 – July 18 / Teachers Planning
Twice every term, begin 9th Oct by SLT: more frequently for those in need.
Listening to learners
By SLT random sampling of pupils from all classes Nov 17
Lesson Observations Members of SLT, Nov 17 and Mar 18 all classes
Book Audit
Members of SLT, Oct 17, Mar 18 & Jun18.
Pupil progress meetings
SLT meet with teachers on a termly basis / .
1 2 3 / A, & E / Teaching and Learning & Leadership (Partnership Working)
1. Work with other schools within the pioneer network to create cross curriculum resources to develop literacy and numeracy skills.Develop Hwb networks in order for teachers to share good practice.
2. Work with Cluster and SIG schools on improving standards of MAT pupils
3. Staff will then feedback during staff meetings to share any good practice they have observed
4. Develop collaborative Hwb+ sites with other schools to provide pupils with a purposeful audience for their work.
5. Provide appropriate guidance to parents to support their children in developing their skills at home. This will be done through workshops, newsletters, leaflets, HWB+ (use of Purple Mash). / *Networking builds leadership capacity and provides increased knowledge of how to develop MAT provision and standards
*Selectedstaff will benefit from collaboration with other schools and forge good relationships with other class teachers and leaders of subjects/areas.
*Good practice is shared and support offered and received by all staff who are then more confident in providing opportunities to develop MAT learners in literacy and numeracy. / Supply costs for teachers to visit other schools - £375
EIG Funding / Sept 17 – July 18 / *Staff meeting discussions –
SLT to analyse CPD forms (visits to other schools) – ensure good practice is shared.
*SIG Evaluation
*Cluster Meetings and termly review of work undertaken
2 / C / Interventions
1.Use of teacher assessment and test data to establish what pupils require additional support in developing their
Literacy and numeracy skills. These pupils will be borderline O6 and L5 pupils
2.Support staff to cover classes while Y6 and Y2 teacherswork with selected borderline pupils to extend their learning
3.SLT meet with on a half termly basis to discuss progress of pupils on these interventions / *Pupils are more confident in application of skills at the higher levels
* Pupils improve their higher level literacy and numeracy skills
*Borderline O6/L5 pupils have achieved the higher levels / HLTA L4 in KS2– 22 hrs (April 17 – March 18) - £15,989
L3 in FP- Apr 17 – Mar 18 27.5 hrs
PDG Funded / July 17 – Mar 18 / SLT will analyse progress of pupils on intervention programmes.
Half termly reviews will be held with Y2 and Y6 teachers
SLT to meet with class teachers Nov 17, March 18 and June 18 for Pupil Progress meetings.
D / Assessment
1.INSET training for all teachers, provided by Leader of ARR on ‘effective feedback and feed forward; clear and levelled success criteria; Peer/Self- assessment and target setting with impact’. Staff to use these strategies and methods to improve standards of pupils capable of achieving the higher outcomes/levels. ARR Leader to monitor and support staff in delivering these strategies
2. ARR to ensure staff are aware of the ARR and Marking policies to ensure a consistent approach throughout
3.ARR Leader to use INCERTS & SIMSto updateMAT pupils to track progress of these more effectively. Incerts to be updated half termly (Literacy and Numeracy) and termly (SIMS)
4. Use of Incerts LNF tab to ensure accurate tracking of pupil progress against the LNF Skills. Skills identified in medium and shortterm planningand progress against this assessed.
5.Termly moderation meetings by all staff with the focus being borderline O6 and L5 pupils. The portfolio will then be updated
6.Teachers updateLearning Journey Portfolios on a termly basis / *Teachers provide effective feedback and feed forward (through marking and orally) to support pupils in making progress in their learning
*There are consistent strategies being used throughout the school
*Teachers provide regular opportunities to pupils for self and peer assessment
*Pupils are more confident and have improved their ability to self and peer assess
* Teachers provide clear success criteria, which is differentiated to provide a high level of challenge
* Pupils are able to identify and suggest what the success criteria should be
* Teachers have regular discussions to ensure pupils are aware of their targets
* Pupils know their targets and what they need to do improve their learning.
*Teachers more accurately track pupil progress and use this information effectively to inform planning
*Teachers are more confident and accurate in assessing the standards of pupils work
*The school has more effective and consistent ARR systems and processes in place / INCERTS -
EIG Funded / Sept 17 – July 18 / Lesson Observations Members of SLT, Nov 17 and Mar 18 all classes
Book Audit
Members of SLT, Oct 17, Mar 18 & Jun 18
Standardisation & Moderation Meetings
11thDec 17, 19th Mar 17, 16th July 18
3 / E / Leadership
A.Phillips to carry out a full audit against the 10 Quality Standards and create an action plan from these findings. Ensure Governing Body are regularly informed of performance and standards and progress against target. The link governor will be involved with A.Phillips in monitoring through: a learning walk,looking at books, listening to learners. / * Governors are well informed of progress made against target
*Governors ask challenging questions on the standards of the teaching and learning of writing / No cost / July 17 – July 18 / Full GB Meetings
HT report to Governors at Autumn 17, Spring 18 and Summer 18 meetings
Learning Walk
A.Phillips, HT and Link Governor, Feb 18


