Learning District Tutor Application
Name ______
StreetApt#CityZip Code
Academic Status (circle): Freshman SophomoreJuniorSeniorGraduate
Are you eligible to work in the U.S.? (circle): yes no Visa______
Fluency in languages other than English? ______
1. Have you ever been a tutor previously? If yes, when and where.
2. Why do you want to be a tutor?
3. What experiences have you had that you think would qualify you as a tutor for the Learning District?
4. If not hired as a tutor, would you be interested in completing volunteer hours (with the potential toearn ServScript hours)? (circle) Yes No (Noting Yes or No in no way affects you during the hiring process)
5. Please indicate on the chart below the courses you have completed and are currently enrolled in are related to your tutoring area (math, chemistry, biology, physics, accounting). Fill in the rest of the chart as completely as possible. If you feel confident tutoring in a subject, please write “yes” in the second column. Putting “yes” in a column means you will give tutoring that subject a good try and that you feel confident you can address most of the problems in that area.
mark N/A)
(Attach separate sheet if there are additional courses)
Please attach an unofficial transcript
one completed Faculty Recommendation Form with your application
Return completed application to Michelle Demeter at Strozier Library, First Floor
An Equal Opportunity Employer
We are an equal opportunity employer, and we do not and will not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or status as a disabled veteran. Information provided on this application will not be used for any discriminatory purposes.
If you have any questions, please email
Michelle Demeter, Tutor Coordinator for the Learning District, at .
Faculty Recommendation Form
To the student: Please complete the top portion of this form and give to the faculty advisor/member from whom you are seeking a recommendation.
To the faculty advisor/instructor: This student is applying to become a tutor at the Learning District housed at Strozier Library. Please take a moment to evaluate him/her in the following categories, using a 1-5 scale
(1 is the lowest rating, and 5 is the highest). Your evaluation is very important and greatly appreciated.
When you have completed the recommendation form, please place it in a sealed envelope and sign your name across the seal. You may either then return it to the student or send it through campus mail to Michelle Demeter, Strozier Library, Undergraduate Services, Mail Code 02047.
Student Name______Student ID#______
Student Phone #______Student E-mail______
Course(s) for which student is applying to be a tutor______
Faculty Member’s Name______
Department and Position______
Student’s ability to work independently.
12345Other (please explain)
Student’s ability to communicate effectively with instructor.
12345Other (please explain)
Student’s ability to communicate effectively with peers.
12345Other (please explain)
Student’s demonstrated level of responsibility/reliability.
12345Other (please explain)
Student’s attendance record.
12345Other (please explain)
Student’s command of course material.
12345Other (please explain)
Student’s ability to seek help when needed.
12345Other (please explain)
Comments (please use the back of this form if needed)
If you have any questions, please email Michelle Demeter, Tutor Coordinator for the Learning District, at .