This section will be written against the targets,success criteria and any milestones that were set

School Improvement Plan

Priority 2: To enhance the good and excellent teaching and embrace a range of pedagogical principles in line with Successful Futures

Direct links from SER
KQ 1 Improve pupil outcomes in literacy, numeracy and their wellbeing
KQ 2 Raise standards of teaching. Improve consistency of assessment for learning strategies to at least good.
KQ 3 Improve partnership working and evaluation / Key Strands of teaching to be focussed on in current year (Using the 12 Pedagogical Principles)
A - Term 1: Purpose, Blended Approaches, Mindset and the Power of Effort, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.
B - Term 2: Building on prior learning and engagement, meaningful and authentic experiences, AFL, the power of making connections.
C - Term 3: Cross curricular expectations, learning autonomy (listening to learn), positive relationships, and collaboration

Targets for 2017-2018

Key areas for improvement / Current performance (2016-17) / Quantitative/qualitative targets (2017-18)
  1. Maintain high standards of teaching throughout the school
/ Throughout the year, 100% of lessons were graded as good or better. In addition, 58% lessons were judged as excellent which exceeded the target of 33%. / Target 1
To maintain the high standards ensuring 100% lessons are at least Good by Summer 2018, with 50% or more being judged as Excellent
2. Improve teacher confidence and ensure they are more reflective in their practice using the 12 Pedagogical Principles. / Teachers have been developing effective teaching and learning, focusing on a range of principles including Growth mind-set and collaboration. All teachers have been introduced to the concept of 12 pedagogical principles. / Target 2
All teachers are more confident and effective in the teaching of the 12 pedagogical principles by Summer 18.
3.To continue the effective collaborative working amongst teachers through providing greater opportunities for triad work / Teachers have worked in pairs/triads to standardise and moderate work and also plan together on a weekly basis. They have also observed each other in lessons focusing on Growth mindset, collaborative activities and cross curricular skills. They fed back to each other in their groups. This offered good opportunities for teachers to support each other more effectively in the sharing of good practice and observing and reflecting on different areas of their teaching / Target 3
To further build on the effective collaborative working and sharing of good practice through action research and triad working, thus maintaining the high standards of teaching.

Person responsible: J.Protheore Supported by: C.Jones and A.Phillips

Link Governor: Mr R.Maddox (Chair of Governors)

Target / Strand / Actions
How are you going to achieve your targets? What will you actually do? / Success criteria
Expected outputs and outcomes as a result of the actions
Agreed by staff. This will clarify expectations and facilitate self and leadership evaluation. / Funding
Costs :staffing, resources and sources / Time-scale
When will it happen? / Monitoring arrangements
Who? When? How? / Monitoring of outcomes
Evidence that actions are impacting on learners.
3 / A
C / Teaching and Learning
1. Inset- reflect upon the 12 pedagogical principles from Successful Futures. Teacher complete a self-evaluation using the 12 principles to baseline their confidence. Teachers and Learning lead groupsaccording to CPD.
2. Groups to work with Teaching and Learning Coordinator to highlight areas for CPD. Teachers engage in relevant action research to support training needs: visits to other schools, relevant reading, and professional dialogue.
3. Inset - Highlight examples in current teaching and learning and how this links to the 12 pedagogical principles.
4. Teachers work in triads to identify opportunities to develop the pedagogical principles.Each term, teacher workshops will focus on 4 pedagogical principles.
Term 1: Purpose, Blended Approaches, Mindset and the Power of Effort, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.
Term 2: Building on prior learning and engagement, meaningful and authentic experiences, AFL, the power of making connections.
Term 3: Cross curricular expectations, learning autonomy (listening to learn), positive relationships, and collaboration. / *All staff understand the 12 pedagogical principles and how they support the Four Purposes.
*Teachers can identify aspects of the pedagogical principles within their current teaching.
*Teachers gain an understanding of how the pedagogical principles can be applied to teaching and learning.